5E War of the Burning Sky [IC]

Sprinting past the toothless woman, Torrent steps beside Kyrrie and raises her holy symbol. "Nice try Kyrrie, but observe..."

Whispering a swift prayer to her god, the symbol lights up momentarily, before the great sound of thunder echoes in front of her. The man and the horse directly in line with the sound struggle against it, dust rising up beneath their feet as they are threatened to be knocked back.

Cast thunder-wave at the rider and the horse. Instead of rolling for damage, activate destructive wrath for 16 damage each and 10ft knock-back, (will save for half damage and to negate knock-back)

Channel Divinity - Destructive wrath - max damage on lightning/thunder damage this attack. [/sblock]

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The man gritted his teeth and raised his empty left arm protectively between himself and Torrent, but he was unable to do anything to protect his mount.

With a terrible scream, with flailing hooves, the beast was forced away from Torrent and collapsed to the ground with blood dripping from its nose.
"Ugh," said the man, looking slightly disoriented and jarred from his fall, "why.. ?"

OOC: Torrent needs to be 2nd-level before she can channel divinity. As a consolation prize, I rolled 15 on 2d8 anyway.

The man makes his save and isn't pushed, but the horse fails. The horse dies from the damage. I'm going to say the rider moves with the horse and is effectively prone.

Initiative order:
Davaros, Toby, and Kincaid
Kyrrie and Caleb

Still Davaros, Toby, and Kincaid's turns.

Kyrrie grits his teeth in response to the man. "Did you expect us to go QUIETLY?" He yells aloud. He turns back and yells to his companions. He yells loudly enough that those inside might hear him, moreso in case their hearing is affected by the noise inside. "THE WAY IS NEARLY CLEAR THIS SIDE! COME THIS WAY! QUICKLY! WHILE WE HAVE A CHANCE!"

OOC: Ahh! Sorry superzero. I simply assumed she was second level. Doh! But damn you rolled well!
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Toby is stunned a bit by all the sudden violence and tries to avoid the flaming debris. He then dashes past the man and fallen horse to try and get clear of the ambush. Once he is clear he readies his bow to cover the rest of the team...

Move 25ft and take the Dash action to move another 25ft and then ready bow to fire next round.

Kincaid rushes into the alley, following Kyrrie, Toby, and the others and trying to get his bearings. He has the words to Sacred Flame on his tongue, but holds off for now. Seeing the fallen horse, he races toward the street.

Recoiling from the pain, Davaros defiantly stares down his assailants. He holds onto the crystal around his neck, and mutters a few unintelligible, and a cone of flames appear in front of him, engulfing many thugs. He then leaves the flaming room and heads out the alley.

ooc: cast burning hands: (VS), 15 ft cone, save vs dex (DC 13) or [roll0] fire damage or half on successful save - the goal is to have as many thugs in the area of effect
Move: Davaros goes out to the alley and follows the others.
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The fire washed over the two humans and the three half-orcs. One of the humans managed to duck under and away from the brunt of the flames, but none of the others was quick enough.

Even so, the other human seemed to endure the fire fairly well, simply grinning back. The half-orcs didn't seem as pleased, badly burnt and wincing in pain. The one who was sleeping did not wake; the one next to him turned away from Caleb and shook him.

The horseman glared at Torrent and began to clamber off of his fallen mount. "Black Horses!" he shouted, "Just--just let them go! Do not pursue!"

"But Kathor--" started the thug with the broken tooth.

"What are we even supposed to do with the witches if we capture them? Now that the bombardment is stopping these streets will be streaming with panicked people. And soldiers!"

"They--He killed Sauce!"

"Unless I'm much mistaken, Amlynn, our employers just killed several of our squadmates with a dragonbomb dropped on the building they sent us to raid. I don't care about the dog; we need to see to our fallen."

He pointed his sword at Davaros. "Just go."

She hung her head and fell back, still glaring at Kyrrie and rubbing her burnt shoulder.

The half-orc crossbowman inside kept his weapon leveled at Caleb... but he did not fire.

OOC: All three Scouts and one Thug fail their saves. The Scout that was asleep is down, the other two are bloodied but still conscious.
Neither of the Thugs is bloodied.

None of the enemies attack, though it's fairly clear they're all Readying instead. Except Scout 2 who tries to rouse Scout 1 and fails.

Initiative order:

All players' turns.

Toby is surprised by the horseman's words but none the less, he holds his fire. He waits for the rest of his new companions to join him and flees with them, not attacking but ready, just in case its a trap.

[sblock=Action]Toby's action is to delay. If any of the thugs attack, he will use his reaction to fire at one. Otherwise if they do not and the rest of the group joins him, he uses his reaction to move 25ft away with the group. [/sblock]

Davaros stands ready, and guards those exiting the room to the alley. He'll protect the back flank of his group of companions and gestures for them to keep moving away from the area.

OOC: Action delay, and move.

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