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5E War of the Burning Sky [IC]


First Post
You had been asked to meet an operative named Torrent shortly before midnight in the pub of the Poison Apple Inn to discuss things, and to use the alley door. Supposedly, she has an important mission and needs the help of capable adventurers, and she plans to leave the city with them.

Normally, streets were filled with happy people on New Year's Eve. This was more true in Gate Pass than anywhere else, where New Year's, and its Festival of Dreams, was the favorite holiday.
But the streets were nearly deserted. Perhaps it was the cold wind, or the dirty snow. More likely it had to do with the approaching Ragesian army and the Ragesian Scourge already let into the city by the cowardly city council in a feeble attempt to placate them.

The pub was in a poorer district paved with slush-covered cobblestones and with snow-filled alleys. Few windows had lights.
The Poison Apple was a two-story building with a bridge connecting its roof to that of the neighboring house--this kind of "skybridge" was common in Gate Pass, where space was at a premium since it was inherently limited. In some places, it was possible to travel across and through public buildings to get around without setting foot on the ground; in this case, it was likely just to connect the owners' house to the inn.

There was a sign on the door:
Trehan Finner, owner of the Poison Apple Pub, has been taken into temporary custody under the protection of the city guard, until such time that he can be questioned by representatives of the Ragesian Empire, and found innocent of hostile collusion.
The Poison Apple Pub is hereby closed until further notice.​
"Until he can be found innocent" was something of a joke, as the Ragesian Inquisitors had rather broad definitions of "guilty," which did seem to include knowing any magic while not being loyal to Ragesia--whether or not one was even Ragesian. A few non-magical citizens of Gate Pass did whisper that every spellcaster should simply surrender to spare the rest of them

There were boards nailed across the door, but snow had been cleared away from the alley, and a faint light peeked out beneath the side door.
Whenever one of the adventurers opened it, they were met with a human in defensive posture and bearing a battleaxe, with a symbol of Poseidon bound to her left wrist with a leather cord. Her axe and breastplate were both decorated with blue enamel, although they did bear the nicks and scratches indicative of actual use. She had unusual coloring for a human, with both medium-dark skin and pale blue eyes, and short white hair despite her youth.
She apparently recognized the adventurers by their descriptions, since each time she relaxed her guard with a nod. Most of the pub was closed up tight, with tables and chairs shoved against walls and windows shuttered and boarded up. There was one round table in the center of the room, with enough chairs for all present to sit. Torrent waved towards this table, which bore a disappointing array of cheeses and other cold food along with a less disappointing array of bottles and glasses.
"We have business," said Torrent, "and the situation is dire. But I hope we can celebrate the New Year as much as we can while we're here. Mrs. Finner left out her best bottles for us--though of course, if anybody asks we broke in since we knew it would be empty, and she has no idea we're here. She's very brave, but she has children and they've already lost one parent."

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Kyrrie also waited at the table from the beginning as per Torrents' instruction. He had arrived earlier than the others and stayed silent whilst she did the talking. As every adventurer moved in, he nodded in their direction politely in silence, trying not to fiddle with his restless hands. The feeling in his atomach was a lurch. He had a bad feeling that something bad was to go down sooner rather than later, but that could have just been his nerves.


Kincaid enters at Torrent's invitation and nods sternly. "Well met, I am Kincaid. I will do what I can in the name of Athena to aid you." His eyes take stock of Torrent, obviously a dangerous person, and he scans the room as he walks to the table. He tilts his head in greeting at the stranger already there.

Steve Gorak

After reading the sign on the door Davaros felt uneasy about entering the boarded pub. Somewhat reluctantly, he pushed the door open and instinctively clenched his halberd when he saw Torren'ts stance. This was a seasoned warrior, he reflected when he saw the signs of wear on the armor, and was somewhat disappointed when she relaxed and nodded him towards the table.

He had been in the city for several days now and was longing for action. The ancient elvish curse May you live in exiting times came to mind, and he headed towards the table as he reflected on this.

He overheard Kincaid introduce him/herself, and responded: "I am Davaros and I am glad to see I am among spiritual folks. By the undying light of Apollo, I will also help! "

The young human looked to be in his mid-twenties, with broad shoulders, dark hair and a neatly trimmed beard. He was carrying several weapons, including a halberd, a great-sword on his back, and other weapons were bulging under his white cloak. The characteristic flickering of chain mail could also be seen in the openings of his cloak.


Caleb listened to the crunch of snow under his feet as he hurried to the Poison Apple Pub. He occasionally could hear the sounds of merriment as he passed homes celebrating the coming new year in spite of the gloom hanging over the city. The sound made his nerves stand on end. He desperately did not want to be seen even if only by drunken revelers. He needed out of this city, and he needed out now.

Hurrying to the pub, he entered in the side door as instructed and nodded at Torrent’s greeting. He smiled as another man mentioned Athena and decided to sit beside him. “My name is Caleb,” he said as he sat down. He picked up a bottle and poured himself a glass. He lifted it up slightly with a weak smile and weaker voice offered, “Happy New Year,” and proceeded to drain the glass.


First Post
A small figure emerges from the shadows of the night... all three feet of him. Wearing a broad brimmed hat and scarf verse the chill of the night he hurries towards the Poison Apple Pub with a bit of ill controlled excitement. Before entering he looked around to make sure no one was following him or that he has not drawn any undo attention to himself. With a satisfactory nod he heads to the side door as the message said.

Once inside and past the guard he heads to the table with the others and nods to each there. "Toby Goodberries at your service. Well meet to each of you...". He then hops up onto one of the tall chairs and draws himself a drink. He takes a small sip and then sits down to await what he might be required for, all the while trying to contain his excitement.


First Post
Torrent nodded at the various holy symbols on display, including on the shield presumably belonging to herself leaning against one of the tables on the side of the room.

"Blessed by Athena, Apollo, and Poseidon," she said, "I hope that means our work is favored by the gods. We're just waiting on one more, and then I can bolt the door."

On the side of the room away from the boarded-up front door, there were two doors blocked by the tables pushed to the side. They looked like they likely led to the kitchen and a storeroom. Across from the alley door where the adventurers had entered was a staircase leading up to the second floor. It was the only unobstructed way out of the room, save for the alley door itself.


Kyrrie's eyes flicker up to Torrent as the last adventurer enters the room. As the last adventurer introduces himself, Kyrrie stands for a moment and nods to the others. "I, am Kyrrie. I'm here to help, gods willing." With that, he re-seats himself and turns to face Torrent in silence.


Caleb tried to still his shaking hands as he placed his glass down. He was desperate to escape before his handlers discovered his deceit and with every passing moments within the walls of the city, he grew more nervous. “We'll need the gods' help if we're to escape the reach of the Scourge. I was told you had a plan that would mean leaving the city, Torrent. There's a brand new year almost here and I would rather not spend it in some Ragesian cell or worse. What are we to do for our city?


First Post
Torrent sighed and shook her head. "I hope he wasn't detained too badly," she said, "that could be dangerous for him. And the rest of us. Well, everyone keep half an eye on that door, please."

She moved to the table and poured herself a small drink. "Perhaps best not to overindulge...

"As for getting out of the city," she winced slightly, "well, the Scourge has made that more difficult of late, haven't they? It is completely virK that we leave, which means we can count on help from anyone in the Resistance. So I can get us out with the aid of my contacts, but if any of you have a good plan that doesn't involve bothering a councilman busy with running a city under seige, I am all ears."

Voidrunner's Codex

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