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A casual Pathfinder adventure? (Recruiting Closed)


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Character slot 3 goes to your bard.

Hooray! :) Thanks much. :)

Quick question on the Archivist bard's Naturalist ability (or your take on it). On first read I thought it would only apply in a per-combat setting: make a know check, and if you succeed, use a Naturalist performance. But the line about restricting the bonus to specific types--"abilities used by creatures of that specific kind of monster (e.g., frost giants, not all giants or all humanoids)"--makes me think that what's really going on is that an Archivist 'collects' knowledge as he meets creatures, and can pull one of those critters out to give a bonus when the group encounters them? But since you're the GM, figured you'd have final say.

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First Post
With many healing options already present, I will decide between the Sacred Servant and the 'vanilla' Paladin. The choice will depend on the pantheon of your world and what LG, LN and NG deities are part of it.

I will try to get some of this information posted up over the next couple of days. I will probably start a "Info Thread," and post a link to it here once I've got the basics added.


First Post
Here's a first draft. Languages and spells are probably the most tentative, depending on what other folks decide to focus on and such. :) Will likely pick up a scroll or two, as well. But at least at a spot where he can get a once-over.

[B]Name:[/B] Kogoroborm "Kog" Westin 
[B]Class:[/B] Bard (Archivist)
[B]Race:[/B] Human
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Lawful Neutral
[B]Deity:[/B] None

[B]Str:[/B] 11  +0 (1p.)      [B]Level:[/B] 5        [B]XP:[/B] ??
[B]Dex:[/B] 14  +2 (5p.)      [B]BAB:[/B] +3         [B]HP:[/B] 32/32 (5d8)
[B]Con:[/B] 10  +0 (0p.)      [B]CMB:[/B] +3         [B]ACP:[/B] 0 
[B]Int:[/B] 16  +3 (10p.)     [b]CMD:[/b] 16         [B]Spell Res:[/B] -
[B]Wis:[/B] 8   -1 (-2p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] 30'      [B]Spell Save:[/B] -
[B]Cha:[/B] 18  +4 (7p.)      [B]Init:[/B] +2        [B]Spell Fail:[/B] -

+1 CHA at 4th level

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +5    +0    +2    +0    +1    +1   19
[B]Touch:[/B] 13              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 17

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      1    +0         +1
[B]Ref:[/B]                       4    +2         +6
[B]Will:[/B]                      4    -1         +3

+4 save vs. magical traps, lang-dependent effects, symbols, glyphs, & magical writing

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage*    Critical[/B]
MW Short Sword.............+4.....1d6..........19-20/x2
Shortbow +1................+6.....1d6+1.........x3, range 60 ft
Shortbow +1 (Rapid shot)...+4/+4..1d6+1/1d6+1...x3, range 60 ft

* +1 damage when Arcane Strike invoked
* +1 attack damage with shortbow in 30'




* +2 ability of choice (Cha)
* Bonus feat
* Bonus skill point ea. level
* Choose favored class (Bard)
   +1 Skill point for levels 1-3
   +1 Spell known for levels 4-5

--Bard (Archivist)--

* Simple weapon proficiency
* Proficiency: longsword, rapier, sap, short sword, shortbow, whip
* Light armor & shield proficiency
* No arcane spell failure with light armor / shield
* Arcane spells:
     ~Known: cantrips(6), 1st (6), 2nd (3)
     ~Per day: cantrips at will, 1st (5), 2nd (3)
* +1/2 level to Know checks
* Know checks untrained
* Bardic Performance
    ~16 rounds / day (4 +8 level +4 CHA)
    ~Effects: Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate, Naturalist (creatures: xx)
* Lore Master: 1/day take 20 on Know checks
* Magic Lore: 
    ~+1/2 level Spellcraft checks to identify
    ~ Use Disable Device on magical traps per rogue
    ~ +4 save vs. magical traps, lang-dependent effects, symbols, glyphs, & magical writing
* Jack of All Trades: Use all skills even if untrained


Point Blank Shot (1st level)
Eschew Materials (campaign bonus)
Rapid Shot (Bonus Human)
Precise Shot (3rd level)
Arcane Strike (5th level)

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 53      [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 5
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Class  Misc  Total[/B]

--Class (+3 bonus)--
Disable Device.............5....+2..........+2*...+9
Know **
    The Planes.............3....+3....+3....+2~...+11
    All others.............0....+3....+0....+2~...+5
Perform (Oratory)..........5....+4....+3..........+12
Perform (Sing).............4....+4....+3..........+11
Spellcraft.................5....+3....+3..........+11 (+13 identify)
Use Magic Device...........3....+4....+3..........+10

* MW Thieves Tools
~ +1/2 Bard level (Bardic Knowledge) 
** Special: 1/day take 20 on Know checks

[B]Equipment:               Cost  Weight[/B]

--Worn / Carried--
Shortbow +1.............233gp...2lb
MW Short Sword..........310sp...2lb
Arrows (20)...............1sp...3lb

Mithril chain shirt +1..210gp...12.5lb
Amulet of Nat Armor +1..200gp...--
Ring of Prot +1.........200gp..--

Explorer's outfit..........--....--
Belt pouch................1sp....1/2lb
Wand CLW (50)...........750sp....--

--In Backpack--
Scroll case...............1sp....1/2lb
Chalk x5..................--.....--	
Flint & Steel.............1sp....--	
Parchment x5..............1sp....--	
Rations x4................2sp....4lb
MW Thieves' tools.......100sp....2lb

[B]Total Weight:[/B]32.5lbs      [B]Money:[/B] 88gp 11sp 9cp

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]                38   76   115   230   575

[B]Age:[/B] 21
[B]Height:[/B] 5'9"
[B]Weight:[/B] 160lb
[B]Eyes:[/B] Ice Blue
[B]Hair:[/B] White blond
[B]Skin:[/B] Fair

[sblock=Appearance]Kog's sometimes-obsessive bent is expressed in his own careful grooming: close-trimmed beard and hair, clothing pressed (or magicked to look so). His blue eyes can sometimes make for a rather penetrating stare, but his smile has so far done well by him to diffuse folks subject to it.[/sblock]
[sblock=Background]Kog was born into a traveling acting troupe, and though he had the natural charisma of all his relatives, he had little desire to take the stage. It wasn't stage fright, no. There was just something that seemed a tad ... hollow when he was in a show. So he helped to wrangle the animals when he was young, burying his nose in whatever text he could get his hands on during his off hours, looking for even he didn't know what. Eventually his penchant for reading (and continued insistance on staying off the stage) lead him to work as the troupe's dramaturge. But even then he felt unsatisfied. Eventually he realized why, despite a life filled with so much dazzle, he felt so very uninspired.

What Kog desired was not to recreate adventure, but to live it. With the blessing of his family--who had long felt chagrined they could not find a role that challenged their talented and bright child--Kog set out on the road to write his own adventure.

His family, wanting him safe, gave him several gifts. As talented performers, many of his kin had been gifted valuable objects by adoring noble fans. But, as they were none of them fighters, they rarely did more but look pretty in the family's collection of trophies. From his mother he received a rune-inscribed ring meant to provide protection to its wearer; from his fire-breather cousin, a necklace he swore toughened the skin. A chain shirt the troupe used in stage combat for its brilliance and light weight. His grandmother secretly gave him a wand, as well, which could heal those wounds she was sure he would come by when the other protections failed.[/sblock]

[sblock=Notable NPCs]none yet[/sblock]

[sblock=Spells Known]Cantrips (6)(at will, DC 14): Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Message, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
1st level(6)(5/day, DC 15): Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Grease, Hideous Laughter, Sleep
2nd level(3)(3/day DC 16): Detect Thoughts, Glitterdust, Invisibility[/sblock]
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First Post
Guys, I hope to be able to get some additional information posted tonight. Backgroundy-type stuff to help with your character builds.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Hey there Rhun. What's our begining situation like, roughly speaking? Are we an already established adventuring group or still a bunch of strangers?

By the by, I'll be out in the field for most of the summer starting next week, so I'm going to hold you guys to the slow post rate, alright? ;)
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First Post
Hey there Rhun. What's our begining situation like, roughly speaking? Are we an already established adventuring group or still a bunch of strangers?

You should know each other. Not necessarily well, but have at least spent a few weeks together. The starting situation will be you are traveling through the wilderness (well, technically following a road through the wilderness) in search of rumored treasures. So make sure your PC is equipped with exploration in mind.

By the by, I'll be out in the field for most of the summer starting next week, so I'm going to hold you guys to the slow post rate, alright? ;)

No worries, BF. It is going to be at least a couple weeks until the game starts, while I get information and such posted. And once we're going, you should be able to keep up if you check in say 2-3 times a week.

Voidrunner's Codex

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