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A crapload of new users?

Cap'n Needles

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Hi all, been gaming for about 13 years (since I was 15) and have lurked here for a couple of years.I work with troubled kids in the land of Red Sox agony and Patriots Hysteria. And unlike some others, I don't ever bring a car into Boston, I can't afford the inevitable tickets.

On my desk:
a couple bottles of flavored water (gotta be healthy and all)
some speakers
paper scraps
printed information about an upcoming surgery (gallbladder removal)
a remote control
scribbled game notes for a Star Wars game in planning

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I've been a frequenter of eNWorld since the beginning, and a daily reader of Eric Noah's site before that. As I have spent the last 3 years as a virtual thrall of Magic: the Gathering, I haven't really taken much time to check out the boards here until recently. For any of you who watch the boards over there, you might have come across me as either cardslinger or Felin99. Fortunately, I have come to the realization that, in order to preserve some small part of my functionality as a person, I must say goodbye to the game of Magic, at least for an extended period, or possibly forever, which leads me here.

I began my love affair with Dungeons & Dragons at the age of 12 (13 years ago) in AD&D 2e, and have been a regular player and sometimes (somewhat often) DM ever since. I have at least had a taste of a few other systems (Alternity, Marvel Super Heroes, Cyberpunk, probably others) over the years, but always find myself gravitating back to the old standby, as I generally find myself very satisfied with it.

Anyway, if you see me around here, you'll often find that I like to flex my intellectual muscles by taking a perspective contrary to popular opinion or belief, arguing it just for the sake of enlightenment of myself and others. It's simply in my nature to be a devil's advocate, so please note the bottom line of my signature before becoming overly inflamed by my comments. I'd like to become a regular member of this community, as I believe my insights and experience might prove useful or (even better) infuriating to many.

My handle is taken out of Drow of the Underdark and means "magical death" in drow. It is also the surname of my oldest character, Felin Faerl'Elghinn, now a converted Half-Drow/Half-Elf Vampire (CE) Wiz28/Rog5/Asn10/Ftr1/Clr2. I began play with this character at the age of 14, and have played him regularly for the last 11 years in Faerun, my main companion being Goldhorn, a Minotaur from Krynn who is now a Ftr20/Clr18 of Cyric. We played through Dragon Mountain from start to finish, and decided we just liked our characters so much that we would continue to play them after its completion. We are currently travelling through space in a ship called The Plague a converted, highly fortified whale ship with a Major Helm of the Stars. Our current mission is to retreive 7 pieces of an artifact called The Night Jewel and restore life to a fallen Cyric. Although Felin is on the cusp of godhood himself, he desires only to obtain as much magical knowledge and power as he can find throughout the universe, considering godhood to be a somewhat arbitrary and insignificant status, although he might seize the opportunity should it be presented.

On my desk: a random jumble of various papers, empty packs of cigarettes, a salt shaker, an ashtray, a couple of Magic decks, a box of lice removal shampoo, a cell phone, and just a varied array of random crap I haven't gotten around to cleaning up.

Also, I live in Cincinnati, Ohio, so if anyone is from around here, please feel free to drop me a line- maybe we can game sometime, although I must warn you that I am equal parts help and hindrance as a player.

Anyway, so that's a little bit about me and my relationship with the game.
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First Post

The name is Hewligan. Living in London. Coming back to this site after a hiatus of a couple of years.

On my desk: my DT231 earphones, a massive moniter, a coaster with a man's bum showing under his kilt (from my mother, but it is my wife's), the morrowind game CD (with others under it), and a cartridge paper drawing book (but the pencils are resting elsewhere).

What am I up to? In brief - writing a fantasy book in my spare time, and wondering whether to spend some extra time writing up the post-book world into a PDF for D20.
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First Post
Hi guys,

since these forums contain some excellent Story Hours (especially the ones about the Dungeon Adventure Path are double interesting since I´m DMing it right now) and the many helpful posts about all D&D I had to join. It´s also very cool that new Dragon and Dungeon issues are discussed.

When I´m not playing or DMing with the regular guys every week (hi to Dirk in London if you read this!) I´ll also have the fortune to play Living Greyhawk and Legacy of the Green Regent at a local shop. Right now I´m in a Harry Potter frenzy, every book and movie gets devoured.

On my desk: lots of junk, unopened mail, my new non-working printer :( , a plastic crocodile and a collection of the old Lucasarts computer adventures (Zak McKracken, Monkey Island, Indana Jones, etc.).
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First Post
Been around for some time, though I have rairly posted, though I haven't got any good reason why.

Returning to the shadows to read and lurk a bit more.


First Post
Hello all,

came here from Eric Noah's D&D News site. I have been playing for some 10 years, almost all of them as DM. I generally follow the General RPG forum and the Cauldron Story hours.

On my desk:
- computer
- stuffed Pikachu
- stuffed green bat on my monitor
- map of Cauldron
- various CD's and tapes
- scenario for murder mystery
- Ikea catalogue
- World Builder's Guidebook
- Thesaurus of Monument Types
- guide to installing Linux
- pictures of my D&D players hopping around with plastic bags on their feet
- a lot of random paper, notes and other stuff I should really, really organise but never do


Nice meeting everyone. I know there are more out there.. don't be shy...

I guess I can play my own game...

so, here are the contents of my desk.

A couple of empty drinking glasses
an empty Kiwi Strawberry Snapple, which told me that Holland was the only country with a National Dog!
A handful of Double-A batteries. I don't know if they work or not.
Monte Cook's "Requiem for a God" (pdf version, printed out)
A joystick I bought at a garage sale for $1 from the neighbor behind me.
lots of used kleenex's (blame my wife)
a deck of cards
some Blistex
The "Book of Templates" (printed pdf version - deluxe edition)
Black Ice Well (a module by Monkeygod)
My monitor
The D&D Dwarf figure, with his shield on top of the monitor
some highlighters
a bunch of pamphlets for diabetes insulin pumps (my wife's - she has type I diabetes)
various pens
pop tabs (I'm going to make a suit of armor out of them some day)
a receipt to a pizza place.
a miniature slinky
A CD of Wojciech Kilar
paperwork for my college (getting my master's from an online program)
papers too numerous to list
a fife
my PHB
the module I'm running tonight (Tonight's game night!!)
a bunch of other crap.

I really should clean off my desk.


First Post
Hello there, folks. I've been a committed lurker on this site for about three years. I've read enough threads to make myself comfy in the environment and have only recently began to post.

Guess I'd better introduce myself. I'm an archaeologist and physical anthropologist from Canada, who is supposed to be working on his thesis right now... :heh: I have a strong interest in historical and low-magic RPGs, and I'm committed to the use of screwy plotlines inspired equally by the works of Jorge Luis Borges and a bottle of scotch.

Surrounding my monitor are a short ton of sticky notes, a number of vinyl minatures from American McGee's Alice, and a bear skull.

Voidrunner's Codex

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