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A Paid Trip to Spellhold [D&D 4e]

On Puget Sound

First Post
keeping a blade in one hand to fend off attacks, Chizz grabs the door to help the slaves to keep it closed just a little longer. Slick with sweat and blood, his hand finds no purchase.
STANDARD: Endurance check 10 (natural 1!)

Note: Stance still active; the next enemy who hits or misses me is interrupted by a +9 attack vs reflex for 1d6+4, or 3d6+8 if I have combat advantage.

hp 39, +8 temp hp
ac 18
fort 17, ref 17, wil 13
+2 defenses while within 3 squares of Asterion; +1 attack vs foes that are adjacent to Asterion.

passive perception 18, insight 13
action point available
second wind available
duelist's prowess daily used - stance active
off hand strike encounter used
nasty backswing encounter used
tumble encounter available
vicious assault encounter available

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Voda Vosa

First Post
I'm in a rush so I made a quick post.

Round 3

Cliff Asterion and Taran utterly obliterate all the pirates near the stairs in a combined and devastating attack.

The seeker and the paladin assault the dwarf pirate, and their attacks draw blood from their mark.

Chizz is only able to clumsily throw himself against the door. The captain's blow almost sends him flying away. [1 failure]

Sandy [NPCing] operates the ballista and shots it. The bolts flies across the ship, and sinks on the remaining pirate's torso.

The slaves swarm around the few pirates that remain, in a vengeance frenzy. They attack bringing the pirates into defensive, as they run to the upper deck. The dwarf dances away from the harm.

Salashan shifts to the side, and misses Cliff. The minotaurs interjection proves too weak to overcome the dwarf's stout resistance. Finding renewd strengths, the dwarven pirates tries another desperate attack. This time he hits, and although Asterion's rune is protecting the shifter, the wicked blade finds his flesh. With his free hand, Salashan slides the shifter away from his allies.

One of the few remaining pirates sneaks behind Cliff and tries to sinks a dagger in his left shoulder, but he can't.

Two more slaves run from below. Apparently there's no more pirates awake.

Kumar’s door trembles with another blow from the captain.

[sblock= Battle]
Keeping the door shut: 1 Failure. If you fail again the door will open.

Also, please move your tokens yourselves on the map.

Cliff: 12/39 Marked by Salashan
Chizz: -3
Slave 1: 5/25
Pirate 10: 6/25 bloodied

Salashan de Dwarf: -113, Bloodied, Divine sanction by Cliff

Unlocked Enemies Info:
Pirates: HP:25 AC: 17
Attk: +6 for 1d6+2
Dwarf: AC 24 Fort 25
Attk: +15 for 1d10+9
The map is here, use it, move your tokens around, etc. Battle over the Ship MAP
If it gives you and error, try reloading.
Salashan Rolls posted on IC descriptions. He attacks once and misses, then uses his action point to attack again. He hits and slides Cliff 1 square.
Pirates Roll Lookup
Slaves: Roll Lookup

[sblock= Important Battle Information, please read]
Any nearby PC can command slaves, I’ll do the rolling of the slaves, so just spell out the commands you wish them to perform.

2 more armed slaves will appear each round from the stairs until number 20 slave has appeared.

2 more pirates will appear each round from the stairs until number 12 pirate has appeared.

The big square In the middle is the main post.

Going up the stairs is difficult terrain so each stairs square takes 2 normal move squares.

Characters standing on the edge of high deck gain a +2 to ranged attacks vs characters on lower deck, and gain concealment vs ranged attacks from low deck attackers.

Standing anywere but the edge of the high deck grants superior conealment from attackers from the other deck. This is true for characters on the lower and on the higher deck. (So the dwarf gets sup. Concealment vs Sandy and Taran, and they too have concealment vs him. Lochlan has +2 attack vs the dwarf, and concealment vs his ranged attacks, whereas the dwarf gets no bonus against Lochlan’s attacks.)

I8 is the entrance to the captain’s cabin. It’s currently closed.

To disable the ballista permantly would take a minor action from the three characters around it. Firing it would take a move action from each of them. The ballista has a ranged attack of +10 vs Ref for 4d8 points of dmg. It has an inherent -4 to attack (plus the cover) people in the lower deck, but can target normally people on the higher deck and the stairs.

The borders of the ship can be used like a “trap”. If someone pushes a character to a square of water, the pushed character falls to the freezing waters and takes 10 dmg each round it remains in it. Characters can use the Rope stairs to climb up, but it would require a successful swim check (DC 15 for each move action used to reach the square adjacent) and a successful climb check (DC 10) to climb up. Minor NPC will instantly die, but bosses will use those rules to climb up again.


First Post
Lochlan, HP 32/32, AC 16, F/R/W 14/14/17

Move: Wind the ballista

Standard: Biting Swarm against Salashan at K9
Attack: (1d20+13=16) Miss

Triggered Free Action:
Inevitable Shot for Biting Swarm against P10 @ K11
Attack: (1d20+13=25)
Damage: (1d4+7=9)

Salashan & P10 take a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the start of my next turn.

Irritated as his first shot misses the dwarf, Lochlan quickly fires a second volley at his nearby compatriot.

On Puget Sound

First Post
Chizz motions to the slaves to get back quietly and prepare to surprise Kumar. He releases the door so it will swing open at the slightest touch. with a gesture he invites Taran to join in the ambush if he wants.

MOVE: Slave 5 shifts to K9

STANDARD: Readied attacks for slaves 4, 5 and 7 vs Kumar when he finds himself hurtling out of the door. For Chizz, Readied attack using Duelist's Flurry vs Kumar, with Vicious Assault triggered on a hit: +11 for 3d6+8. Rolled in advance: 21 vs AC for 15 damage. Diesn't look promising, I'm bettting 21 doesn't cut it. Perhaps I should have had the slaves Aid my attack instead of trying to hit...

Reactive attack still waiting if anyone gets jumpy and attacks me.
Last edited:

Asterion raises his hammer, trying to finish off the vile dwarf, but his blow misses its mark. Asterion commands Salashan to stand down. He then turns to Chizz and Taran.

"Keep Kumar occupied. This dwarf will soon fall."

[sblock=Actions]Standard: Word of Shielding vs. Dwarf (Miss)
Roll Lookup

Free: Switch to Rune of Destruction

Shielding: The first time the dwarf attacks me or S5 before my next turn, the dwarf takes 4 damage.
Undeniable Dawn: Allies within 3 squares gain a +2 to defenses.
Destruction: Allies gain a +1 bonus to attacks against any enemy adjacent to me.

[sblock=Asterion Quick Reference]
HP: 40/40 Surges: 12/12
AC: 21 Fort: 16 Ref: 13 Will: 15
Word of Shielding
Word of Diminishment

Goring Charge
Rune of Mending (1/2)
Flames of Purity
Word of the Blinding Shield
Immunizing Armor (Item)

Rune of the Unreliable Dawn
Shield of Sacrifice
Quick Weapon (Item)

Voda Vosa

First Post
OOC: Actually you missed two rounds. Sorry there I made Sandy shoot the ballista, good rolls anyway! =) By all means, ask away and I'll clarify. If you want I can make a resume in the OOC thread. Just speak your mind.

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