A question for the ladies


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Hello, I am a guy with long blonde hair. It's about 6 inches down my shoulders. So it's fairly long for a guy these days. A girl I work with is always trying to get me to do something with it. You know, highlights and whatnot. I really don't care much for that kind of stuff, so I don't plan going through all the effort for something I don't care for. Last week this girl takes it a step further, she told me "it would be really sexy if you cut your hair" and "You would be waist deep in chicks if you did." Now, it's not like I don't take care of my hair. I keep it in good order. This is my question, is this true? Has this been what I what I've been doing wrong? Is all I needed to do is just cut my hair to my jaw line? Or is this just the opinion of some silly girl trying to make me into something she wants?

FYI i have had my hair long since I was 13 and I am 23 now.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
I'm not female, but even I can answer this one - some girls like long hair, and others don't. My wife prefers my hair long. Other women prefer crew cuts, or bald, or what have you. Other than "be healthy" no single change you can make to yourself is sure to get women to notice you.


First Post
whats funny is that if i had any thought to cut my hair I am not going to now. It would seem like I was trying to change myself to fit her taste. Although she is attractive (on a physical level), she has some personality traits that remind me too much of my ex.


First Post
Sigdel said:
whats funny is that if i had any thought to cut my hair I am not going to now. It would seem like I was trying to change myself to fit her taste.

Good move. thats how it should be :D (not having to cut your hair that is)


The man with the probe
Sigdel said:
she told me "it would be really sexy if you cut your hair" and "You would be waist deep in chicks if you did."
Ask her to come over and do something with it. It can be a lot of fun. She might be trying to tell you something. It gives you an excuse to spend time with her, and her a chance to make you look "sexy".

My GF prefers me with longer hair, but I hate it. When my hair gets long, I get dandruf (doesn't matter how clean I keep it), and it gets unmanagable. We compromise and she cuts my hair so she likes it, but short.


First Post
Kay since you asked the girls and I am sort of one... Do women look for physical traits in partners, yes. Will it stop them from dating someone, depends on the girl. Does it matter if your hair is long or short, no some like it each way. Does this girl's opinion matter, obviously not you said so. Do I wonder why you are asking this if you have already decided what you are going to do, yes.

Thank you for this test of the Marcia is a girl system...this has only been a test.


First Post
Lady_Acoma said:
Do I wonder why you are asking this if you have already decided what you are going to do, yes.

Her opinion of my looks doesnt concerne me. It's her attempts to change my appearance to something she likes that concerne me. It's not the statement, it's the motive behind it. As for why I ask even after I have the answer, I like getting the input from other people. So far I only have two views; mine and hers. But it's that third view that I want. The outside view. It's not like I asked this question because it's a state issue, just idle wondering.


First Post
Yeah, my ex liked me with longer hair (she liked running her hands through it) but I couldn't stand it. And while she is my ex, it's not because I cut my hair... she was a better person than to let that matter.

Oh, and to answer your question (because that would be nice) it's a matter of personal taste, I think. Just like some women like facial hair and some don't... though every woman I've talked to says no on the matter, especially with regards to kissing.

Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
I'd love to have longer hair, but it'll have to wait until I can afford to live on my own and away from the desert. Too much heat and lots of hair = hot neck and sleepless nights.


The man with the probe
I find it odd that the thread calls for ladies, and only one has responded, and she's said she's no good at being one.

Voidrunner's Codex

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