A Tournament of Cosmic Propotions! (Immortal's Handbook Rules)


No from what I'm familiar with I've never actually seen any way an epic ritual could be statted out to turn boccob into a high lord. i can conceive how it's possible, but I don't see it as being practical because anything higher than a greater deity that manifests in my universe is more or lest instantly forced to make a saving throw (with the DC somewhere in the tousands) or be instantly woven into the cosmos as a planar layer, whole plane, or entire dimension depending on divine status. Boccob being as smart as he is would know this and that's the reason why he hasn't ascended past greater deity already.

Remember the ritual the angels cast during the dimension war to imprison all the sidereals? Yeah that's still in effect and even new beings to obtain elder one status they are instantly forced to make the saving throw. Even if they pass the saving throw somehow (likely a natural 20 being the only conceivable manner) they are still permanently bound to their divine realm and may never manifest elsewhere in the Kosmos. The lady of pain and Azmodeus being prime examples.

Moving on, as far as balancing the Godblight and Al's other radius based anti-divine abilities the only way I could think would be to give them a similar effect to the divine [storm] effects in where as long as you are within a certain radius of alabaster you get no saving throw, but once you move outside that radius you're allowed a saving throw. Just a thought.

Edit- Also, I would like to apologize for the lack of updates on this thread. My hours at work have picked up lately plus I'm back to taking weekly classes now. Also I'm currently running another 4th level D&D campaign, a 7th level d20 modern campaign, and another 20th level D&D campaign so I haven't had much time to work on this.
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First Post
Well, actually, just from the basic Enlightened ability (or is it Ensorcelled) could he not theoretically sacrifice an infinite amount of spell slots to mitigate his epic spell DCs?

Blah, I don't know. This is *not* my area. I'm not so much worried about Boccob as any other participants we get, going by the comments from other people in this thread. If they're willing to rein themselves in, fine, let's hope for that, actually.

And for Godblight, I'm fine with whatever you decide on. Seeing as Alabastar is likely to be the only Godslayer here, we only really need to worry about balancing it for him.


And for Godblight, I'm fine with whatever you decide on. Seeing as Alabastar is likely to be the only Godslayer here, we only really need to worry about balancing it for him.

Did you ever decide on whether or not you were gonna give your Battle Ascendant levels in the class as well? Or did you decide against it. I remember we batted the idea around of him also having levels in the class but can't remember if we ever came to anything final.


First Post
At the moment, I think it seems kind of implausible to have two Godslayers in the tournament.

Granted, those two classes go deliciously well together, so, maybe. We'll see. I get done with school on Wednesday this week, so I'm going to take him apart and put him back together probably Thursday.


At the moment, I think it seems kind of implausible to have two Godslayers in the tournament.

Granted, those two classes go deliciously well together, so, maybe. We'll see. I get done with school on Wednesday this week, so I'm going to take him apart and put him back together probably Thursday.

Looking forward to it friend. I may be working Thursday so I might not have time to check the results of your machinations until Friday or Saturday, but I'll be sure to give it a good twice over before I give the final okay for the tournament.


Well, to be quite honest, redoing the whole martial maneuver system is one mountain of work I'm just not ready to tackle yet. At least not until I take a break from working so much overtime at work, not to mention three other campaigns. Anywho I did an avatar of Lolth back in the old thread, I couldn't find a decent progression for the Lurk Class from the complete psionic... so I made one for this creature. Enjoy.

When word reached Lolth in the Demonweb Pits, her rage was unparalelled since the day Corellon cast her from Aravandor. The unfortunate Yochol who delivered the news was utterly obliterated in the storm of the Spider Queens' fury. How could he do this to her!? Corellon had entered the tournament against the Legendary Godslayer Alabaster in a desperate attempt to secure the future of the Seldarine and keep the power of the Amidah away from beings who would bring the very Cosmos to ruin. Entities Like Lolth.

When the great queen of the Drows' rage subsided she was left alone in her great web to contemplate her methods as to how she would stop Corellon. For surely, if he obtained the power of the Amidah he would invade her precious Demonweb Pits, with the entire might of the Seldarine behind him, and crush her utterly.The Spider Queen was many things, devious, cunning, treacherous and sinister, but one thing she certainly was not... was a fool. She summoned to her manifestations' side a tiny Black Widow spider. The Spider clung to the end of her terrible form's index finger in a line of spidersilk and she stared deeply into the tiny creatures soul. Then an idea came to her, and Lolth smiled, her eyes gleaming with wicked intent as her mind formed a devious plot to not only keep from soiling her own hands with Corellons' blood, but obtain the power of the Amidah all for herself. Then her precious Drow would march upon the Surface Realms and conquer all of Toril and nothing would stand in their way.

She took the spider in her hands and began to channel her quintessence into the creature. She imprinted upon it's very soul all of her hatred for the King of Elves, of all surface-dwelling races of the realms, and most of all her treacherous and malicious nature. She implanted a tiny psicrystal into the spiders' abdomen and channeled psionic energy into it. This tiny spider began to grow to compensate for the massive amounts of energy being channeled into its' form and so great was the energy that the once tiny spider grew to enormous size, and the training began. Lolth would be locked in single combat with this spider for the next ten years, until the Spider had grown strong enough to enter the tournament on her wicked behalf.

Epic Lurk Progression:

Hit Die

Skill Points at each additional Level
4 + int mod

Special Abilities
The Lurk may choose a special ability from the rogues' special ability list they do not already posses in place of a bonus feat. They may likewise choose to gain Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge or Improved Evasion in place of one of their bonus epic feats.

Bonus Epic Feats
Beginning at 23rd level and every three levels thereafter the Lurk may select a bonus epic feat from the following List:

Amazing Pockets,Blinding Speed, Combat Archery, Dexterous Fortitude, Dexterous Will, Epic Dodge, Epic Prowess, Epic Potency, Epic Skill Focus, Epic Expanded Knowledge, Epic Psionic Focus, Improved Power Mastery, Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Dodge, Improved Sneak Attack, Light Armor Mastery, Lingering Damage, Metapsionic Focus, Metapsionic Freedom, Pre-emptive Strike, Sneak Attack of Opportunity, Shadow Strike, Sixth Sense, Subtle Body, Superior Initiative, Supreme Dodge, Timely Dodge, Uncanny Accuracy

Psionic Sneak Attack
The Lurks' psionic sneak attack continues to increase by 1d6 at 22nd level and every 5 levels thereafter.

The Spider Queen
128 HD + 18 paragon + Dvr 8 Lesser Template LA + 44 (4 bonus divine abilities) = ECL 190 Awakened Paragon Devastation Spider
Colossal Outsider (Vermin, Chaotic, Evil, Psionic, Unique, Extraplanar)
HP: (128d100 (maximized) + 6912 + 1536 from paragon) x2 from lesser deity = 42,496
Init: +8 divine + 4 improved initiative + 49 initiative boost + 110 dexterity = +171
Speed: 180 ft across normal terrain, 240 ft across her Web, Climb 120 ft.
AC: 10 + 69 natural + 12 insight + 12 luck +8 divine + 11 circumstance +110 Dexterity -8 size +6 dodge =
BAB/Grapple: 128/+179
Attacks: 2 Bites, +128 BAB -8 size+29 enhancement +110 dex + 8 divine +25 luck +49 intellectual mind = +341 Melee; 19-20/x3 Critical
Damage: Bite, 55d10 + 8 divine +20 luck + 29 enhancement (3d6 points of damage against lawful targets) + Poison (see below) + Any psionic power effect costing less than fifty power points.
Full Attack: 4 bites (see double standards)
Space/reach: 50/40
Special Attacks: Poison, Psionic Webbing
Special Qualities: DR 125/Epic, Good, Lawful & Magical, Regeneration 64 (Overcome by Good aligned-based effects & Magical effects), Power Resistance 154 (SR 144), Godly Realm, Grant Spells, Immortality, Divine Aura, Divine Senses, Fast healing 20, Fire & Cold resistance 10
Psi-like Abilities*: Commune, Dream, Etherealness, Geas/Quest, Greater Dispel Psionics, Greater Teleport, Magic Jar, Sending, Tongues, Obscuring Mist, Blindness/deafness, Deeper darkness, Black Tentacles, Nightmare, Shadow Walk, Power Word Blind, Create Greater Undead, Power Word Kill, Deja Vu, Sense Link, Shared Pain, Forced, Personality Parasite, Psychic Crush, Disintegrate, Divert Teleport, True Metabolism, Assimilate, Haste, See invisibility

*All spells on this list function as psionic powers of the same effective level, usually with no augmentation capabilities

Fortitude: +60
Reflex: +66 +8 divine + 10 insight +49 intellectual soul +110 dexterity = 243
Will: +60
Skills: The Spider Queen receives a +4 racial bonus on hide & move silently checks. She also gains a + 8 racial bonus on jump checks and all spiders recieve a +8 competence bonus on hide & Move silently checks while in their webs.
1d20 + 131 + 8 divine + 10 competence + ability score modifier + 52 synergy bonus where applicable on all other skills.
Strength: 45 +5 inherit + 15 paragon = 65 +27
Dexterity: 47 +5 inherit +16 leveling up +32 divine +15 paragon = 115 | 230 +110
Constitution: 38 +5 inherit +15 paragon -8 fly's endurance = 50 | 118 +54
Intelligence: 18 +5 inherit +16 leveling up +32 divine +15 paragon = 86 | 108 +49
Wisdom: 18 +5 inherit +15 Paragon = 43
Charisma: 10 +5 inherit +15 Paragon = 30
Feats: Quicken Psi-like Ability (Deeper Darkness, Psionic), Skill Focus (Hide), Improved Critical (Bite), Ability Focus (Poison), Deadly Precision, Psionic Hole, Weapon Finesse (Bite) & Awesome Blow B
Epic Feats: Improved Psionic Mastery x13, Quicken Power, Silent Power, Unconditional Power, Burrowing Power, Chain Power, Delay Power, Meta-Psionic Focus, Meta-psionic Freedom, Combat manifestation, Improved Combat Manifestation, Epic Skill Focus (Hide), Light Eradication, Combat Mastery, Double Standards, Weapon Focus (Bite), Epic Weapon Focus (Bite), Improved Initiative, Awesome Blow, Psionic Meditation, Empower Power, Improved Critical Multiplier (Bite), Dodge, Combat reflexes
Class Features: Lurk Augment (Three at Once), Psionic Sneak Attack +13d6, Initiative Boost, Evasion, Slippery Mind, Dexterous Fortitude, Dexterous Will, Epic Dodge, Improved Dodge, Supreme Dodge, Shadow Strike, Subtle Body, Timely Dodge, Improved Power Mastery x6
Divine Abilities: 12 divine abilities, Omnicompitent, Exoskeleton, Regneration, Psionic Webbing*, Intellectual Mind, Poisonous Bite*, Intellectual Soul, Intellectual Spirit, Superior Combat Manifestation, Asomatous, Divine Catapsi, Divine Metafaculty
Psionic Web of Lolth: (+95 wonderous web) This invisible web is always about the spider queen. It constantly occupies an area equal to ten times her space in tangled radius around her manifestation. The web is invisible and intangible to mortal eyes and can only be seen with a psionic true seeing or similar effect, but cannot be interacted with or affected in any way by any being except the Spider Queen herself. The Strands of psionic "web" are made from a sort of psionic ectoplasma and cannot be broken by any sunder attempts, nor can they be escaped with any strength based check. While inside the web the Spider Queen cannot be flat-footed and may deliver any psionic power with a range of touch to anyone within her web. While inside her web the Spider Queen gains the legendary Dexterity Ability. It also provides her with a +11 circumstance bonus to AC against any opponent she faces that is within the radius of Her web. Lastly and most horrifyingly, this dreaded web completely nullifies all psionic powers cast within it's radius.
Black Pearl of Infinite Power: (+95 Psionic Pearl) This wretched black pearl is a psionic Nightmare incarnate. This black pearl was implanted into the spider Queen with Lolth conceived her, and in it's current state gives the Spider Queen infinite Power points and access to psionic powers from any psionic discipline or class. Furthermore it provides her with a +22 bonus to her intelligence score.
Exoskeleton of Deceit: (+95 Exoskeletal Plasm) This exoskeleton is made from a bizzare psionic compound and cannot be inter-acted with in any way, excpet by the direct application of psionic force. It gives the Spider Queen the Cosmic Toughness & Legendary Constitution abilities and provides her with a further +18 bonus to consitution (after factoring the double from it's base score). It also functions as an armor of Heavy fortification and protects the spider queen from critical hits and sneak attacks.
Orichalcum Fangs of Chaos:(+56 Orichalcum Fangs) Inside the spider queens mouth, instead of ordinary fangs, inside of the mouth of the Spider Queen you discover horrifying fangs of star-metal. These fangs have a 50% chance to overcome immunities to critical hits and sneak attacks. Furthermore, they may store psionic energy and the Spider Queen may add the effects of any psionic Power Costing less than 50 power points to the effect of her bite attack. Otherwise the fangs function as +29 Anarchic Power fangs of Speed.
Portfolios: Darkness; Darkest Vision (The Spider Queen may see perfectly, even in magical or psionic darkness), Hostile Environment (Sunlight) (-8 competence penalty to all die rolls while within a sunlit environment), Positive energy vulnerability (The Spider Queen suffers an extra 50% damage from positive energy based attacks), Negative Energy Immunity (Self-explanatory), Scion of Darkness (+8 competence bonus to AC, Attack rolls & damage rolls while shrouded in darkness), Improved Summoning (Shadow) (non-unique Shadow creatures summoned have 50% more HD), Embodiment of Darkness (Immunities vs. the Spider Queens' negative-energy based attacks are only 50% effective), Superior Negative Energy [effect] (See IH-Ascension for more info on [effects])
Psionics ; Magic Vulnerability (The Spider Queen suffers an extra 50% damage from magical attacks), Fly's Endurance (The Spider Queen, suffers a -8 competence penalty to her constitution, already factored), Power Block (The Spider Queen automatically blocks the first psionic power used against her each round), Scion of Psionics (The Spider Queen gains a +8 competence bonus to Power resistance, Power Save DCs & Manifester Level Checks), Improved Summoning (Psionics) (Non-unique psionic creatures summoned by the spider queen have an extra 50% HD), Embodiment of the Mind (Immunities vs. the Spider Queens' mind affecting effects are only 50% effective), Superior Force [Effect]*

* In place of the Normal Divine [effect] provided by the psionics Portfolio I've decided to add a psionic force-based [effect]


Poison: The Spider queens' poison is unique. It deals 2d12+10 points of permanent Con Damage as it's initial and secondary damage. Furthermore, any psionic creature bit by the poison loses 20 power points per round the poison remains coursing through their system. The power point drain remains constant until the poison is clensed with a sucessful Neutralize Poison effect. Dispelling the poison requires a sucessful Caster Level Or Manifester Level Check, or a sucessful Heal check equal to the Save DC. Her poisonous bite divine ability is already factored into this ability, see the Poisonous[effect] and the devastation spiders' for more info. The power point drain was a unique quality added to this poison by the divine ability. Save DC = 10 + 64 (1/2 HD) + 54 con + 8 divine + 8 competence + 8 psionic portfolio + 3 ability focus = DC 155. The save DC is constitution based.

Psionic Webbing: The Spider Queen may create a line of psionic spidersilk exuding from her abdomen and this line of psionic silk may stretch to any length and attach itself to virtually any surface, except those which naturally reject psionic energy, in which case she must make a successful manifester level check in order to attach it. This psionic webbing can support any amount of weight and cannot be sundered or broken by any strength based check. The psionic webbing attaches itself to any creature that touches it and the "stuck" creature must make a DC 152 escape artist check to escape the webbings' grasp. If the creature possesses a Power resistance then the spider queen must make a successful check to overcome it.


First Post
Neo, if I could make a suggestion, these stat blocks are kind of difficult to read. Even just some strategic line breaks between certain sections would be really helpful. Once I post my guy, you can see the way I prefer to organize them to maybe get some ideas. Not saying I have the best format, but maybe we can come up with one together that's easier for everyone to read. Formatting tends to be rather tricky with these builds since they're so incredibly intensive.

Spoiler blocks would probably be helpful, too.


First Post
Did someone say Epic Weeaboo Fightan Magic rules? These ones were written for my IH variant, which has a number of houserules (no unfinished PrCs, no multiclass exp penalties under any circumstance, LA may not exceed HD under any circumstance, no double portfolios, no custom divinity templates, no divine handicaps, no more than 4 distinct abilities on any artefact, no more than 4 sub-epic items worn by any creature that has artefacts, no Esoteric abilities unless the DM feels like it, the DM never feels like giving your character Esoteric abilities, and nerfs about 25% of the DvAs) to blunt the power curve compared to normal IH games, so they might be a bit weak for any setting where Lesser Deities are running around with Cosmic Abilities on their artifacts.

My experience also shows that you want a houserule to increase randomness. I have a script to roll all my dice which multiplies everyone's Divine bonus by a random number between 0 and 2 (rounding up) before every d20 roll, which seems to solve the problem of rolls falling in a 20-point range when bonuses are in the hundreds.

My ECL 120 tournament suggests that no arena is ever big enough. My no-full-casters rule did nothing to stop teleport hax, and four of the six entrants all had means of crossing the 1000-foot arena in a single action without expending any significant resources. For ECL 190, you'll want a two-mile wide arena at least. And probably full of dangerous terrain. Otherwise it's the equivalent of a fight between two low-level characters in a 10x10 room.

Also: Buffing HP won't stop rocket tag. Withering, Diseased, and Negative Energy [Effect], or Ultra-Empowered Energy Drain can be easily used to no-save one-shot anyone not specifically designed to counter said effects (and immunity penetration means that's difficult) regardless of HP totals.

Martial Rapidstrike (EX)
Blade magic is second nature to you.
Prerequisites: Able to initiate at least one martial strike, Dexterity 13, Initiator Level 7th
Benefit: As part of a Full Attack action, you may forgo one attack at your highest base attack bonus to initiate a martial strike with an initiation time of a standard action or less.
The strike is expended as normal, and upon its resolution, you may continue with your full attack (if you have remaining attacks).
To initiate a manoeuvre in this fashion, your initiator level must be at least twice the level of the manoeuvre you are initiating plus five.
Normal: You must spend actions to initiate manoeuvres.

Dual Martial Strike (EX)
You can perform different martial strikes with each hand simultaneously.
Prerequisites: Able to initiate at least two martial strikes, Dexterity 17, Initiator Level 7th, Two-Weapon Fighting, Martial Rapidstrike
Benefit: As part of a Full Attack action, after initiating a martial strike that uses your primary weapon with the Martial Rapidstrike feat you may forgo one attack at your highest base attack bonus made with your off-hand weapon to initiate a martial strike with an initiation time of a standard action or less.
This strike must be made using your off-hand weapon.
(unless it requires two weapons to function, in which case you may attack with two weapons, but both weapons' attack rolls are made using the lower of the two weapons' attack bonuses).
The strike is expended as normal, and upon its resolution, you may continue with your full attack (if you have remaining attacks).
To initiate a manoeuvre in this fashion, your initiator level must be at least twice the level of the manoeuvre you are initiating plus five.
Normal: You must spend actions to initiate manoeuvres.

Improved Martial Rapidstrike (EX)
You are capable of following up one strike immediately with another.
Prerequisites: Able to initiate at least two martial strikes, Dexterity 15, Initiator Level 13th, BAB +6, Martial Rapidstrike
Benefit: As part of a Full Attack action, after initiating a martial strike using the Martial Rapidstrike feat, you may forgo one attack at your second highest base attack bonus (usually the one made at a -5 penalty) to initiate a second martial strike with an initiation time of a standard action or less.
If the strike involves any attack rolls, all these rolls are made with the penalty for a second iterative attack (usually -5).
The strike is expended as normal, and upon its resolution, you may continue with your full attack (if you have remaining attacks).
To initiate a manoeuvre in this fashion, your initiator level must be at least twice the level of the manoeuvre you are initiating plus eleven.
Normal: You must spend actions to initiate manoeuvres.

Greater Martial Rapidstrike (EX)
You can unleash a barrage of manoeuvres in quick succession.
Prerequisites: Able to initiate at least three martial strikes, Dexterity 17, Initiator Level 19th, BAB +11, Martial Rapidstrike, Improved Martial Rapidstrike
Benefit: As part of a Full Attack action, after initiating a second martial strike using the Improved Martial Rapidstrike feat, you may forgo one attack at your third highest base attack bonus (usually the one made at a -10 penalty) to initiate a third martial strike with an initiation time of a standard action or less.
If the strike involves any attack rolls, all these rolls are made with the penalty for a third iterative attack (usually -10).
The strike is expended as normal, and upon its resolution, you may continue with your full attack (if you have remaining attacks).
To initiate a manoeuvre in this fashion, your initiator level must be at least twice the level of the manoeuvre you are initiating plus seventeen.
Normal: You must spend actions to initiate manoeuvres.

Perfect Martial Rapidstrike (EX) [Epic]
You throw out complex martial arts techniques as easily as a skilled warrior makes simple attacks.
Prerequisites: Able to initiate at least four martial strikes, Dexterity 21, Initiator Level 25th, BAB +16, Martial Rapidstrike, Improved Martial Rapidstrike, Greater Martial Rapidstrike
Benefit: As part of a Full Attack action, after initiating a third martial strike using the Greater Martial Rapidstrike feat, you may forgo one attack at your fourth highest base attack bonus (usually the one made at a -15 penalty) to initiate a fourth martial strike with an initiation time of a standard action or less.
If the strike involves any attack rolls, all these rolls are made with the penalty for a fourth iterative attack (usually -15). The strike is expended as normal, and upon its resolution, you may continue with your full attack (if you have remaining attacks).
To initiate a manoeuvre in this fashion, your initiator level must be at least twice the level of the manoeuvre you are initiating plus twenty three.
Normal: You must spend actions to initiate manoeuvres.

Initiation Opportunity (EX) [Epic]
You are capable of using advanced techniques the moment an opponent drops his guard.
Prerequisites: Able to initiate at least one martial strike, Dexterity 15, Initiator Level 21st, Combat Reflexes, Martial Rapidstrike
Benefit:  In place of an attack of opportunity, you may initiate a martial strike with an initiation action of one standard action or less.
This expends the strike in question and consumes an attack of opportunity as normal.
Any attacks made as part of this strike gain all the benefits you may apply to your attacks of opportunity (if any).
The strike must be primarily targeted at the creature that provoked the attack of opportunity (and any area of effect must be centred on the provoking creature).
To initiate a manoeuvre in this fashion, your initiator level must be at least twice the level of the manoeuvre you are initiating plus nineteen.
Normal: You may only make a single standard attack with an Attack of Opportunity.

Improved Adaptive Style (EX)
Your meditation period for changing your tactics becomes even shorter.
Prerequisites: Crusader, Swordsage or Warblade level 7th, Adaptive Style
Benefit:  You may change your readied manoeuvres (as with the Adaptive Style feat) as a Standard action.
If you swap an expended manoeuvre with any of the Adaptive Style feats for another manoeuvre, that manoeuvre is still expended until refreshed.
Normal: You can change manoeuvres only by spending 5 minutes to do so.

Greater Adaptive Style (EX)
Your meditation period for changing your tactics becomes shorter still.
Prerequisites: Crusader, Swordsage or Warblade level 15th, Adaptive Style, Improved Adaptive Style
Benefit:  You may change your readied manoeuvres (as with the Adaptive Style feat) as a move-equivalent action.
Normal: You can change manoeuvres only by spending 5 minutes to do so.

Epic Adaptive Style (EX) [Epic]
Your meditation period for changing your tactics is almost instantaneous.
Prerequisites: Crusader, Swordsage or Warblade level 15th, Adaptive Style, Greater Adaptive Style, Improved Adaptive Style
Benefit:  You may change your readied manoeuvres (as with the Adaptive Style feat) as a Swift action.
Normal: You can change manoeuvres only by spending 5 minutes to do so.

Epic Blade Meditation (EX) [Epic]
Your insight into your chosen discipline becomes legendary among followers of your style.
Prerequisites: Concentration 21 ranks, base attack bonus +21, five manoeuvres from a discipline in which you have Blade Mediation, Blade meditation
Benefit:  The bonus to the discipline's key skill you gain from the Blade Meditation feat improves to +10.
The save DC bonus you gain from the Blade Meditation feat improves to +4.
The damage bonus you gain when using strikes or weapons of the chosen discipline improves to +4.
Special: An Epic fighter can select Epic Blade Meditation as an Epic bonus feat.

Epic Martial Study (EX) [Epic]
Your training in your chosen martial discipline goes well beyond the basic level it once was.
Prerequisites: Martial Study x3, Martial Stance, BAB +21
Benefit:  You gain two martial strikes and one martial stance as if you had selected the Martial Study feat twice and the Martial Stance feat once.
Special: An Epic fighter can select Epic Martial Study as an Epic bonus feat.

Epic Granted Manoeuvre (EX) [Epic]
Your insight into martial manoeuvres becomes even greater.
Prerequisites: Crusader Level 21st, Extra Granted Manoeuvre
Benefit:  Equivalent to the Extra Granted Manoeuvre feat.
Special: You may select this feat only once.

Epic Readied Manoeuvre (EX) [Epic]
You are a legendarily versatile student of the Sublime Way.
Prerequisites: Swordsage Level 21st, Extra Readied Manoeuvre
Benefit:  Equivalent to the Extra Readied Manoeuvre feat.
Special: You may select this feat only once.

Battle of Wills (EX) [Epic]
You are capable of demoralising entire squads with a single glare.
Prerequisites: Intimidate (or Concentration, with Unnerving Calm) 24 ranks, Epic Reputation
Benefit: You may initiate a duel of wills against every opponent within 60 feet of which you are mutually aware and have line of sight to.
Against opponents who are more than 30 feet away from you, and do not possess an ability that allows them to initiate duels of wills at range, you suffer no negative consequences for losing a duel of wills, and they gain no benefit from defeating you in a duel of wills.
Normal: You may only engage in a duel of wills out to 30 feet, and against one opponent.

Note: Epic uses of Intimidate: For every 20 ranks in Intimidate possessed by the challenger past 5 (or Concentration, with Unnerving Calm), the penalties for the challengee submitting or losing a challenge increase by 1 and the bonus for the challenger winning a challenge or having a challenge ignored increase by 1.
For every 20 ranks in Intimidate possessed by the challengee past 5 (or Concentration, with Unnerving Calm), the penalties for the challenger losing a challenge increase by 1, and the bonus for the challenge winning a challenge increase by 1.

Distant Duel of Wills (EX) [Epic]
You are capable of demoralising people on the other side of the battlefield.
Prerequisites: Intimidate (or Concentration, with Unnerving Calm) 30 ranks, Epic Reputation, Battle of Wills
Benefit: You may engage in a duel of wills over any distance, as long as you and your opponent are mutually aware of and have line of sight to each other.
You may only engage a single opponent in this manner, but you may still engage closer opponents with your Battle of Wills ability.
Normal: You may only engage in a duel of wills out to 30 feet.

Signature Move (EX) [Epic]
You have practiced a single move to the point where your version of it has taken on an identity of its own, and other people's versions are slow and ineffectual to you.
Prerequisites: Concentration 21 ranks, base attack bonus +21, five manoeuvres from a discipline in which you have Blade Mediation, Blade meditation, Epic Blade Meditation, at least one Metamartial Feat
Benefit: Select one manoeuvre from a discipline in which you have Blade Meditation, that manoeuvre becomes your signature move.
You gain a +2 bonus to armour class and saves against that move, and a +2 bonus to attack and save DCs (if relevant) when initiating it.
When you initiate your signature move, you may apply any one metamartial feat to it without readying a corresponding metamartial feat as a manoeuvre or adjusting the level of the strike.

Desert Wind Offense (SU) [Epic]
You can strike opponents as you pass, the clouds of sand your movement kicks up seemingly forming a transient duplicate of your weapons. 
Prerequisites: Dexterity 17, five Desert Wind Manoeuvres, one Desert Wind Strike, Desert Fire, Desert Wind Dodge, Initiator Level 21st, base attack bonus +21, Scorching Sirocco
Benefit: In any turn in which you move at least ten feet from your original position, while wielding a scimitar, light mace, light pick, spear or falchion, you are considered to threaten any squares you would threaten were you to be standing in the last two squares you occupied before finishing your movement, regardless of your actual reach.
If you wield multiple weapons, you only threaten extra squares with weapons on the above list, not any other weapons you may be wielding.
The bonus fire damage granted by Desert Fire increases to 1d8, the bonus fire damage granted by Desert Wind Dodge increases to +3 and the bonus to AC granted by Desert Wind Dodge increases to +3.

Devoted Bastion (EX) [Epic]
Your devotion to your cause and training in your discipline means that even a torrent of enemy blows does not sway you. 
Prerequisites: Five Devoted Spirit Manouvers, Devoted Bulwark, Initiator Level 21st, base attack bonus +21, Faith Unswerving
Benefit: Every time an enemy deals damage to you with a melee attack, you gain a cumulative +1 morale bonus to AC until the end of your next turn.
This replaces the benefit of the Devoted Bulwark feat.

Falling Star Attack (EX) [Epic]
Your combined martial arts techniques are much more forceful than those of other practitioners of this style.
Prerequisites: Five Setting Sun Manouvers, Falling Sun Attack, Initiator Level 21st, base attack bonus +21, Distant Horizon, Stunning Fist, Intelligence 17
Benefit: The bonus on save DCs granted by Falling Sun Attack increases to +3 for both the Setting Sun strike and the Stunning Fist.
If you use a Stunning Fist and a Setting Sun strike that repositions an enemy in the same action, and your foe fails its save against both the strike and the Stunning Fist, you double the distance the foe is moved by the Setting Sun strike.
If the Setting Sun strike deals additional dice of damage, increase the die size of those dice by one step (usually from d6 to d8).

Ironguard Aura (EX) [Epic]
Your strength of martial spirit becomes even better known, and inspires your allies to higher levels of greatness
Prerequisites: Five Iron Heart Manouvers, one Iron Heart Stance, Ironheart Aura, Initiator Level 21st, base attack bonus +21, Stormguard Warrior, proficiency with an Iron Heart preferred weapon
Benefit: While in an Iron Heart stance, allies within 30 feet of you gain a +3 morale bonus on saving throws and armour class.
This bonus increases by a further +2 for every extra Iron Heart stance you use simultaneously (if you are capable of entering multiple stances).
This bonus increases by a further +2 if you initiate at least one Iron Heart boost, and by another +2 if you deal damage with at least one Iron Heart strike (these extra bonuses last until the start of your next turn).

Shadow Drain (SU) [Epic]
Normal practitioners of the Shadow Hand discipline are capable of sapping the strength of others, but compared to you, their abilities are minor inconveniences.
Prerequisites: Five Shadow Hand Manouvers, one Shadow Hand Stance, Shadow Blade, Initiator Level 21st, base attack bonus +21, Gloom Razor, Hide 24 Ranks
Benefit: While in a Shadow Hand stance, you may treat any ability damage dealt by your Shadow Hand strikes is instead treated as ability drain.
You recover 5 hitpoints each time you inflict ability drain as normal.
If you also possess the Shadow Trickster feat, the bonus on save DCs provided increases to +4, and the bonus damage granted increases to +4.

Adamantine Power (EX) [Epic]
Focussing your physical strength and shaping it into a buffer against attacks is something at which you excel at, even when compared to experts in the style.
Prerequisites: Five Stone Dragon Manouvers, one Stone Dragon Stance, Stone Power, Initiator Level 21st, base attack bonus +21, Shards of Granite, Str 17, proficiency with a Stone Dragon proffered weapon
Benefit: While in a Stone Dragon stance, the penalty you take on your attack rolls from the Stone Power feat may be any number up to your base attack bonus.
In addition to the temporary hitpoints you gain from your use of the Stone Power feat, every time you make an attack with one one of the Stone Dragon preferred weapons as part of your action, you gain temporary hitpoints equal to the penalty you took on your attack rolls with the Stone Power feat.
These additional temporary hitpoints stack with each other, and last until the beginning of your next turn.

Reaping Tiger (EX) [Epic]
Your physical strength and command of the battlefield is much greater than your size would suggest.
Prerequisites: Five Tiger Claw Manouvers, one Tiger Claw Stance, Tiger Blooded, Initiator Level 21st, base attack bonus +21, Two-Weapon Fighting (or Multiattack), Reaping Talons
Benefit: When you attempt to knock back an opponent with the Tiger Blooded feat while in a Tiger Claw stance, you may knock back opponents up to one size category larger than you.
The distance you knock back larger opponents is five feet.  The distance you knock back equal-sized opponents is ten feet, and increases by 5 feet for every size category you are larger than your opponent.
If you wield two Tiger Claw preferred weapons, or are in a form with two natural weapons, and knock back an opponent with one of them, they provoke an attack of opportunity from you.
This attack of opportunity must be a single melee attack with an off-hand Tiger Claw preferred weapon or secondary natural weapon, regardless of any abilities which allow you to substitute attacks of opportunity for other actions.

Diamond Lightning (SU) [Epic]
Your Duels of Wills culminate in Lightning, REAL LIGHTNING.  
Prerequisites: Five Diamond Mind Manoeuvres, Unnerving Calm, Initiator Level 21st, base attack bonus +21, concentration 21 ranks, Perfect Clarity of Body and Mind
Benefit: If you defeat an opponent who participates in a duel of wills (regardless of who initiated it), they take 1d6 points of electric damage.  For every 5 points by which your Concentration roll beats their Intimidate (or Concentration) roll, they take an additional 1d6 points of electric damage.
If your opponent submits, make a Concentration roll.
The opponent who submits takes a number of d6 of electricity damage equal to your Concentration roll divided by five.
If your opponent ignores the challenge, they are treated as flat-footed against all of your attacks for the first round of combat, regardless of their actual place in the initiative order, and you are not treated as flat-footed against their attacks, even if they act before you.
These benefits are in addition to the normal benefits of successful Duels of Wills.
If you lose a duel of wills that you initiated, your opponent (unless they also have the Diamond Lightning feat) may cause you to take 1d6 points of electric damage.
You gain a +2 to Concentration checks.

White Raven Offense (SU) [Epic]
When in formation, your mastery of the White Raven style allows you to effortlessly move around your allies, as if you were predicting their motions in advance.
Prerequisites: Five White Raven Manoeuvres, White Raven Defense, one White Raven Stance, Initiator Level 21st, base attack bonus +21, Clarion Commander, proficiency with one White Raven preferred weapon.
Benefit: The bonuses to armour class provided by White Raven Defense increase to +3.
While in a White Raven stance and wielding a White Raven preferred weapon, you are considered to be threatening any squares you would threaten if you were standing in the spaces of any adjacent allies.
If an adjacent ally has a larger space than your own, you only count as standing in places that would be adjacent to your current location.

Metamartial Feats

Metamartial Feats are readied as if they were normal martial manoeuvres.  They are automatically granted (in the case of a Crusader), but count against the number of Granted Manoeuvres a Crusader has.
They may be expended with no action to improve other martial strikes.
They do not have the normal recovery method of any of the classes, and instead are automatically recovered after a specific amount of time (specified in each one's description).
Metamartial strikes raise the level of a manoeuvre. You may not use a martial strike together with a metamartial strike if the manouver's adjusted level exceeds twice your initiator level minus 1.
If you have abilities which allow you to rapidly change your readied manoeuvres, you may not swap out a Metamartial strike that is currently not available.
Multiple Metamartial Feats may be readied and applied to the same strike, even multiple copies of the same feat.

Heighten Martial Strike (EX) [Epic, Metamartial]
Prerequisites: Initiator Level 21st
Benefit: The save DC for any saves associated with the strike increases by 1.
Heighten Martial Strike increases the manoeuvre's effective level by 1, and is a special case in that it may be applied multiple times to a single strike without being readied multiple times (but applying it to different strikes still requires readying it multiple times), and is typically used to raise the DC of the strike to the maximum allowed by the user's Initiator Level.
An expended Heighten Martial Strike is ready to be reapplied two rounds after it is expended.

Empower Martial Strike (EX) [Epic, Metamartial]
Prerequisites: Initiator Level 21st
Benefit:  All variable numeric effects of the strike are increased by half.
This does not modify opposed rolls.
Empower Martial Strike increases the manoeuvre's effective level by 2.
An expended Empower Martial Strike is ready to be reapplied 1d2+1 rounds after it is expended.

Maximise Martial Strike (EX) [Epic, Metamartial]
Prerequisites: Initiator Level 21st
Benefit:  All variable numeric effects of the strike are maximised.
This does not modify opposed rolls.
Maximise Martial Strike increases the manoeuvre's effective level by 3.
An expended Maximised Martial Strike is ready to be reapplied 1d3+1 rounds after it is expended.
An empowered, maximized strike gains the separate benefits of each feat: the maximum result plus one-half the normally rolled result.

Widen Martial Strike (EX) [Epic, Metamartial]
Prerequisites: Initiator Level 21st
Benefit:  The initiator's reach is doubled while initiating a Widened Strike, or if the Strike has an Area, it is increased in size by 100%, or if the Strike has a Range, it is increased by 100%.
If the strike is Widened multiple times, different benefits may be selected if they apply, or the same benefit may be applied multiple times.
Widen Martial Strike increases the manoeuvre's effective level by 3.
An expended Widened Martial Strike is ready to be reapplied 1d3+1 rounds after it is expended.

Enhance Martial Strike (EX) [Epic, Metamartial]
Prerequisites: Initiator Level 21st
Benefit:  Every time Enhance Martial strike is applied, it raises the cap of effects which scale by Initiator Level by enough to allow the user to benefit from ten additional Initiator levels. Enhance increases the manoeuvre's effective level by 4 and is a special case in that it may be applied multiple times to a single strike without being readied multiple times (but applying it to different strikes still requires readying it multiple times).
An expended Enhance Martial Strike is ready to be reapplied two rounds after it is expended.


Superior Martial Rapidstrike (EX)
All of your attacks are martial strikes.
Prerequisites: Able to initiate at least five martial strikes, Dexterity 25, Initiator Level 31st, Perfect Martial Rapidstrike, Martial Rapidstrike, Improved Martial Rapidstrike, Greater Martial Rapidstrike
Benefit: Whenever you would be entitled to make a standard attack (and so also make trip attempts, disarm attempts and suchlike) you may instead initiate a martial strike with an initiation time of a standard action or less.  Any penalties that would have applied to your attack roll also apply to any attack rolls made as part of this strike.  There is no extra limit on the level of manoeuvres you may initiate in this fashion.
Special: You still require Initiation Opportunity to replace attacks of opportunity with martial strikes, and Dual Martial Strike to initiate martial strikes in place of attacks with multiple weapons.

Divine Blade Magic (EX)
Your reserves of martial inspiration are almost inexaustible.
Prerequisites: Able to initiate at least one 9th level manoeuvre.  Martial Lore 40 ranks, Initiator Level 38th
Benefit: You have twice as many readied manoeuvres for all initiating classes.  In the case of the Crusader, you have twice as many granted manoeuvres.  You may ready two copies of the same manoeuvre.
In the case of the Crusader, list two copies of every manoeuvre you know when selecting randomly for your granted manoeuvres.
Normal: You may only ready one copy of any particular manoeuvre.

Master of One (EX)
You are the undisputed master of your chosen style.  Every intricacy of combat involving it is known to you.
Prerequisites: Concentration 40 ranks, base attack bonus +21, nine manoeuvres from a discipline in which you have Blade Mediation, Blade meditation, Epic Blade Meditation
Benefit: The bonus to the discipline's key skill you gain from the Blade Meditation feat improves to +20, the save DC bonus you gain from the Blade Meditation feat improves to +8, the damage bonus you gain when using strikes or weapons of the chosen discipline improves to +8.
You gain a +8 bonus to saves and armour class against strikes of your chosen discipline.
You gain a +8 bonus to attack against creatures in stances belonging to your chosen discipline.
You know, just by looking at someone, what manoeuvres of your chosen discipline they have readied.
You may enter as many stances of your chosen discipline simultaneously as you wish (for the purposes of other abilities that allow multiple simultaneous stances, all your chosen discipline's stances together count as one stance).


First Post
I'm too tired to really address any of that (not that it needs much addressing, it's pretty patently true), but I'll just note that I always thought the Withering Effect was horribly designed. At least if it's the one I'm thinking of.


First Post
Withering effect was worse originally. U_K cut the damage from 1/3rd HD to 1/10th HD on my recommendation. That most of the portfolios give out one of the three means it's a fairly omnipresent problem even at its current strength. Strongheart Vests are essential adventuring gear (which itself is problematic, because they're a soulmeld, so you need hax to get one on most characters) for their ability to stop ability drain without being ignored by immunity penetration. There's also a feat in Libris Mortis that makes you die less to energy drain without technically being immunity, but everyone needing one Soulmeld from one sourcebook and a feat from a different sourcebook just to not die in one turn is a silly state of affairs.

Immunity penetration is odd, because it means Pseudonaturals are more immune to magic than anything with actual magic immunity (5xHD SR is unbeatable in practice*, but isn't technically immunity, so isn't ignored half the time by gods of magic).

*Well, a Marshal with Legendary Charisma can get something insane, like +300 on spell penetration checks, but even that's not that useful against most Pseudonaturals worth casting spells on.

Well, actually, just from the basic Enlightened ability (or is it Ensorcelled) could he not theoretically sacrifice an infinite amount of spell slots to mitigate his epic spell DCs?

Sacrificing more than one extra spell slot per caster is sort-of implied to not be possible (and I don't think any of the example spells do it), so any DC adjustment is an ad-hoc one. I ruled that the unlimited spells per day ability doesn't actually give you infinity spell slots, but means your spell slots aren't expended when you cast from them, which stops some (but not all) of the abuse you can come up with. Although I never allow PCs to use epic magic because I could never find a way of drawing a fair line between just being good at writing spells and blatant rules abuse.

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