D&D 5E Aberrant Mind's Psionic Sorcery is officially the most powerful feature.


If you want play a really fun social character and still really fun for your team and shine on combat. Go Aberrant Mind.
Dominating the social encounter.
1) Cha caster + Skill Expert for Expertise on Persuation.
2) Hex (from bonus spell list).
3) Subtly cast it
4) Talk with him with Telepathy

With Psionic Hex, the target has disadvantage on Wis Checks.
Level 6 Aberrant Mind.
You have 1d20 +11 Persuation The Sorcerer's Magical Guidance allows you reroll if you fail.

So, The target has disadvantage on wis skill x expertise cha skill with rerolls.

All Mental Manipulation with Telepathic Speed.

You can be a socially manipulative GOD without harming your fighting RAW Power.
It's fun for a Evil Party.

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If you want play a really fun social character and still really fun for your team and shine on combat. Go Aberrant Mind.
Dominating the social encounter.
1) Cha caster + Skill Expert for Expertise on Persuation.
2) Hex (from bonus spell list).
3) Subtly cast it
4) Talk with him with Telepathy

With Psionic Hex, the target has disadvantage on Wis Checks.
Level 6 Aberrant Mind.
You have 1d20 +11 Persuation The Sorcerer's Magical Guidance allows you reroll if you fail.

So, The target has disadvantage on wis skill x expertise cha skill with rerolls.

All Mental Manipulation with Telepathic Speed.

You can be a socially manipulative GOD without harming your fighting RAW Power.
It's fun for a Evil Party.
I think that lines up, and is befitting of a telepath-like class. This would probably be replicated by a Great Old One Warlock, who I'd put in a comparable tier by virtue of EB and whatever pact boon the choose. Aberrant Mind's appeal separate from this would be many, many more spells and the Metamagic freedom. Also the Psionic sorcery.


Just bringing this thread back up to see what play experience people are having with Aberrant Mind sorcerers.

I started a campaign a few weeks ago and decided to give an Aberrant Mind a go as it fit with the setting. I'm doing a human variant with the metamagic adept. So far, not overpowered - but I am not quite to 6th level, yet, either. However, in my observation, the cheaper SP -> spell at 6th seems to be the more important benefit for my games as we're facing a good number of threats per LR.


Following up again - Well past 6th level now (8th) in that game. My Psionic Spells are Mind Sliver, Dissonant Whispers, Sleep, Suggestion, Detect Thoughts, Enemies Abound, Sending, Summon Aberration and Raulothim's Psychic Lance.

Spamming Raulothim's Psychic Lance is ridiculously effective against 'big bads'. I've been able to use Dissonant Whispers, Sleep, Suggestion, Detect Thoughts, Enemies Abound, Sending and Summon Aberration outside combat for great benefit. It isn't a broken class, but it is very effective.

How have others been experiencing the subclass? And yes, I do know that Laura is playing one on Critical Role (modified it seems).


Ironically, using this Subclass alongside the Spell Points variant rule would probably be the closest thing to a 3.0/3.5 Psionic character with power points. (if your super big on Power Points and what not.)

As for the obvious lovecraftian fluff elements of the subclass, well you can always refluff the elements out.


Just made an account to say that Clockwork Soul if far more effective and powerful in combat. Better expanded spell list and and tankier than Aberrant (that is still very fun to play in social Encounter).

What @Hohige is forgetting is THE fundamental thing. INITIATIVE. And a lot of other stuff (like a summon being stronger than a full melee class XD with likely 23/24 AC and waaaaay more hp than summon or things like Dispel Magic and charm immunity/adv. on sav. throw).

I'd like him answering a question: can an Aberrant Mind sorc beat in solo a Tarrasque? Because Clockwork Soul can with a simple Wall of Force =P.
And if you want optimizing Sorceror do a 2 lev. dip in Hexblade warlock for all the goodies like Eldicht blast + curse + Repelling blast + Agonizing spam or Magic Missile doing tons of dmg with curse.

Enjoy and remember DnD is for everyone and it's just a game where the DM can always find a way to obliterate you if he wants ;)


Regardless, I'm sure everybody will agree that both Aberrant and Clockwork are the best two Sorcerer subclasses with Shadow in third.

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