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Adv: Rhapsody; Judge: renau1g


First Post
[sblock=Perception 16]There are two medium creatures, and at least one small creature at each the north and south gates. The medium creatures wield hand axes.[/sblock]

[sblock=Perception 21]The above and you also think there are creatures coming from the two doors on either side of the stage. Between the sound and the sillouette, you would guess the medium creatures to be gnolls. The gnolls seem to have long bows and arrows with them as well.[/sblock]

[sblock=History 31]Valenar is a nation run by the elves, split off from Cyre in the last war. They are nation with a strong military heritage. The elves are master swordsmen and riders.

The Valenar reference earlier was in regard to the female elf on stage. She is quite clearly from that nation, at least to you. She may be working as a mercenary, or here on official business, her attire does not make it clear.

A streetwise check might help identify her.

Check out this link for more on Valenar. Valenar - Eberron Wiki[/sblock]

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There are equal numbers on foot with axes on the sides, but I also see archers coming from behind the stage. Look to the archers, Nyar, now that you have blocked one hole. Baern holds up the handaxe, ready to throw towards the open door.

[sblock=OOC] Perception 1d20+12=29 [/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=OOC/Actions] What's everyone's HP at currently? I will free action drop my hammer, minor pull out my crossbow and then standard to total defense. Move to G14 as well. *shrug* [/sblock]

Dalvach flings his hammer to the ground, and grabs the compact repeating crossbow strapped to his back. With the flick of a lever, the crossbow springs open and a bolt is loaded. He stands guarded and prepared for whatever comes through the gates. "Let them come," he speaks patiently.


First Post
[sblock=ooc] Oh my gosh, my bad! I didn't realize you were waiting on me. Based on the other post, still put Storm Pillar in N23 as before. Also to fix my previous ministats, 4/6 surges. [/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=ooc]I misread Nyar's earlier post. Didnt realize N23 was the default position.[/sblock]

"Nay, I agree Baern, I want you up close to them, too! I just meant, if you had the opportunity to step back, after attacking, it might allow me to soften them up with some fire to the backside."

Nyar peers through the smoke from his previous fire attacks. "Mostly I'm grateful you've kept my tired hide intact."

And tries to recall all he learned about the southern regions of Khorvaire.

[sblock=actions] Minor: Perception.
Minor: History, woot 31!
Standard: Storm Pillar to either N23 or N4 if I can tell which has more people. If I can't tell or same number of people, N23. [/sblock]

Dalvach attempts to brush off the sand, blood, dirt, ash and bits of innards that are covering his clothing and armor. He looks back and forth at his comrades and shakes his head. He grins a large toothy grin and says, "Ha ha! Wouldn't trade it for the world, friends." He listens closely to the yipping barks and tries to remember where he's heard that sound before..

There are equal numbers on foot with axes on the sides, but I also see archers coming from behind the stage. Look to the archers, Nyar, now that you have blocked one hole. Baern holds up the handaxe, ready to throw towards the open door.

Dalvach flings his hammer to the ground, and grabs the compact repeating crossbow strapped to his back. With the flick of a lever, the crossbow springs open and a bolt is loaded. He stands guarded and prepared for whatever comes through the gates. "Let them come," he speaks patiently.

The portcullises open as do the doors by the stage and the arena is quickly filled with a horde of enemies. The crowd cheers, some boo, and above it all you hear a voice say "Can the thieves survive a whole tribe of gladiators?"

Two gnolls charge forward from the north, slashing at Baern with handaxes. he deflects one but takes a hit to his shoulder. Their southern counterparts foolishly charge as well and quickly struck down by the storm pillar, not getting more than ten feet. A goblin follows behind and meets the same fate.

The rest of the goblins fair better. They move into the arena with practiced groupings, aim their bows and launch a bevy of arrows at the party, all of which hits home.

[sblock=ooc]Gnoll 1 moves from N3 to I10. Charges to H13, attacking Baern. 23 vs AC 4 damage

Gnoll 2 moves from O3 to J10. Charges to I14 attacking Baern. 17 vs AC, Miss

Gnoll 3 and 4 move forward out of the southern Portcullis and die.

Goblin 1 moves from N2 to K7. Attacks Dalvach with his bow. 23 vs AC 5 damage

Goblin 2 moves from O2 to M7. Attacks Dalvach with bow. 26 vs AC 5 damage. Dalvach is bloodied

Goblin 3 moves from W10 to Q10. Attacks Baern with bow. 26 vs AC 5 damage.

Goblin 4 moves from X10 to R12. Attacks Baern with bow. 26 vs AC 5 damage.

Goblin 5 moves from Y10 to S10. Attacks Dalvach with bow. 29 vs AC 5 damage.

Goblin 6 moves from W17 to Q17. Attacks Nyar with bow. 29 vs AC 5 damage.

Goblin 7 moves from X17 to R19. Attack Nyar with bow. 22 vs AC 5 damage.

Goblin 8 moves from Y17 to S16. Attacks Nyar with bow. 25 vs AC 5 damage

Goblin 9 moves forward and dies.

Goblin 10 does not move.[/sblock]



Round 9

18; Nyar; F15; 23/33; Acted
11; Dalvach; F15; 16/43; Bloodied; Acted
9; Enemies
Gnoll 1; H13; 1/1 hp
Gnoll 2; I14; 1/1 hp
Goblin 1; K7; 1/1 hp
Goblin 2; M7; 1/1 hp
Goblin 3; Q10; 1/1 hp
Goblin 4; R12; 1/1 hp
Goblin 5; S10; 1/1 hp
Goblin 6; Q17; 1/1 hp
Goblin 7; R19; 1/1 hp
Goblin 8; S16; 1/1 hp
Goblin 10; N25; 1/1 hp
7; Baern; H14; 26/47;

Round 10



White boxes are doors or portcullises. Wavy lines are curtains. The walls are 35 ft and lined with spikes, except on the platform. That's 40 ft and lined with spikes.



[sblock=OOC] Dangit, so much for that Second Wind +3 from the defensive waraxe! :)[/sblock]

Baern moves his limbs to snap out the arrows that struck him. He swings at both of the gnolls adjacent to him killing them both with strong slashes across the chest. He walks menacingly over towards two of the goblins, holding both axes up before him. I can take out two at a time, Dalvach.

[sblock=OOC] Not sure if Dalvach can give me a At Will attack, but if he can I can Throw&Stab to take out 2 more! Otherwise I might AP now to save more damage :(
Standard: Twin Strike 1d20+9=28;1d20+8=19 vs AC (probably both dead)
Move: Walk to M10
Minor: Quarry Goblin 1

Triggers: Unbalancing Parry (enemy misses Baern with melee attack)
Status: Quarry on Goblin 1
Init: +2 Speed: 5 Perception:22 Insight: 15
AC: 20 NAD:18/14/16
HP: 26/47 Surges: 7/8 Surge Value: 11 AP: 1
Languages: Common, Dwarven
Str:19 Dex:10 Wis:16 Con:15 Int:10 Cha:10

At-Will: Hunter's Quarry, Throw and Stab, Twin Strike
Encounter: Disrupting Strike, Off-Hand Strike, Second Wind, Unbalancing Parry, Battle Awareness
Daily: Chainmail of Dwarven Vigor, Jaws of the Wolf, Opportunistic Waraxe

Full Character Sheet [/sblock]


First Post
Nyar shouts over the ruckus, "Dalvach, I'll blast that group to the north!" Pointing the the three goblins north of the stage.

[sblock=ooc] Just some IC strategizing, that group is so asking for a close burst 1 ;) [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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