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[Adventure] Desolation Island (DM: jsb420; JUDGE: covaithe)


[sblock=Tactics]Right now, Finnean is the only one we've got to spare in blocking doors. Ixenvalignat is blocking one, and Cyrus is already inside my room. We need to keep the rats from getting out into the vestibule to prevent their aura from becoming a multi-player problem.[/sblock]

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First Post
Right now, Finnean is the only one we've got to spare in blocking doors. Ixenvalignat is blocking one, and Cyrus is already inside my room. We need to keep the rats from getting out into the vestibule to prevent their aura from becoming a multi-player problem.

I don't think blocking that single cutter is a concern right now, so we only really need to block the one door.

The goblin archers will be here soon, but we should have time to move to block them once they appear (especially with my 8 move/charge bonus) - best to hit the rats as hard as possible before then.
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First Post
Round 4 – Island Tower
GM: Hope everyone’s Thanksgiving was good (for those who celebrate). Back to the game!

[sblock=Previous Rounds]
Round 1
Round 1a
Round 2
Round 3
Round 3-RETRO
With a precise strike, Finnean stabs the nearest goblin through the heart with his rapier. As he does, psychic energy washes over Ironheart, invigorating the wood woad. (HIT)

"Pardon me sir Finnean," Ixenvalignat excuses himself as he steps over the halfling, "Allow me to help clear the way for you." And yet another of the hideous goblins falls to the floor. (HIT)

Cyrus stalks the shadows as he enters the new room where the others moved into. He swiftly moved into position to strike the unaware victim. Readying his blade he would move to strike but the lone goblin in his endless flailing to stay alive as the others assault his friends, smokes Cyrus in the snout causing his blade to slash the floor instead. Cyrus growled lowly and rubbed his snout. Damn goblins... He stated quietly to himself. (MISS)

The rats gnaw on Ironheart's hide, and he grimaces in pain. He slams his axe own among them, killing only a few of them but sending the rest scattering. He stands immobile in the doorway as they form back into a pack in the center of the room. (HIT)
GM: [MENTION=79945]JoeNotCharles[/MENTION]: I’ll say that since both effects (OG 3 and Font) both trigger at the beginning, I’ll say that yes you are able to make the Font of Life save. So you took 9 damage, using up +5thp (Finnean), dropping to 31hp.

The swarm is adjacent to you again, don’t forget its basic attack against Ironheart at start of turn.

Jesse rushes into the heart of the tower, from within come the sound of lots of chittering and squeaking. Whatever it is, there must be dozens! Maybe hundreds! The tiefling nearly steps back in hesitation, but takes a moment to regain his calm. (Second Wind)

The last cutter squeals as its mates drop to the combined might of the heroes. It lashes out at Ixen ineffectually. It turns as if to bolt for the stairs, but instead comes face-to-face with the feline-humanoid. The terrified goblin can only step to side before freezing in fright. (MISS)

The swarm of rats flows through the doorway, dozens of rats biting at Ironheart. (HIT)

Illumination: Outside: Bright; mid-morning
Inside: Bright; torch-light
Tower Walls: covered in abalone shells; Climb (Athletics DC 21)
Double-Door: Metal, 10-feet tall; locked (AC4; 180hp); Thievery DC 15 to open
Interior Doors: Wooden; 8-feet tall; each door has a sliding iron panel at eye level for a Medium creature. The panels can be opened from either side
Arrow Slits: multiple per tower level; cannot squeeze through (only Tiny-sized creatures can fit)
Main Ramp: not considered difficult terrain.[/sblock]
[sblock=Enemy Actions]Goblin Blackblade 1
Goblin Cutter: x5
Goblin Cutter 5 (D6): Standard: MBA (short sword) against Ixen (AC 21): +6 vs. AC; 4 damage (5 damage on a critical hit): 1d20+6=17 miss; Move: Shift C7>D6

Swarm of Rats (H9): Shift: i7>H9; Standard: MBA (Swarm of Teeth) against Ironheart (AC 18): +10 vs. AC; 1d6+3 damage and ongoing 3 damage (save ends): 1d20+10=26, 1d6+3=7 HIT for 7 damage and OG 3 damage (save ends).

Goblin Sharpshooter 1 (unknown): nothing
Goblin Sharpshooter 2 (unknown): nothing
Goblin Sharpshooter 3 (unknown): nothing
[sblock=Combatants]Goblin Blackblade 1

Goblin Sharpshooter: AC 16; Fort 14; Ref 16; Will 14; 44/44 hp; MBA (short sword): +10 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage; RBA (hand crossbow): Ranged 10/20; +11 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage; Sniper: When a goblin sharpshooter makes a ranged attack from hiding and misses, it is considered to be hiding; Goblin Tactics: immediate reaction; at-will; when missed by a melee attack, the goblin sharpshooter can shift 1 square; Combat Advantage: the goblin sharpshooter deals an extra 1d6 damage against any creature it has combat advantage against, it can gain combat advantage against flanked creatures.
Goblin Sharpshooter 1 (unknown): 44/44 hp; Status:
Goblin Sharpshooter 2 (unknown): 44/44 hp; Status:
Goblin Sharpshooter 3 (on rooftop): 44/44 hp; Status:
[sblock=Picture] [/sblock]

Goblin Cutter: AC 17; Fort 13; Ref 15; Will 12; 1 hp (a miss never damages a minion); MBA (short sword): +6 vs. AC; 4 damage (5 damage on a critical hit); RBA (crossbow): +6 vs. AC; 4 damage (5 damage on a critical hit); Goblin Tactics: immediate reaction; at-will; when missed by a melee attack, the goblin cutter can shift 1 square.
Goblin Cutter: x5
Goblin Cutter 5 (D6): 1/1 hp; Status:
[sblock=Picture] [/sblock]

Rat Swarm: AC 20; Fort 17; Ref 19; Will 15; 60/60 hp; MBA (Swarm of Teeth): +10 vs. AC; 1d6+3 damage and ongoing 3 damage (save ends); Swarm Attack Aura: aura 1: The swarm of rats makes a MBA as a free action against each enemy that begins its turn in the aura; Resist half damage from melee and ranged attacks; Vulnerable 5 close and area attacks.
Swarm of Rats (H9): 41/60 hp; Status: marked (Ironheart)
[sblock=Picture] [/sblock]

Finnean (E9): 25/34 hp; HS 6/7; AP 1 ; Second Chance ; Ardent Surge [1]; Second Wind; Status: +1 to all defenses TENT (Finnean)
Ixenvalignat (D8): 34/42 hp; HS 8/8; AP 1; Inspiring Word [1], [2]; Second Wind; Status:
Cyrus (C6): 26/36 hp; HS 9/9; AP 1; Second Wind; Status: hidden
Jesse (G6): 22/33 hp; HS 6/7; AP 1; Potion of Healing; Second Wind; Status:
Ironheart (H8): 28 /49 hp; HS 11/11; AP 1 ; Second Wind; Status:
GM: Summary:
Finnean: -
Ixenvalignat: -
Cyrus: -
Jesse: second wind (+7hp)
Ironheart: +5thp; 9 damage; +4thp; 7 damage and OG 3 damage (save ends)


First Post
Jesse ducks behind his party. In the midst of his allies, he sees a squirming goblin trying to hack at his leader. Promptly, he mutters an arcane word and the goblin spontaneously erupts into flames. It shrieks and cries weakens from a startling crescendo of squeals and soon it's voice died down.

[sblock=Actions]Move: Walk to D9
Action: Magic Missile at Goblin Cutter [AUTOHIT] for 7 force damage.[/sblock]

OOC: See what I did there?
Anyway, Jesse intends to retrain Phantom Bolt to Winged Horde because after the release of Heroes of the Feywild, Winged Horde now has the Illusion keyword. I'm just waiting for the okay from jsb...
Jesse will be a happy illusionist...
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Seeing the last goblin fall, Ixenvalignat focuses his attention on the rats, "Fear not my verdant friend! I'm right beside you!" Bounding across the antechamber, the dragonborn skids to a halt amid the skittering pests, dragging his broadsword in an arc along the floor that slices through almost half of the vermin, "Hoho! You weren't expecting that, now were you, you suppleskinned squeakers!?" Ixenvalingat brings his blade down again in a followup move, but the rats are not so easily surprised this time. His blade falls on the pavers, with a clang, spilling no blood, "Alright, my friends," he calls out to the others, "It's up to you to finish this job!"[sblock=Actions]Minor: Vanguard Weapon Daily (Upon successful charge, USONT Allies within 10 squares gain +1 to attacks and +5 (Cha mod) to damage).

Standard: Charge with Brave Warriors to G9
Target: Rat Swarm
Attack: 1d20+10+1(Charge)=29 vs. AC for (3d10+6+1d8(VW Charge))/2=15 damage

Tactician's Invitation
Target: Rat Swarm
Attack: 1d20+10=13 Miss (Wishing I were an elf right now)


  • Rat Swarm takes 15 damage
  • Allies within LOS of Ixenvalignat gain +1 to Charge attacks UEOE
  • Allies within 10 Squares gain +1 to Attacks and +5 to damage USONT
  • Ixenvalignat is "In the Aura" at G9
[/sblock][sblock=Ministats] Ixenvalignat
Male Dragonborn Warlord Level 3 Initiative: +1
Speed 5
Passive Perceoption: 10; Passive Insight: 10; Senses: Normal Vision
Draconic Fury: +1 to attack rolls while bloodied
Languages: Draconic, Common
AC: 21; Fortitude; 19 Reflex: 15; Will: 18
HP: 42/42
Surge Value: 10; Surges Left: 8/8
Action Points: 0

At Will Powers:
:bmelee: Melee Basic Attack 1d20+10 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10+6 damage

:branged: Ranged Basic Attack 1d20+3 vs. AC
Hit: 1d4 damage

:melee: Brash Assault (Standard) 1d20+10 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10+6 damage

Effect: The target can make a melee basic attack against you as a free action asn has combat advantage for the attack. If the target makes the attack, an ally of your choice within 5 squares of the target can make a basic attack against the target as a free action and has combat advantage for the attack.

:melee: Intuitive Strike (Standard) 1d20+10 vs. Will
Hit: 1d10+6 damage. Until the start of Ixenvalignat's next turn, the next ally who attacks the target and has combat advantage against it gains a +2 power bonus to the attack roll.

Encounter Powers:
:close: (5) Dragon Breath (Minor) 1d20+9 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d6 damage
Bostering Breath Feat: Targets enemies only

Hit: 1d6 Lightning damage

Battlefront Shift (No Action)

Effect: Target (either Ixenvalignat or an ally) shifts half speed on initiative roll

:close: (5) Inspiring Word (Minor) 1 2
Effect: Target within 5 squares spends healing surge for HS value+1d6 hitpoints

Can be used twice per encounter

:ranged: (5) Encouraging Boost (Minor)
Effect: The target can use its second wind and regain an additional +4 hit points.

Can be used twice per encounter
:melee: Tactician's Invitation (Standard) 1d20+10 vs. AC
2d10+6 Damage. The next time an ally hits the target before the end of Ixenvalignat's next turn, that ally can slide the target two squares, shift 2 squares or deal 4 extra damage to the target.

:melee: Flattening Charge (Standard, Charge)1d20+10+1 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10+6 Damage, and Ixenvalignat knocks the target prone.

Bravura Presence:
If the attack hits, this power is not expended

The target gains combat advantage against Ixenvalignat until the start of Ixenvalignat's next turn.

Daily Powers:

:melee: Bastion of Defense 1d20+10 vs. AC
Hit: 3d10+6=Damage. Each ally within 5 squares of Ixenvalignat gains a +1 power bonus to all defenses until the end of the encounter.

Effect: Each ally within 5 squares of Ixenvalignat gains 9 temporary hit poins.

:melee: Brave Warriors 1d20+10 vs. AC
Hit: 3d10+6=Damage.

Miss: Half damage

Effect: Until the end of the encounter, Ixenvalignat gets a +1 power bonus to attack rolls when he charges, and allies get a +1 power bonus to attack rolls when they charge within line of sight of Ixenvalignat.


  • Armored Warlord: Ixenvalignat gains proficiency with scale armor, and he increases his number of healing surges by one.
  • Bolstering Breath: Your dragon breath power targets enemies in the area, instead of all creatures in the area. In addition, allies in the area of your dragon breath gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
  • Enlarged Dragon Breath: You may chose to make your dragon breath power close blast 5 instead of close blast 3.
OOC: Can I just say it now?

"I hate insubstantials and swarms!"

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First Post
OOC: I realized that requesting to retrain for Winged Horde will make it look like I'm meta-gaming, as such, I will either wait for jsb's final decision or just...I dunno play it cool or something...:p
Also, verdant? I googled that and it came up with bright green colour of grass...ooooooh, you're talking about the warden/Ironheart =="
Is he a warden? I forgot, I'll go check. Hmm, was it mentioned that he was green? I'm quite sure he was a woody colour, because he was "camouflaged" when on his boat.
...suppleskinned squeekers...heh...
ALSO, Gimlord, your post says 3210 damage, as opposed to 3d10.


OOC: Also, verdant? I googled that and it came up with bright green colour of grass...ooooooh, you're talking about the warden/Ironheart =="
Is he a warden? I forgot, I'll go check. Hmm, was it mentioned that he was green? I'm quite sure he was a woody colour, because he was "camouflaged" when on his boat.
OOC: I was thinking 'verdant' more in the vegetative-looking sense. Perhaps I was mistaken as to Ironheart's appearance. I was comparing him to a tree-like creature, and thus appearing to be covered in vegetation, and thus...'verdant'.

OOC: ...suppleskinned squeekers...heh...
OOC: Yes. Ixenvalignat is a dragonborn, and thus covered in scales. Mammalian creatures (such as rats...and humans) are, from his point of view, 'suppleskinned'.
OOC: ALSO, Gimlord, your post says 3210 damage, as opposed to 3d10.
OOC: Thanks for pointing that out. Retconned.

*EDIT* Corrected Ironheart's name, and upon rereading this, it sounded way too inflammatory. Must have been unconsciously self-conscious. Apologies to treex.
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First Post
Everybody's a critic! I was thinking 'verdant' more in the vegetative-looking sense. Perhaps I was mistaken as to Ironroot's appearance. I was comparing him to a tree-like creature, and thus appearing to be covered in vegetation, and thus...'verdant'. If it's a real problem, I can retcon. :p
OOC: It's Ironheart...and this is the picture that he gave in his profile so I guess he's pretty green, I just didn't imagine him that way

Yes. Ixenvalignat is a dragonborn, and thus covered in scales. Mammalian creatures (such as rats...and humans) are, from his point of view, 'suppleskinned'. Pardon me for inventing a word.
OOC: I just found the word funny :)


First Post
OOC: I'm out of town for work for a week. Not sure if I'll get a chance to post, so feel free to NPC me if I'm holding things up.

Looking forward to figuring out a way to charge next turn... All those bonuses stack, right?

Ironheart is half verdant, half shrivelled: he was caught in a fire at some point in the past so his left side is cracked and dead (although he can still move fine) while he right side is green and leafy.

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