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(Adventure) Feral Smackdown Battle Royale


LEW Judge
Sir Ishmael bowed in reverence and appreciation to the monks. He could do little else since his mind was still reeling from the amount of treasure that was before him.

One thousand sixhundred gold pieces was a fortune to the Halfling. With this money, a whole year could go by with a good meal everyday. With this money, he could have a banquet in the Red Dragon and stuff himself full. His eyes glazed over with the possibilities.

But he stopped himself. He remembered what his Order... his Master, stood for. He shook his head inwardly and carefully placed the gifts into his belt pouch. The monies would be well-spent and not squandered like some spoiled child. The only banquets he would be throwing would be for the unfortunate and the poverty-stricken.

He clumsily mumbled a thanks to the Monks of St. Feragon, words failing him for yet another time this day.

OOC: What exactly can we buy in Orussus? In the way of magick items? Are there any charities which Sir Ishmael can donate to? If there are none, which deity is the most humanitarian?
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Living EN World Judge
nimisgod said:
OOC: What exactly can we buy in Orussus? In the way of magick items? Are there any charities which Sir Ishmael can donate to? If there are none, which deity is the most humanitarian?
For sale is/are any of the items presneted in the Core books, gear as per PH and magic items as per the DMG.
No body is of sufficient level to make items as-if-yet, so I don't think that any custom items are available.
You could buy a MW weapon without too much trouble, what are you looking for/
Although not spelled out yet, there are many charities, some honest, some frauds (as in the real world).

Here are a couple off of the cuff...

Orphans-of-the-Road: Run by the local Roadwarden's Guild, this organization takes in orphaned children either found as a result of some depridations (bandits,Orcs,warfare etc...) or those from the City that wish to better themselves in life (join the Roadwardens Guild as a career). There are currently aprox 200 children of ranging in age (human equiv for non humans) from infant to about 12. At 13 years of age, the Roadwardens apprentice the children to one of the Roadwarden Houses, where they learn job skills (working inthe Inn cleaning, cooking, helping in the stables,blacksmithery etc...) until such time as their apptitudes show them to be either acceptable as a Roadwarden 9those with good observational skills and good riders primarily) or they continue to work in a Roadhouse as cooks,labourers,smiths etc...
The Roadwardens take in somewhere between thirty and a hundred children a year, and have never hada failed apprentice, finding a position for even the mentally handicapped that they occassionally find wandering the Roads.

The Brothers of Peace
An organization run by Priests of several local Churches, the Brotherhood seeks to halt Warfare wherever it may be found, looking to use Diplomacy as an alternative. Often criticized for attempting this approach even with the most despicable creatures (one Priest/envoy dissapeared while trying to negotiate a peace between warring Goblin tribes), the brotherhood strives ever onwards.
the Brotherhood has a local chapter in many major cities, Rivenblight being a notable exception, as the conflict-heavy city has run these men and women off as their attempts at peace have resulted in several Duels beng issued because of their interference.
The current focus of the Brotherhood is the brewing War in the East between Carduth and the borderlands between them that great Empire and the West.
The Carduthian Emperor has not yet acknowledged the existance of the Brotherhood as anything other than a minor nuisance, but rumours of espionage and sabotage funded by this organization hindering his warf effort have been the talk of many a local watering hole for the last several months. So far, Carduth has met stmbling block after stumbling blocck init's attempt to subjecate the dwarven City of Stonepike and their allies, the hillmen of Bainlund.
Time will tell how these events will play out, but the Brotherhood will undoutably be there...


Living EN World Judge
Trying again for Kirin...Mark of Kroggoth


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Kahuna Burger

First Post
Uriel said:
Trying again for Kirin...Mark of Kroggoth

Danke... it appears Kirin is in a bit of a metagame bind here... Back when she detected magic on the feral at the roadwarden, you said "The Detect showed residual Transmutation and ENchantment magic, very faint and of a Divine nature. It would seem that whatever changed them is permanent." That rules out a strict Curse, but depending on whether you meant truely permanent or the spell desciptor permanent, not neccassarily using Remove Curse or possibly Dispel Magic. The (new?) wording of Break Enchantment has it effecting even instantaneuous effects, but a scroll of such is both expensive and risky. You've also introduced ritual magic... can kirin learn a ritual to undo the effect on a captured feral? does she need a feat for it? A cabal? is it just for evil and bloody altars?

Hence the need for research, unless this information is readily available to her using knowlege arcane/religious. (She's gonna need a live feral eventually too... a dead one could be of some use, but I don't know if kirin has sufficient diplomacy to borrow a slain monk... damn it, gentle repose is 2nd level!)

So I need some direct metagame input here on how Kirin's quest for knowlege would proceed...

Kahuna Burger


Living EN World Judge
Kahuna Burger said:
Danke... it appears Kirin is in a bit of a metagame bind here... Back when she detected magic on the feral at the roadwarden, you said "The Detect showed residual Transmutation and ENchantment magic, very faint and of a Divine nature. It would seem that whatever changed them is permanent." That rules out a strict Curse, but depending on whether you meant truely permanent or the spell desciptor permanent, not neccassarily using Remove Curse or possibly Dispel Magic. The (new?) wording of Break Enchantment has it effecting even instantaneuous effects, but a scroll of such is both expensive and risky. You've also introduced ritual magic... can kirin learn a ritual to undo the effect on a captured feral? does she need a feat for it? A cabal? is it just for evil and bloody altars?

Hence the need for research, unless this information is readily available to her using knowlege arcane/religious. (She's gonna need a live feral eventually too... a dead one could be of some use, but I don't know if kirin has sufficient diplomacy to borrow a slain monk... damn it, gentle repose is 2nd level!)

So I need some direct metagame input here on how Kirin's quest for knowlege would proceed...

Kahuna Burger

OoC: The Spell (Homebrew)/Ritual that I used is a Vile Spell, as in BoVD.
The Book of Exalted Deeds may have some equivalent for redemption/de-conversion (that is SO not a valid word) or reversion to the Natural State of the being. I do not have said book, at this point, though picking it up isn't a big problem for me.I did mean Permanent as in irreversible. that does not mean that some way of reversing doesn not exist somewhere (see Book of Exalted Deeds mentioned below).
I'll have to let this one hang for just a bit until I have the proper source material.

Just as the Vile Spells are 'Secret' magics that take some in-game playing for even the most evil of characters to gain knowledge or access to, I think that there would/will be a similar problem getting to the Inner Powers of the gGod Guys/Gals. Similar to those rumoured Secret Orders of the catholic Church, though I hardy call the CC the Good Guys in every respect (not Catholic bashing here,folks, just looking at History).

A slain Monk? The other Monks would have issue with that, as they are going to do what they can to lay them to rest (skulls in nifty subterranean chamber ala many Italian Monestaries etc...). However, the Orcs are all Feral-Converted as well. there are plenty of Orc bodies.

I would think that Kirin might have some luck in her queries by meeting with the Oakheart Lodge, a Druidic Order oppossed to Kroggoth that telerin and Aranel met during their first advenure together...That sounds like a good starting point.
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Kahuna Burger

First Post
Uriel said:
A slain Monk? The other Monks would have issue with that, as they are going to do what they can to lay them to rest (skulls in nifty subterranean chamber ala many Italian Monestaries etc...). However, the Orcs are all Feral-Converted as well. there are plenty of Orc bodies.

but were they converted agaisnt their will? And yeah, I knew the monks would want their dead, thats why I meantioned diplomacy (appealing to their greater responsibilty to the world and the chance to do more for future unfortunates, it should not be impossible by any stretch, though if this is a particularly worldly/selfish bunch of monks, she might have better luck with the roadwardens) rather than just trying to walk out with a body. :rolleyes:

I would think that Kirin might have some luck in her queries by meeting with the Oakheart Lodge, a Druidic Order oppossed to Kroggoth that telerin and Aranel met during their first advenure together...That sounds like a good starting point.

Being as Kirin belongs to an order dedicated to protection, knowlege, healing and magic, a knowlege check might be the best place to start. ;) Not to be ungreatful for your efforts to make the game more interesting, but if this exists, it exists in LEW, and should be part of the world that Kirin's training to protect and learn occured in. (I'll let another judge take up the jump from "srd only" to "not even OGL", but those semi-secret protrective orders you spoke of? She belongs to one. :p ) For more information on this specific use of vile rituals, Oakheart was definitly on the to see list, but logicly, the senior 'clerics' of her old hospice would be next in line, especially for questions on what magic is effective against them.


[Wow - 1100 apiece!]

On Rurik's way out, he noticed people giggling at him. Turning around to see if there was a "smite me" sign upon his back, he noticed Tara holding up the sack he had taken a share from, and laughing at him. Still armed with the jug, he looked at her not quite understanding, until he looked at some of the others, laughing at him, who were holding sacks identical to the one he had taken from.

Blushing, he walked back to Tara and accepted the rest of his bounty, before turning back for outside.

[There. Now if we buy something, does that go here or in a thread to be named later?]

Guilt Puppy

First Post
Sturm accepts the loot as politely as he can manage, after having seen so many jobs with no sign of reward -- which means that, as he leaves, the tangles of his beard are littered with glinting coin.

Grinning with enthusiasm, he approaches Rurik, trying to look serious for a moment.

"Ye a gamblin' sort, Rurik? Not'n I mean'n play games with me firs' sign o' loot in an age... What I mean's like, say ye're at stones, 'n ye've got it all at line, 'n ye manage'n pull face 'n double yer ever'thin'... Do ye say kvitye on yer luck 'n head home, 'r do ye go an' put yer ever'thin' back at again?"

He hoists his pack over his shoulder, having filtered any loose coinage back to it.

"'s been said at me what 'at second sort's got no smarts fer bettin', 'cause o' some reason what ne'er made much sense at me." He squints, as though he's about to say something really clever. "See, 'ese wags say ye're like'n lose event'lly, 'n then ye're fresh out, but what they ain' though 'bout's say: What if'n ye jes' keep on with winnin'?"

Sturm laughs proudly, and once he's back to town he blows all his loot on just two items:

- In pocket: 42 gp (and change; 7sp, 10cp)
- Loot: +1600gp = 1642gp
- Sold: Scythe +9gp = 1653gp
- Sold: Scale Male +25gp = 1678gp
- Bought: MW Scythe -318gp = 1360gp
- Bought: +1 Breastplate -1350gp = 10gp

(OOC: Note these are 3rd ed prices, as the 3.5 SRD is currently down at wizards, and the OGF still doesn't have it mirrored. I don't think these have changed, but if so, I'll update everything to reflect that.)


First Post
Aranel pulled herself together and inspected her favoured little weapon again. Oh, it wasn't as bad as she had thought. Momentarily regretting her outburst of...distastful words, she was then swept up in the thanks and reuniting of the monks.

As they handed her the rewards, she stared blankly at them for a long moment, closed her mouth and took them with a smile. "Many thanks...I..." she stared at her feet a moment. "I am sorry for your loss...and in a way I'm sorry to gain from it. But these rewards will help me live a little longer." She smiled very slightly, an almost sad smile. "Again...thank you."

Feeling strangely...Aranel couldn't describe it...and so she decided sh just needed to be alone a moment. Fnding a quiet patch to sit and work on the repairs to her precious little bow she thought to herself about everthing that had gone on...


"I think I'm gonna use my share a th' cash ta get me a better whip..." Troi says.

"I'm prolly gonna lay low for awhile, rest up an' recover from whatever it was that druid guy threw at me." He says. "What's everybody thinkin' 'bout doin'?" He asks to no one in particular.



MW Studded Leather (+82.5 gp)
MW Whip (+150.5 gp)
Longsword (+7.5 gp)

Total from selling: 238 gp 5 sp

Total: 2305 gp


+1 Whip (-2301 gp)

Cash Left: 4 gp

Voidrunner's Codex

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