Pathfinder 1E airwalkrr's Rise of the Runelords AE PBP Reborn! [OOC]


Edit 10-Nov-14: The four primary slots have been filled. Accepting submissions for alternates.

I am getting back into the PBP game again. Physical therapy after surgery from my auto accident last year has finally finished out, and I have stabilized my medications. I'm feeling well again and look to have free time enough to run play-by-post again for the foreseeable future. I feel like I tackled a bit too much last time anyway, so this time I am taking a more relaxed (and I hope enjoyable!) approach.

Sorry in advance if any of this sounds like legalese. I try to predict questions so that I can provide preemptive answers. And I have been called a blowhard. :D But I've given this a lot of thought, and my hope is that interested players will have all the information they need to submit a concept and create a character right from the git-go.

I want the game to be a bit more cinematic, with as few rules obstructions and dice rolling as possible. Consequently, I've settled on a small set of variant rules and house rules which I believe will help achieve that. But before I get into that, I'll lay out a few core concepts that will guide the running of this game. These guidelines will govern the way I referee the game:
  • Epic fantasy: Your characters are heroes with a great destiny! There are few like them in the world. In time, they will come to be recognized as legends. This is their story to own.
  • Focus on the imagination: Despite the fact that I will be using the fairly rules-heavy Pathfinder RPG for this game as well as allowing players quite a deal of flexibility in character creation, this game will focus heavily on the power of your imagination. Because of this, I will not be tracking tactical maps for combat (though I will provide maps during the process of exploration when needed). When questions of tactical character location arise, it will often be a simple matter of giving the player the benefit of the doubt. If you want to try out a particular build's tactical capabilities, this is probably not the game for it. However, this is the perfect place to play an interesting or intriguing concept that otherwise might not be wise in a typical Pathfinder game.
  • Simple is (almost) always better: If there is not a dire need for a die to be rolled or a mechanic to be invoked, it shall generally not be done. Special consideration will be given to situations in which the life or severe punishment of a character is in question. This means that sometimes casting a spell or using a skill (particularly outside of combat) simply produces the desired result. The player is welcome to include a die roll if desired, but creativity and using the right ability at the right time will be more important than the game mechanics. A character with a high Diplomacy skill should have little difficulty convincing a simple town sheriff to take a matter seriously and weak creatures are unlikely to see through a powerful illusion.
  • The world is a sandbox: Even though this is an Adventure Path, I do not tend to run games that are tightly structured around a single story. I am mixing the "Adventure Path" concept with the "Sandbox" concept a bit, such that Varisia is your sandbox. Although there will be a main story which is the adventure path, the world of Golarion is alive with other stories to be told, and you will be allowed to pursue those stories if you like, although they are likely to be relatively short. I am very much a "journey over destination" person. My goal is not to finish the adventure path, but to enjoy telling a great story with my players. If the players choose to pursue the main story over the others, there's nothing wrong with that, but neither is there anything wrong with deviating from the main plot if you enjoy it.
Variant and House Rules
  1. Hero Points: As characters in a story of epic fantasy, sometimes the fates must intervene to help bring about a hero's destiny. In addition to the rules as written for Hero Points, you have the option of turning a d20 roll into a 10 when you might otherwise reroll or when used to add a bonus after the roll has been made and a 15 when used as a bonus before the roll is made (these options replace the reroll or +8/+4 bonus when used and are not cumulative). Your character may choose the Antihero path if playing a non-good alignment.
  2. Armor as Damage Reduction: I have elected to use this rule primarily because it reduces the chances of missing during combat. I have read the Paizo forums on these rules and recognize they may have some flaws. If necessary we will adjust them as we go. All I have to add to this rule at the moment is that if armor or natural armor is the sole reason an attack would fail to do damage, then the minimum damage is 1 nonlethal. Also, if you do not own Ultimate Combat and have to use the PRD, the table for "Natural Armor Conversion to DR" is not formatted properly. It should read as follows (see also alternate link):
    View attachment 64988
    (Edit 02 Aug 2015: Armor as DR is no longer being used in this campaign.)
  3. Players Roll All The Dice: Regardless of whether enemies are identified, their attack scores, defense scores, critical defense scores, saving throw scores, and spell resistance (if any) will be listed during combat to speed things along. If you think this is too meta, just remember that the game focus here is cinematic and your imagination.
  4. Campaign Trait: Although I am not allowing characters the option to choose Traits by default, each character is allowed to one Campaign trait from the Pathfinder Adventure Path: Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition Player's Guide (free download). If you wish to have more traits, you must take the Additional Traits feat.
  5. Retraining: It's no fun having to live with a poor decision or when something doesn't work out the way you had hoped. Whenever characters are granted downtime (about once every 3 levels), you may use these rules to retrain aspects of your character which you no longer find appealing.
  6. The Core Rulebook and Supplements: Although players will be given many liberties to play what they like, the rules and options found in the Core Rulebook represent the most common classes, races, equipment, and magic in the world. Consequently, these are the options that are most readily available. Unless a class feature is dependent upon it, all starting equipment must be selected from the Core Rulebook. Aside from normal advancement, purchasing equipment, magic, and spells from outside the Core Rulebook will generally have a 25%-50% chance of being available so long as it is within a given settlement's limits.
  7. The Leader: Sometimes, it may be unclear to me which direction the party will go in a dungeon or along a path. Since I will generally assume the party stays together, a leader must be designated for when I am unclear on which direction to move the story. In such cases of uncertainty, to avoid prolonged deliberation, I will assume the leader has the final say. By default, the leader will be the player character with the highest Charisma, although a player may willingly defer to a different leader, or the party may select a leader by any means they choose. This is not meant to bestow any sense of abstract authority upon any one player, merely to indicate which character the party usually follows in the interest of keeping the game moving.
  8. Cost of Living: Pay a minimum of 3 gp per month and you won't need to track every copper spent for a mug of ale or a couple silvers for a place to sleep. Of course, if you prefer more secure living arrangements you may pay more (see link). Adventurers paying for wealthy and extravagant cost of living expenses will find it easier to schmooze among the nobility. A character may change cost of living up or down at any time by paying the difference (if any) but this cost will not be pro-rated.
Character Submission and Creation
I plan to update three times a week (Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings Central Standard Time North America), so I'm looking for players who can at least keep up with that. The first four players to submit complete character concepts which fulfill a designated role will be selected. After all roles have been filled, I will take on as many back-up players as desired; in the event a back-up is needed, the back-up character will be introduced as soon as there is a natural point in the plot to do so. The four roles are arcane, divine, battle, and troubleshooter. Although each role can flexible depending on the concept, the following guidelines apply:
  • Arcane: someone highly skilled in arcane magic and the use of arcane magic items, such as a wizard or sorcerer.
  • Divine: someone highly skilled in divine magic and the use of restorative or defensive magic, such as a cleric or druid.
  • Battle: someone ideally trained for combat with weapons in both melee and range, such as a fighter or ranger.
  • Troubleshooter: someone with many skills that brings something special to the table, such as the ability to find and disarm traps, cast support spells, or otherwise aid the party in a way that might otherwise be missing, such as a bard or a rogue.
A complete character concept includes the following:
  • Name, can be preliminary
  • Race, can be preliminary
  • Class, required
  • Role, required, including how the character intends to fulfill that role (if unorthodox, such as a paladin submitted for a divine role)
  • Description, required, including major details about the character, choice of Campaign Trait (to avoid redundancy), preferably in 3-5 sentences or less
Once your concept has been approved and your spot secure, you can feel free to start building. You can start beforehand, but it won't necessarily guarantee you the spot. All choices not from the Core Rulebook require citation of the source. (I'm not 100% fluent in Pathfinder, and I may need to read up on unfamiliar mechanics.) Any source listed on the official Paizo library accessible through the official Paizo Pathfinder Reference Document is allowed. If a sourcebook is not listed on that site, it is not available for use. Rules listed as optional, unless otherwise specified here, are not available (e.g. Honor). Follow these steps for character creation:
  1. Purchase Ability Scores: Your character is the stuff of epic fantasy. You receive 25 ability score points. Any base score of 7 to 18 is allowable.
  2. Pick Your Race: I would prefer we not get too fruity here. All core races are allowed. The so-called "featured races" appearing in the Advanced Race Guide may be selected as preliminary choices (preferably with a good backstory), but I will not allow more than half the party to consist of featured races. I should note that the region of Varisia where the campaign begins is notoriously superstitious, and certain of the featured races may be subject to flagrant discrimination of the worst sort. Few people in Sandpoint are very open-minded to the presence of any but the core races. Even beatific creatures such as aasimars could find themselves subjected to unwanted attention. The so-called "uncommon races" from the Advanced Race Guide will not be allowed. Alternate racial traits are allowed as long as they are legit (do not conflict).
  3. Pick Your Class: Any class from an official source is allowed. Archetypes and favored class options are allowed as long as they are legit (do not conflict). Note some classes, particularly the hybrid classes from the Advanced Class Guide might require explanation upon why you feel they would be suitable for a particular role.
  4. Pick Skills and Select Feats: All skills from the Core Rulebook are used as written. Any feat from an official source is allowed, as long as it is not part of an optional rule set not otherwise enumerated here.
  5. Buy Equipment: Unless a character class feature depends upon a piece of equipment from another source, all starting equipment must be selected from the Core Rulebook. Characters start with average wealth for their respective classes. Do not forget to set aside money for your preferred Cost of Living as this must be paid during character creation. If you cannot afford at least 3 gp for the first month, your character is considered destitute until he pays at least 3 gp.
  6. Finishing Details: Because all player characters in this campaign are the stuff of epic fantasy, they receive maximum hit points per level for each level. Good-aligned characters are most likely to step into the role of hero, but nongood and evil-aligned characters might participate in this adventure path for reasons of their own. So long as alignment does not serve as an excuse for interparty conflict, you may play any alignment you like. Evil characters may NOT use Hero Points however and MUST select the Antihero option. Make certain to calculate your character's defense bonus, critical hit defense check bonus, and critical defense DC.
  7. Any rules not listed or referred to herein are assumed to be disallowed and require my permission before use.

That should cover everything. Planned starting time is roughly one week after character sheets are submitted. Use whatever format is most convenient for you. Bear in mind the theme of the game and don't sweat the small stuff. Please draw up a mini-stat block that you can use with each post including:
  • Character Name
  • Alignment
  • Hit Points (current/total)
  • Diplomacy (plus cost of living)
  • Perception
  • Sense Motive
I've been thinking about this for a long time so I am pretty sure there will be very few, if any, changes between now and start date.

[sblock=Treasure & Experience Links]01-01 Festival and Fire:!-IC&p=6522877&viewfull=1#post6522877[/sblock]
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I have tried playing RotRL a few times, but never really got past halfway through the first module.

I have a number of ideas that would really depend on the party composition. Having to select class and role right off the bat is actually limiting. Certain roles can be filled a number of different ways and what class I would pick could depend on the other characters in the party. The same holds true for classes filling multiple roles in a party. So how flexible can we be once the 4 concepts are selected?

I am submitting this concept:

Name: Jamir Rolande
Race: Human male
Class: Bard
Role: Troubleshooter, but could take on Arcane instead.
Jamir is of average height with athletic build. He wears a hat with a brim that covers the top of his head, and his brown hair is visible from underneath as it reach his neck. He is unshaven, but has a trimmed mustache and a beard that makes a point on his chin. He wears brown leather armor and has sturdy grey trousers tucked into his black leather boots.

Sometimes boisterous and obnoxious, but when comfortable with friends he will be agreeable and a loyal companion. When alone, he prefers avoiding confrontations and hiding away to avoid trouble. But he can be smart and devious and can hold his own when it comes to dealing with problems.

Jamir grew up as a vagabond child after his parents were killed. Rumor had it that it was an accident, but he was never really sure what happened. He was too young and was not present, and any adults that actually knew determined that the small child did not need to know such things.

He lived on the streets of Magnimar relying on the compassion of some and taking what he could to survive and eat. He was able to sneak into places at night and steal scraps without arising suspicion.

Campaign Trait: Likely Outlander Exile, but I am considering taking the feat for Additional Traits as well.


Thanks for the submission, [MENTION=88649]perrinmiller[/MENTION]. You do not need to be locked into your class and role. I simply want players to indicate their preferences rather submit a very vague character concept. So to others, yes, please submit a concept with a primary class and role already selected. The way perrinmiller did it, suggesting for example that his concept could potentially fill both the Troubleshooter or Arcane role is fine. Once the party is full, you may make changes to suit your tastes or based on the needs of the party.
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Like PM, I've tried RotRL several times, but haven't gotten very far on any trial. I'm submitting for the Battle role, with a Human (Keleshite) Fighter, Two-Handed/Martial Master Archetypes. Application in the works, and I'll update in this post as I make progress. (Hi, PM! Hi airwalkrr!)

Name: Kelvyn Damonder
Race: Human (Keleshite) Male
Class: Fighter (Two Handed Fighter, Martial Master)
Role: Battler
Kelvyn is a huge, boisterous man from the Southern continent who grew bored with the 'adventures' offered in his native desert and took up travel when an opportune berth on an outbound ship gave him the chance to leave his country before the authorities caught up with him.

He landed in Riddleport and quickly found himself in hot water once more, as his enthusiastic and impulsive nature got him involved in a . . . situation . . . when he came to the defense of two young women being harassed by some toughs in a bar. He left Riddleport in a hurry, once more just ahead of the law, but the women were daughters of the head of the local Szarni family, and that grateful gentleman arranged for Kelvyn to be tucked away by his contact in Sandpoint.

Campaign Trait: Family Ties
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Howdy, [MENTION=29558]Mowgli[/MENTION]! Nice to see you again. Concept looks mostly good. I couldn't find the Martial Master archetype anywhere. I should also note that the Two-Handed Fight appears to replace almost every fighter ability except for bonus feats, so it might conflict with this Martial Master archetype (unless it is from another class and you are intending to multiclass). Mind giving me a source?

Also, [MENTION=88649]perrinmiller[/MENTION], I just realized Outlander (Exile) is from the APG not the Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide Anniversary Edition. Please pick a trait from the Player's Guide; I know it's a small list, but it's a free trait, and this is by intent. They provide intrinsic ties to this specific campaign. Perhaps Eager Performer would fit your character well. (As an aside, I realize you probably got the Outlander (Exile) trait from which does list this under Rise of the Runelords traits, but this is actually an error. These traits were developed by James Jacobs for an in-house campaign called Shadows under Sandpoint according to the APG.)


First Post
Welcome back Airwalkrr! Glad to hear things are going good for you now. I'd like to submit Vhir the Barbarian again, but as a backup character. I've DM'd RotRL before and loved it, would love to play it, but I want to give others a chance to enjoy it first.

Name: Vhir
Race: Human (Shoanti) Male
Class: Barbarian
Role: Melee. Smash stuff good with a Greatclub.
Description: Vhir is a young man born into a tribe of the Curchain Hills. After violating a tribal taboo and eating a forbidden animal he began having visions and sought advice from the village shaman. She told him that if anyone knew he would be killed to pacify the angered spirits that followed him. She sent him out on a quest of atonement, cryptically telling him to "Live for the spirit". He has traveled south to the Lost Coast chasing rumors of an upcoming festival at a town generally welcoming to folk from the outskirts of civilization.

Trait: Monster Hunter

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Howdy, Mowgli! Nice to see you again. Concept looks mostly good. I couldn't find the Martial Master archetype anywhere. I should also note that the Two-Handed Fight appears to replace almost every fighter ability except for bonus feats, so it might conflict with this Martial Master archetype (unless it is from another class and you are intending to multiclass). Mind giving me a source?

Dang! Meant to give you that in the app and totally forgot - sorry. It's from the Advanced Class Guide. Two Handed Fighter replaces Bravery and all of the Armor Training abilities (including Armor Mastery). Martial Master replaces the Weapon Training abilities (including Weapon Mastery), so I think I'm OK.

Just to make sure, is my application now 'complete' or is there more I need to do? I'm working on a pic and sheet just in case I make the cut.
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Howdy again, [MENTION=30016]SelcSilverhand[/MENTION]. Submission approved as a back-up. And yes, [MENTION=29558]Mowgli[/MENTION] and [MENTION=88649]perrinmiller[/MENTION]'s submissions are complete (pending any requested change) and good to go for character creation.


Welcome back, airwalkrr.

I'm interested. Can I use my character from the original game?

Name: Duko Wrag
Race: half-orc
Class: summoner
Role: arcane / melee battle
Description: Duko Wrag grew up in Rogan, a small settlement in the hills which contained a mix of humans, half-orcs, and some full orcs. He was different from the others, but strong enough to win respect. When giants destroyed the town, he trained harder, hoping for revenge. Recently he heard rumors of giant activity and he headed to Sandpoint, intending to help in its defense if it were attacked.
Trait: Giant Slayer


Guest 11456

Name: Thrindar
Race: Dwarf
Class: Cleric
Role: Divine
Description: Rather short by dwarf standards, he is easy going and talkative unlike many of his brethren. He loves to start lengthy conversations about religion and the like. He keeps his face clean shaven another odd quirk that sets him apart from his brethren.
Campaign Trait: Student of Faith

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