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Bihlbo said:
shoot, I can't imagine that even with some wealth that a savage bard with barbarian leanings would be staying in nice rooms. I'm going to say common-ish. Daonil eats well and drinks a lot, but he could sleep on some moss for all he cares.

Yes, but all adventurers soon begin to dream of living a life of luxury once they come across a hoard. I mean, who hasn't wondered what satin sheets and silk pillows feel like, at least just once. ;) I would expect the only adventurers who don't pay at least common upkeep or better (when they can afford it) would be pious types who prefer to donate the excess to a worthy cause or those who have taken a vow to live in poverty.

As for the penalties and bonuses mentioned, they are minor, but possibly worth considering. The penalties for lower than common include a chance of items becoming lost due to theft or poor maintenance and a circumstance penalty on Charisma-based checks involving interaction with NPCs. The benefits of better than common include a circumstance bonus on Charisma-based checks involving interaction with NPCs, as well as a few possible fringe benefits, such as being invited to special occassions. Also note that a title of nobility does not automatically convey any minimum standard of living. Some nobles are as penniless as paupers.
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He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Wow, I have found it exceedingly hard to find any canon info about greyhawk deities and more precisely the organization and inner hieararchy of the church of Pelor. I have went through all the 2e books I own and found nothing usefull. The player's guide to greyhawk gave only a list of deities. There was no mention at all about pelor in 1e Greyhawk boxed set. And even the 3e greyhawk gazetteer only says about as much as PHB. I was hoping that there would have been something like the entries in 2e FR-Book Faiths & Avatars in some of those books but no. Sorry, a bit of rant about my frustration to find flavor by which I can play my character better :D .
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First Post
The Radiant Servant of Pelor prestige class might give some interesting and fun flavor. I don't remember for sure which splatbook it's in, however.


One of the beauties about Greyhawk is that there is not a lot of detail in the setting, leaving it open for fleshing out by DMs and players. That said, there is a good deal of info on Pelor, if you know where to look. From the Ashes has a fairly detailed description of him, as does the 1e Gazetteer. Deities and Demigods (3e) as well as Legends and Lore (1e) also have detailed write-ups. Pelor's faith has a simple hierarchy. They are not so engrossed with rules and regulations to require a bureaucratic structure. Many shrines and temples to Pelor are composed of little more than faithful followers under the guidance of a patriarch (8th level or higher) and one or two acolytes. For the most part, priests live simple lives, hold services on Godsday and holidays, spend much of their time aiding the poor and wounded, and offer a variety of social services for their communities. High Priests of the church (9th level or higher) occasionally meet in a central location like the City of Greyhawk to discuss church doctrine and take care of church business, but the meetings are fairly informal and ruled by democratic consensus in most situations. Servants of Pelor are expected to defend their communities if attacked by evil forces, enemy nations, and especially the undead, hence many of them have been taught the use of at least rudimentary weapons, although their vows prevent them from using edged weapons. The primary object of a priest of Pelor in an adventuring party is to serve as a source of healing and a font of wisdom and spiritual guidance for the other members. Priests of Pelor are loathe to associate with anyone of evil alignment although they are equally tolerant of law and chaos, with a slight preference for law. Priests of Pelor pray for spells at dawn.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
That's about as far as I figured it out. They did give names to different ranks of priests in the Complete Champion though. I think there was five ranks that could be generalized as Acolyte, Full Priest, Patriarch, High Priest and Hierophant(?). If you want I can post the names of the ranks so you can see what you like of them.

Another question. Is Ehlonna part of the old faith? I thought that she might be but wasn't sure.


Some in the Old Faith worship Ehlonna, but only a small minority. Most at least pay her deference. Old Faith members revere a number of nature deities.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
pardon my intrusion, but i was wondering if there is still recruiting going on?

connisuir of dewer's scotch


I feel that Aredal is a natural choice for party leader, so if there are no objections, I am going to base the party's direction on his decisions. I'd prefer if you guys stayed in one group and having a party leader should facilitate moving things along. Of course, I expect him to weigh in on other party members' preferences before making a decision.

Scott DeWar: Feel free to submit a character, but right now I am only taking alternates. Please visit the recruiting thread for details.

Voidrunner's Codex

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