Quality of play change I made was to remove size and weight and replace it with bulk. It allows me to make the Minotaur "larger"without countless little interactions that can cause issues.
No, there really isn't any good reason--other than inadequate game design.Pondering this that centaurs and minotaurs are both size M when used as player races, yet when encountered as NPCs are L. Does anyone know of any specific rationale into shoehorning all races into size M rather than just leting them be size L and rolling with it so to speak?
I think it's less the game and its potential as much as its the approach design is taking about issues of balance. Giving a large PC an ASI to Strength, an effectively larger area for auras, a bit more damage from weapons, a bit of advantage in a few situations as well as trouble moving in restricted spaces- these don't have to be viewed as game breaking. But it is the approach the R&D team is taking.Because 5e isn't as wonderfully flexible and planned out as they claim.
I mean, they're not game-breaking in the sense that it'll fall apart, but together those things are an absolutely gigantic, overwhelming advantage over a size M (esp. as "restricted spaces" is a chore to deal with, and no edition has great rules for it), that you'd have to be outright silly to not pick a size L creature if intending to be a melee-primary class.Giving a large PC an ASI to Strength, an effectively larger area for auras, a bit more damage from weapons, a bit of advantage in a few situations as well as trouble moving in restricted spaces- these don't have to be viewed as game breaking.
It would be offset somewhat if they went back to size adjustments to AC. So, Large creatures would be easier to hit and Small creatures would be a harder to hit. Something even like a simple +1/-1 would be fine.Starfinder manages large PCs just fine and looks to be not all that far removed from 5E (at least the combat).
In fact being large is often a hindrance and not an advantage.
Probably not from WotC, no. But complexity is not a bad word. Level Up is 5e-inspired and can absolutely handle this.It would be offset somewhat if they went back to size adjustments to AC. So, Large creatures would be easier to hit and Small creatures would be a harder to hit. Something even like a simple +1/-1 would be fine.
Anyway, there are a number of ways things could be done, but since any of them add more complexity to the system, I doubt we'll see them in anything 5E-inspired.