D&D 5E An Atlas of the D&D Worlds?


Mahasarpa is James Wyatt's South Asian-style Oriental Adventures setting, which was available as a WotC web enhancement:

AFAIR, I emailed Wyatt when he first posted the map (back in the 3E era), and sent him a link to a quasi-Sanskrit font, and suggested he change the labels (which were written in an ordinary Roman font) on the map. Looks like he responded!
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Clark Ashton Smith's fictional French province of Averoigne is part of the D&D Multiverse. Averoigne is a fictionalized version of Auvergne province.

X2: Castle Amber features the Ambreville family, who have traveled through the mists of Averoigne, and appeared in Mystara. They founded the dominion of Nouvelle Averoigne, within the Principalities of Glantri. The 2e adventurre Mark of Amber returns to Castle Amber.

In the Wrath of the Immortals boxed set (which was the "second edition" of the BECMI Immortals Rules) it is said that the Ambrevilles call their home world "Laterre". Laterre is located in a different dimension than Mystara, called the Dimension of Myth. Laterre is what Mystarans call "D&D Earth".

Here's some maps of Old Averoigne:


Ambreville family members have also shown up in the 2E Return to the Keep on the Borderlands and in Green Ronin's Freeport.

If C.A.S.'s writings are in the public domain now, then the Province of Averoigne could be included on the map of D&D Earth in the Altas of the D&D Multiverse. (Or rather, the medieval and Renaissance map of D&D Earth, prior to the French Revolution which abolished the traditional provinces.)
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I'm tentatively including Ærth. It is said to be one of the parallel Oerths, along with Yarth and Uerth.

Since TSR won the Dangerous Journeys court case against Gygax, doesn't WotC, as successors to TSR, hold the right to use Ærth?

Anyway, it is a D&D World, even if it's in legal limbo. There are spiffy maps of Ærth, Inner Ærth (a hollow earth), and Phæree (like the Feywild). Note the mirrored continental shapes:


Inner Aerth.png


Would Kalamar count?

Well, like Lankhmar, Conan's Hyborian Age, Diablo II, Shannara, and Wheel of Time they were licensed D&D (or d20) settings, but WotC doesn't hold the rights to them. So Kalamar could only fit in the Atlas if WotC sought an agreement with Kenzer Co. Except for the legal hurdle, Kalamar and Aldrazar would be two worlds which would be fitting to include.

I always liked this map from birthright

Beautiful maps of Khorvaire and Cerilia.
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The D&D World of Abeir

For this proposed 5E Atlas of the D&D Multiverse, the WotC cartographer could draw a world map of Abeir, the twin of Toril. Abeir reportedly has steel-gray skies and primordials instead of gods...except that the Mulhorandi (Egyptian) pantheon has been stranded there.

Here's a piece of Abeir--the continent of Laerakond, which swapped places with Maztica during the Spellplague. Maybe they've swapped back for the Sundering?

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If Edgar Rice Burrough's pulp Mars is in the public domain, it would be in the Atlas. It would be a good excuse for "D&D Pulp" and "D&D Sci-Fi" rules modules.


There were cross-overs with Barsoom in TSR's OD&D era.
warriors of mars barsoom.png


The setting of some of the 2E First Quest books.

I interviewed the author Douglas Niles (here), and he said Karawenn wasn't placed anywhere. However, I queried D&D brand manager Bruce Heard (here), and he affirmed that the best place for Karawenn would be in the Kingdom of Norwold in Mystara, since D. Niles was also the primary designer of Norwold.

There's some amateur-made writings and maps about Karawenn here: http://pandius.com/karawenn.html

I don't have a scan of the map from the books, but here's a reconstruction from the Vaults of Pandius (the official Mystara website):


This second map (also made by Håvard, a Mystara aficionado) incorporates Karawenn into Norwold: (Look for the World's End rift; that's the eastern edge of Karawenn. Karawenn extends north to the Trollheight Mountains (a.k.a. the Jotunheimr Hills). The westernmost dominions of Karawenn are Amana (in the northwest) and Ironwoods (in the southwest):


This placement has been reproduced in this map too:
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