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Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG


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And what I absolutely loves is the setting. As many other fantasy rpgs (d&d among them), anima bases its world around the european medieval epoch ans mythology but to say it only uses it is a shame

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The world setting is named Gaia. There are forty countries in it, thirty in the old continent and ten in the new continent. The technology level is similar to the renaissance era (god, there are zeppelins in some countries though they are only very recent) so the world is very different. The Gaia supplement describes only the old continent but is described in a very detailed way. In the East there are some japanise similar countries, there are also countries in an arabian style which are enemies of the countries that conform the Sacrosanct Empire of Abel. The north is similar to the Norse countries and you can found countries based in the civilizations around all our own world ( in the new continent you can found roman, greek, and aztec similar countries and african similar in the old continent in the less civilized zones)


First Post
But the varied different cultures you can find aren´t what I love more. The story of the world is the very essence of the world. The world mixes all the human cultures but also all the religions and mythos of our Earth. Gaia was formed from C´iel and Gaira, that are as God and the Demon. In the beginning, there were only magic beings as the nephilim, the sylvain, the jayán, the d´anjayni, the ebudan, the Daimah and the duk´zarist.The sylvain and the duk´zarist soon started a war between them and it provoked a lot of chaos and destruction and when the duk´zarist nearly has won the world the duk´zarist emperor battled Gaira and lost. After that the magic beings were nearly extinct. Then, the time of the humans arrived.
The magic beings started to hide and human civilizations rised but soon the humans started to killed between them. when chaos was around everywhere and the cults of Gaia and C´iel were nearly forgotten appeared a man named Christ that started to speak about a new god. And all followed him, first of all his followers a man with the Giovanni surname. So, Christ leadered a crusade against the different nations to the gates of Solomon, the last and most powerful kingdom (in the actual game the people search for its ruins for advanced technology) but he was betrayed by his follower Iscariote and was crucifixed for thirteen hours till his death in the walls of Solomon. His followers destroyed Solomon and created the sacrosanct Empire of Abel formed by 11 provinces-kingdoms under an Emperor. They conquered all the world for centuries. But then, Rah, the last descendant of Iscariote appeared. He had been recluting the magic beings under promises of liberation (the Empire had been hunting them for centuries) and had created the kingdom of Judas. Rah and his followers (giants, dragons, demons, etc) nearly destroyed the world until Zhorne Giovanni rallied the rest of the human civilization to the last battle in the center of the world, the island now known as Tol rauko. There, Rah used a machine he had built with the technology of Solomon, destroyed the continent and all the magic beings were exiled to another world in betwen the world proper, impossible to be connected both of them and separated only by a curtain that nobdy can really see that is located around the limits of the known world. Only few magic beings were able to continue living in the continent and were obliged to hide or sleep for centuries but now centuries after they are starting to appear in the world again born from humans, with less power but more and mor frequently. There are many more but the world is so complex that you have to read it by yourselves. And there are many more behind the scenes. What about Christ being a genetic experiment by a secret organization tat has been controlling the world for ages? and Rah building all his technomagic power and the machine that destroyed the world from 30 coins which he acquired from Iscariote and that have all the Solomon technology codified in them?
As you can see there are many, many things you can discover in Gaia so I absolutely recommend the book and if you aren´t interested in a new rpg game, I´d recommend you the Gaia supplement when FFG publish it. It´s the best setting book I have ever seen, and I have all 3.5 books from wizards, paizo, green Ronin and many other companies (Midnight Lo5R, Eberron, Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk...which I an a fan of).


First Post
I've played the Anima: Shadow of Omega card game. I was really excited to get it, and it was a decently fun game, but after that initial newness wore off I completely forgot about it until just now. So a good game, but forgettable.

From what I've seen, I don't think I'd want to play in the setting as an RPG for the same reason I don't like Greyhawk or FR. Seems too generic fantasy.


First Post
it isn´t really so generic fantasy because there is more than I have told. Yesterday was very late for and I hadn´t many time to tell you about it. Now, I have to go to the work but I have some minutes to tell you a little more. What I told yesterdayabout the world is what normal people see. The true is that the old and the new continents are the game world but people who travels by sea to certain distance appears in theopposite part of the world because what Ráh´s machine really did is putting something of a curtain in the world that magic beings can travel through, but the other continents, the hells and the heavens as they are commonly Known are really outside the curtain and now it is weakening (the reason why more and more magic beings are being born nowadays).
It isn´t really medieval fantasy (The zeppelins and other things aren´t magical but real technology developed from certain several 30 coins that someone in the world has) and there is for example an place named Paradise Island which is a thematic park with a mad scientist making dark experiments in it) and the organizations are very interesting as the technocracia or Black Sun ( do you want to play a resident evil game? you can. Black sun is a comercial enterprise but has recently discovered a black tome of necromancy and is making experiments in many complex around the world as for example a place called Terrasanta in which they have recently had a very awful accident in which all the creatures have been liberated and are very near of broken the security methods of containment of certain mansion...). Or I can tell you about the vigil, which was created apart from the world when Rah activated its machine and the world suffered, creating a dark reflexion of it you can visit in dreams or through physical methods in some places (one of the thirty countries in the old continent is nearly coexistent with the vigil and you can visit it in a very easy way) the vigil offers a lot of possibilities as the rest of the world. You want a concrete type of play? It´s nearly certain that in a part of the world you can play it. I can tell you many things but you should see the rpg and judge by yourself. You want play medieval fantasy? you can, you want a terror game? you can ,you want a spionage game? you can (yes, there is a war about near of starting and all the countries are working in the shadows) and then you have the powers in the shadows as the illuminati, the technocracia and more that has been dominating the world during all the history and have a considerable technological power (they even have supersoldiers genetically and technologically implemented that they send from the heavens to the world in very very rare situations.I can tell you many things if you are interested ( I told you yesterday that there is a world setting book of 304 pages and it only describes the thirty countries in the old continent and only 10 pages are of new rules) and if you want develop something there is a vigil in which you can or in the lands beyond the curtain. And existing 20 classes playable which uses differents types of powers and habilities you can develope nearly any type of character; you can use magic, Ki domains, Psychic potential or even use asummon type of power using something similar to the real world Tarot. You want a character without any power you can play the novel (is like the bard but without magic) or play a warrior, assassin, or thief. Now I have to go to work but if you want I can tell you more tonight.


First Post
one last thing I can tell you, the game is spanish and its the best rpg ever produced in Spain. The people that created it are translating the game themselves and they are having problems because they are translating it to italian, german, french, english and japanese at the same time. Do you really think that these countries are interested in the game because it is a crap? think about it


jdrakeh said:
Er. . . the card game isn't the RPG. It's the Anima card game. There is also a minis game. And, of course, the RPG. All are their own products. The card game and minis are available in the US. The RPG is not (yet).

Ah, ok. All I knew about was the card game. Sorry.


Front Range Warlock
skinnydwarf said:
Ah, ok. All I knew about was the card game. Sorry.

No need to apologize (you did nothing wrong). In fact, I realize that I was unnecessarily condescending there. Please, allow me to apologize. Happy holidays!


First Post
What really intrigues me about the setting is how gods work. There's a general pantheon, but it's not divided strictly between good and evil. There's Beryls and Shajads, and while the common folk once thought Shajad were equivalent to demons, they've changed their minds in recent times.

How it works is that each god has a doctrine. One example is Uriel. He's a male Beryl that signifies freedom, and grants +1 Elan every time you set someone free.

As you amass points, you gain benefits... At the most basic level, you can access the ability 'You can always find the way out' Work on it more, and you can gain abilities like You don't stick in people's memories if you don't want, You are particularly hard to dominate, You inspire people in your proximity to seek freedom.

The most powerful ability of this guy is 'You can free those enslaved by a supernatural power'. That sounds less potent than some of the other abilities, (You gain maximum in every statistic), but you gotta figure it applies to all sorts of demons and such.

I just like it as a completely different system from spells, directly rewarding a life in your god's service. As you gain power, you generally pick up an aura that influences your surroundings; I like that for pure fluff reasons (ie. the 'Perfection' Beryl Barakiel, who is the one I mentioned that gives you 'perfect stats', makes things and people in your vicinity more organized.)

[edit]Found a List:

Mikael: God, Hope, Salvation, Soul.
Uriel: Freedom, Choice, Independence, Rebellion.
Grabriel: Emotions, Love, Friendship, Arts, Peace.
Rafael: All Life, Nature, Pureness.
Azrael: Justice, Good, Sacrifice.
Barakiel: Order, Perfection, Absolute Evolution.
Edamiel: Nothingness, Hollow.

Zemial: Absolute destruction, End.
Jedah: Control, Power, Knowledge, Shadows.
Noah: Competition, Strength, Fight, Will, War.
Erebus: Dreams, The Unknown, Fear.
Abbadon: Primal Evil, Sins.
Eriol: Chaos, Luck, Anarchy.
Meseguis: Sadness, Pain, Revenge.
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Keefe the Thief

You know what i hate most about Anima? In every thread - here or on RPG.net or wherever - you get some low postcount people suddenly appearing like magic and telling you what a great game it is. Happens every time.

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