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Awakening Apocalypse - Chapter 2: The End of the Beginning


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Casper goes over to where Heartbreak is working, but doesn't interrupt him...assuming he'd even hear her anyway.

She looks at Saint and Skinny.

"I could go after the POW now," she offers. "The other ambushes should be easy enough for just two of you."

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Heartbreak is immersed in his work and barely acknowledges that Casper has spoken. He nods and mumbles a response.

"Uh, yeah. Stay in contact."

He continues working on his programming for the drones. His goal is for the drones to follow their original programming until a set time of ten minutes after the demonstration is scheduled to start. Then his programming kicks in and directs the drones to the demonstration room. When they reach that room their new targeting comes online and they will fire at anything that moves. At least, that's his plan.


[sblock=OOC]Current Deck stats: Attack 1, Sleaze 4, Data Processing 3, & Firewall 3. Running Virtual Machine with Exploit and Sneak.[/sblock]


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Heartbreak begins to program an intricate and delicate targeting protocol. It's an unusual (and quite unsafe!) thing to program time and location conditions, along with a blanket "shoot anyone and everyone" command, and it requires a bit of coding in a roundabout, outside-the-box way to get around the manufacturer's safety features. But this is what Heartbreak does for fun, and he hasn't yet met the man who can do it better.

Casper distracts him for a second, and he mumbles back to her before she departs, barely aware that she's telling him about her plan. She knows how to take care of herself. Skinny and Saint are more than capable of keeping this room locked down. Knowing this, Heartbreak allows his full attention to the task at hand as Casper sneaks off.

Saint and Skinny are on guard duty now. There's a bit of radio traffic they can overhear between the two remaining security teams.

"Team 2 to Team 3."
"Go ahead, Team 2."
"21 direct, please. ASAP."
"Copy. Incoming."

And then silence.

Saint and Skinny are both smart enough to realize what has just happened. The two remaining security teams are now suspicious that their radios have been compromised, and have established a direct communication link with each other, bypassing the security control room. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that they're probably both on their way here to the security office even now. The game isn't up completely, yet, but it will be soon. Saint and Skinny may have as little as 30 seconds to prepare for their next ambush...

Meanwhile, Casper is off to infiltrate the Pow! preparation room. She slips out of the security office door, wearing the clothes and carrying the employee ID card of CTI security employee Alexandra Ruiz.

Casper is attempting a sneaking test, to avoid being seen. If she fails an opposed test while sneaking, she will be able to make an impersonation test due to her employee disguise (although possibly with a negative dice modifier, if she was caught sneaking).

Casper's sneak test: AGI+Sneaking = 10 dice. Casper scores 2 hits.

Casper gets past the hallway outside the security office easily enough, and back through the door to another hallway that will eventually lead her behind the CTI showroom. The door closes behind her with a muffled metallic click. She passes by the dressing room that was previously guarded by security drone team 1, but is now empty. There's an elevator at the end of this hallway that goes back up to the first floor, close to the Pow! prep room.

As she approaches the elevator it makes a "Ding!" sound as it arrives. Someone has brought the elevator down to this level, and Casper has only a split second to act before the door opens. There's a door immediately on her left, leading to a janitor's closet. She opens the door and jumps inside, even as she hears two women in conversation coming out of the elevator. Casper doesn't even have time to close the door behind her, and it hangs open in a painfully obvious way.

CTI employee opposed test: Perception+INT = 3 dice. The CTI employees score 1 hit.

"Don't tell Parker, but I really think this Pow! is nasty stuff. Have you tried it yet? Seriously, it's bad enough that I'm worried about our jobs," one of the women says.

"You probably got a pre-mixed batch. It's not too bad if you follow directions," the other replies.

"I guess we'll find out soon enough."

As the employees walk past the door, one of them pushes it closed. "Make sure it latches," the other says. "Sometimes you have to jiggle it. Someone really should call maintenance." The door jiggles from the other side as the employees ensure the latch is closed.

"Just like everything else around here, right?" the first says. "There's a burned out bulb in the showroom, and it gets fixed in minutes. But we have to come all the way down here to use the bathroom because the upstairs one overflows. Priorities!"

A door opens and closes down the hallway, and the conversation between the women can no longer be heard. Casper opens the door again and continues to the Pow! room.

A few seconds later, and Casper is looking through a window in an access hallway, into an area that looks like a warehouse. There are two large vats with a tube connecting them at the bottom, and several technicians working in the area. It even has a freight door on the opposite end of the room, where delivery trucks can unload show equipment directly. This room isn't just meant for preparing the drink, it's also a general staging area for the support staff as well.

Casper thinks she might be able to sneak up to the chemical vats, but it wouldn't be easy. There's plenty of heavy machinery, temporary "cubicle" style walls, stacked boxes of equipment, and furniture to hide behind, but there's also a dozen or more people here. In the few seconds that she has been watching the Pow! vats, she has noticed that the technicians aren't paying too much attention to them. The equipment must have already been prepared for the show, and now the workers are just waiting for the word to mix and serve it.


First Post
"Might want to keep your head down," Skinny offers to Heartbreak as he drags a bound body clear of the doorway. He reloads the gun he'd fired before readying both pistols on the entrance, ready to light up anyone who comes through. "Faster you can get those drones up the better."



Heartbreak looks up at Skinny and nods though he has no intention of sending the drones into combat with Saint and Skinny; he just hasn't had enough time to change the protocols. He moves over to the terminal and cameras so he can pinpoint the other two teams of drones so that he can give Saint and Skinny the heads-up when they get close. Plus, if he can shut the drones down like he did the others then the fight against the handlers will be a lot easier.


[sblock=OOC]Current Deck stats: Attack 1, Sleaze 4, Data Processing 3, & Firewall 3. Running Virtual Machine with Exploit and Sneak.[/sblock]


First Post
Casper's voice comes on quietly at about that time, in their earpieces.

"I'm in position at the mixing vats, but there's a lot of feet on the ground here. Any chance you can whip up a distraction?"


First Post
"Trouble incoming," Saint says ominously.

"Might want to keep your head down," Skinny adds. "Faster you can get those drones up, the better."

Heartbreak takes a momentary glance away from the task at hand to see the monitor with the drone status and locations. There's not enough time. The hijacked drones won't be up before the other two drone teams arrive.

A few seconds later, and a voice comes over the radio. "Control, this is Team 2. I need a face-to-face with a logistics officer at the Security office door in the next ten seconds, or we're coming in hot." The team can see two security employees outside the office, on the security camera screens. They both have guns drawn, and their drones are arranged in formation around them.

There's a few seconds of silence before a female voice comes over the Runners' comlinks. Casper says, "I'm in position at the mixing vats, but there's a lot of feet on the ground here. Any chance you can whip up a distraction?" As if on queue, Heartbreak activates the console, and the security drones power down and fall lifelessly to the floor in the hallway outside the office.

One way or the other, Casper is sure to get her distraction.

The radio in the office comes to life again. "All Security personnel, 4-4-5 in the dispatch office! Weapons deployed!" It's the team 2 leader's voice, with a slightly-hysterical edge to it. Apparently he doesn't care that the transmission can be heard by his enemies in the office.

True to his word, the security goon opens the door from the outside. The camera shows him gathering a breath right before charging through, his comrade close behind...

Initiative rolls (REA+INT+1d6) - Arranged from highest to lowest

Saint - 13
Skinny - 12
Team 2 leader - 11
Heartbreak - 9
Team 3 leader - 9

Meanwhile, Casper is watching the large preparation room. She hasn't gotten an immediate response from her fellows, but she can tell that something has happened. Two men in cargo pants, white shirts, and a nylon vest with "Logistics" printed on the back suddenly pull pistols from hidden holsters within their vest. Casper is impressed; these men managed to hide in plain sight. She had noticed them of course, but until now she did not know they were Security agents. Now that she knows, she recognizes that the nylon vests are actually a light form of bullet-resistant fabric.

The men rush across the warehouse floor and through a door about twenty meters away on Casper's right. Neither of them see her, as their backs are to her. Casper has a split second to decide whether to attack these two from behind, or let them leave and focus on her main objective.

Meanwhile, the workers in the prep area seem to be mildly interested in whatever is causing the security agents to run. They're surprised and talking among themselves about it, but they are not alarmed or panicking. Something truly drastic would have to happen for them to be more distracted than they are now. However, this distraction won't last long. After all, everyone in the room has a job to get back to...


First Post
Saint fires his silenced pistol, but it feels wrong. This pansy-ass hunk of metal in his hand has no...for a moment, he can't think of the word.

Soul. That's the word.

Firing a peashooter, sneaking in corners; that's work for lesser men than himself.

OOC: Saint has taken the distinctive style negative quality. So far, Saint has been trying to act against his natural inclination to make a big, noisy impression. Small, silenced weapons aren't his style, and he's not comfortable behaving in a manner contradicting his nature. For the remainder of this mission, Saint will suffer penalties to his actions until he draws and uses his Ruger Super Warhawk. For now, any weapons he shoots other than the Warhawk will suffer a -1 dice pool penalty. This penalty will increase over time.

Saint uses two simple actions to fire twice at the first security agent through the door. This is a test of his Agility+Pistols skill (the weapon's accuracy limits the number of possible hits), opposed by the enemy's Reaction+Intuition.

Saint's first attack roll - 5 hits
Team Leader 2's opposed roll - 3 hits
Saint's first attack SUCCEEDS, with 2 net hits. The weapon's damage value (DV) is 7, with +2 due to Saint's net hits, for a total damage of 9

Team Leader 2 must now attempt to resist 9 damage.
Team Leader 2 is wearing a vest under his uniform with armor rating of 9. Since the incoming damage is greater than or equal to the armor rating, all of the damage remains Physical, and is not converted to Stun damage.
Finally, Team Leader 2 rolls his Body+Armor, and uses the number of hits to reduce the incoming damage. He scores 6 hits, reducing the damage from 9 to 3. Team Leader 2 suffers a total of 3 physical damage from Saint's first attack.

Recoil - Every bullet fired by a character adds +1 to the recoil value that character suffers from. Saint is about to suffer from a recoil value of 2 when he fires his next shot. A character's attack dice pool is reduced by the current recoil value. This number is resisted by recoil compensation (RC). Every character has RC of 1 + (STR/3 rounded up) + (weapon RC). Saint's current RC is therefore 1 + 1 + 0 = 2. Saint will not suffer from recoil this shot, but he will the next time he fires. Recoil is "reset" when a character spends an entire action phase without firing any weapons.

Saint's second attack roll - 5 hits
Team Leader 2's opposed roll - 2 hits
Saint's second attack SUCCEEDS, with 3 net hits. DV is 10.

Team Leader 2's armor cannot convert DV of 10 to stun.
Team Leader 2 damage resist test - 7 hits. DV of 10 is reduced by 7, for a total of 3. Team Leader 2 suffers a total of 3 physical damage from Saint's second attack.

The first security agent through the door is ambushed and shot twice in his armor vest as he charges through the door. The damage is extreme, but survivable. He is now suffering from a penalty of -2 on all actions due to wound modifiers.

After taking his two actions, Saint's initiative is reduced by 10. The new initiative order is as follows.
Skinny - 12
Team 2 leader - 11
Heartbreak - 9
Team 3 leader - 9
Saint - 3
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Voidrunner's Codex

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