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Awakening Apocalypse - Chapter 2: The End of the Beginning



Heartbreak feels like he can best contribute by finding the backup video so the group can get the hell out of dodge. He moves away from the hostages and readies his deck.

"Time to finish this."

He reaches out and jacks in, running hot sim...


[sblock=OOC]Current Deck stats: Attack 1, Sleaze 4, Data Processing 3, & Firewall 3. Running Virtual Machine with Exploit and Sneak.[/sblock]

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First Post
Heartbreak jumps back into the CTI network, easily marking the host and gaining access for the third time today. Now that he's in hot-sim mode, Heartbreak is confident that "Flipper" won't stand a chance against him. If Flipper can even find him, that is...

The real world seems to zip past him, impossibly fast, like a warp speed spaceship. He knows it's an illusion - just his brain compensating for the conflicting information it's receiving from his cyberdeck and his senses. It's not that he can't see the real world - it's more like he can only experience it as if it were a projection on a screen. The universe is flat, and reality is just printed on its surface, like a projector, giving it the illusion of three dimensions.

He could reach for things in the real world, but he knows from experience that his fingers would just pass through, like a ghost. His mind is in the Matrix, and his body's along for the ride. If you ask him, Heartbreak prefers the digital world over the meat one. In the meat world, he can run.

Here, he can fly.

Matrix Perception - (This action is used to spot a particular icon - the video file - and learn details about it, as opposed to "Matrix Search" which covers searching for information in general). He does not automatically spot the file icon even though it is in the same host (CTI) as him, because the file icon is running silent. One hit will let him spot the icon. Each additional hit will let him learn something about the file.

Computer + Intuition + Hot Sim bonus (Successes limited by current Data Processing value of 3) = 4 hits, reduced to 3 hits due to DP limit

Heartbreak learns the physical location of the device where the file is stored. It's stored on the internal memory of a computer in Kevin Flannigan's office, a mid-level Public Relations manager.
Heartbreak also sees a line of code linking the live video feed to the pre-recorded video file. Whoever designed the video made a "switch" that can be flipped to go from the live feed to the pre-recorded video. Heartbreak reaches into the file with his digital hands, and tears that bit of code away. The live feed can no longer be "switched" to the pre-recorded video.

Heartbreak easily found a particular icon (the backup video file) among millions, even billions of others in the CTI network. His mind is a machine. Better, even, as he searches uncatalogued files even faster than a computer could. It's still not enough, though. He knows he could be even faster. With his power comes a hunger for even more.

Heartbreak will eventually develop an addiction to hot sim VR. It is pretty much inevitable for any hacker, it's up to you how this plays out in-character, as the only consequences for this will be RP, not dice modifiers.

It's time to go. Flipper is nowhere to be found, and there's no reason to seek him out. Besides, there's a room full of hostages where Heartbreak's fragile body is sitting, and he realizes he probably ought to come back to reality and make sure everything is still ok.

Reluctantly, Heartbreak jacks out, and returns to the gray drab of meatspace.

His ears are ringing again. Saint must have shot someone else with that cannon of his. Blood is everywhere. People are screaming, but all Heartbreak can hear is ringing, like everyone else is on the other side of an interrogation room wall. Saint, Skinny, and even Casper are trying to talk to him, but he can't hear them. Judging by their urgency, something is wrong...


As Heartbreak activates hot-sim VR and his body slips into a drooling coma, Saint rushes through the the door. He shoves a hostage at the agent on the left, and fires at the agent on the right, making yet another corpse.

Skinny is next through the door, but he's too late. The agent has shoved the hostage aside to the floor, and activated his radio. Skinny hears the agent shout, "Corporate teams to the dispatch office! Man down, shots fi..." He dies as Skinny's pistols tear holes through the gaps in his protection - the shoulder, groin, stomach, and neck. (Saint has used 1 Edge. Skinny used 3; one for each shot. The 4th shot was not necessary, as the agent was already defeated.)

Casper is just a split second behind, but there are no targets for her to shoot.

The real security teams are coming, now. It will take them some time to get here, but how long is anyone's guess. Unless there's any urgent unfinished business to take care of, it's probably best to get the frak outta' here...


First Post
"Heartbreak, we need you to start deactivating cameras so we can get out without our faces being all over the news! Can you disable them like you did on the way in?


First Post
"Heartbreak, we need you to start deactivating cameras so we can get out without our faces being all over the news! Can you disable them like you did on the way in?

OOC: This can be done within the Security office here. Any character can try to deactivate the cameras by knowing which terminal to use and buttons to press. Heartbreak is the most recognize exactly how to do it though.



Heartbreak reluctantly comes out of hot sim. The so-called real world feels like trying to run in a swimming pool: slow and ultimately a waste of energy. With what feels like incredible slowness he starts deactivating cameras and then goes to work at a keyboard sending commands to the system to cycle reformatting the drives where security data (such as recorded video from the security cameras) resides. He wants an unrecoverable wipe of any stray images recorded on their way in.

"A few seconds more. And... done! I think we've had all the fun here that we can have. Power up the drones and we should go."


[sblock=OOC]Current Deck stats: Attack 1, Sleaze 4, Data Processing 3, & Firewall 3. Running Virtual Machine with Exploit and Sneak.[/sblock]


First Post
Heartbreak does his best to clean up after the team, but given the urgency of the situation the job is bound to be a bit rushed. He flips the power back on for the drones. The last thing the team sees in the office is the drones powering back online, and resuming patrol in separate directions as if they had never been interrupted. Hopefully CTI doesn't recapture all the drones in the next 30 minutes before the press conference.

There is an emergency exit route to Saint's car, parked in the underground lot. Will the runners stick together with Saint to make their escape?


First Post
"Lets stick together," Casper says. "We're in CTI uniforms, and with the alarms going off, staff will be running anyway. Just look scared and don't show weapons and we should be able to get out."

She looks at the hostages and shakes her head. "Leave them behind, I'd say. Nothing they can do to hurt us now, and they'd blow our cover if we take them with us."


First Post
12th December, 2011. CTI Denver Campus. 2:37pm.

A corporate security sergeant holds "Kevin" against the wall. The gesture is meant to appear helpful to anyone watching the security cameras outside the dispatch office, as if the sergeant were offering a steadying hand. In reality, the sergeant's grip is a bit too rough, and the concerned expression is forced.

"What the devil happened here?" the sergeant says with a slight Texan accent.

"I want my Human Resources representative," Kevin says.

The sergeant takes a step back and sizes him up. "You sure 'bout that?"

Kevin is silent, staring back at him defiantly.

"We got anything to worry about? Any executives missing? Any equipment stolen? Did they break in to anywhere important?"

Kevin tries to continue his defiance, but his resolve quickly breaks. "No," he says, surrendering. "I don't know what they wanted, but division security called you before they could finish. Their hacker got into the drones, but they weren't able to steal any."

"Wouldn't matter if they did," the sergeant says. As the sergeant walks away, he calls over his shoulder. "Good work, Kevin. Havin' them call us when they did. Looks like we showed up just in time."

And with that, Kevin realizes his career is over.


12th December, 2011. CTI Showroom, Denver Campus. 3:03 pm.

Daphne LeBlanc is a gorgeous woman. The type of beautiful that only lots and lots of money can buy. Each individual strand of her long, blue-black hair falls perfectly over her carefully sculpted face. There's a hint of mischief in her eyes that only the most observant would be able to recognize as deliberately calculated. She's one-in-a-million, which means that for corporate spokespeople she's only average - the best a low-rate corp like CTI could afford.

"You all know CTI as the premier supplier of sports equipment and entertainment," she says to a captive audience gathered in the CTI showroom. "We're proud to provide the world's athletes with the finest clothing, gear, and management services. Today, you will witness the unveiling of the first of many new products meant to bridge the gap between players and fans."

There's a small pause, before the lights in the room flicker in hues of red and yellow.

"Pow!" Daphne shouts, in a cute, playful tone. Her fist is in the air, holding a sealed can of CTI's new product. She shakes the can, and there's a satisfying pop as the dividing membrane collapses inside the can. "Listen for the Pow! The can tells you when it's ready to drink. Pow!"

She takes a deep drink from the can, and winks.

"Try it for yourself!" she says. Servers come from dozens of hidden nooks and crannies around the theater, handing out 8 oz cups full of a strange liquid. Half of the liquid is red, and the other yellow. The two parts of the mixture seem to repel each other, and are only mixing together very slowly. It doesn't look unappetizing, exactly. It looks and smells like melting candy.

All across the CTI campus, the live feed of this press release is playing on every one of the hundreds of huge screens in the public areas (on a 15 second delay, of course). Thousands of people have gathered in curiosity to watch the demonstration.

As the press reporters begin drinking the substance, they begin to choke and gag. Most of them spit it out after the first swallow. Some of the more fortunate people see everyone else's reaction, and wisely choose not to drink their own. Daphne seems confused for a moment. Her can tasted fine, so why is everyone else reacting so badly?

A man toward the front of the room begins to retch violently, vomits on the floor, and falls to his hands and knees.

"Cut to the backup!" Daphne shrieks. Only about 5 seconds have passed since the symptoms became apparent. There's plenty of time for the backup video to take over the live feeds. She looks up at the single screen in the CTI showroom in which the feed is displayed. She can see herself, as she looked fifteen seconds ago, still holding her winning wink and smile. Far different from the panicked expression she has now.

"Cut! Why isn't it cutting?" she screams. She watches the screen in horror as the feed shows the press members taking their drinks. The man in the front row was the first to drink, according to the delayed live feed.

"CUT IT NOW!" she bellows, but somehow she already knows it's hopeless. She re-watches the front row man heaving and vomiting on the floor. Then she sees herself on the screen, screaming the command to cut to the backup video. She collapses in despair as she realizes that the live feed has been widely broadcast.

Two "doberman" model drones enter the showroom. One of the cameras gets a close up shot of the words "Crash Test Industries" printed on the body of one of the drones, moments before their new programming takes effect and the cameras continue to roll...
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First Post
Saint's comlink beeps. He glances at the display in his car, and sees it's Aleksander calling him. Saint pushes a button on the dash to answer the call, and Alexander's voice comes from the vehicle speakers.

"Good work, my friends," Aleksander says. "The demonstration went even more badly than I could have hoped. I know, I know, you are saying to yourselves, 'your praise is good, Aleksander. Worth more than nuyen!' But I will do you this favor, and give you nuyen as well as praise. The money is being transferred now." Each of the Runners checks their own comlinks to verify the transaction. Aleksander is as good as his word, and the agreed upon amount of 7,500 nuyen appears in each of their accounts.

"Like I said in the beginning," Aleksander teases. "Together, we make each other rich, eh?"

Each of the runners receives 10 Karma for a successful run. At this time, please add 10 Karma to your character sheets.

Additionally, each of you has 5 bonus Karma, which must be given to other players, divided however you see fit. I strongly urge you to award this bonus Karma based on particularly entertaining roleplaying. The "rule of awesome" is encouraged. Please use the OOC thread to award this bonus Karma.

There will be a lengthy period in-game between this run and the next. The first post during the in-between time will be up as soon as everyone has distributed their bonus Karma. Feel free to use this thread to describe your characters' immediate reactions to this run over the next day or so. The next narrative update will describe events that occur on 14 December, 2011, so do not describe any events which occur on or after that date (roughly 36 hours after the run).


First Post
The Denver Chronicle
13th December, 2011
Page 9

CTI Pow! Takes One In The Teeth
-by Diedre Grange, Junior Business Analyst

Crash Test Industries stock suffered a five percent slide in after-hours trading yesterday. Wall Street insiders speculate this setback is due to poor reviews during a pre-release of a new soft drink product. Attendees of the preview event claim air-conditioning in the demonstration room was malfunctioning, causing a chill cold enough to freeze the product. CTI spokesman Alisard Bluth confirmed these rumors, and stated that CTI would be investigating this mechanical failure. According to Bluth, CTI is considering possible legal action due to loss of revenue caused by machinery malfunction. Bluth offered no further comments on the issue.

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