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[Azyra] The First Adventure


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[sblock=[OOC]Action beginning at 10am if no replies. Going to try and make sure I update every 12 hours, does that work for everyone? Just to help the adventure move along. If we are waiting on one person they have a 12 hour window to respond in before their response gets controlled by me. If you think this is unfair or have any complaints about that we can definitely change it![/sblock]
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Dusk is beginning to approach and trees have begun to line the road. The forest is sparse but is thickening as you continue your journey. You have begun to ascend a hill and at the top of it you can see the road cutting through a thick blanket of green.

Here at the top of the hill there is a small clearing surrounded by a thick grove. Your new found friend stops, "Thank Aos, this looks like the perfect spot to stop and rest."


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"Indeed it does look most fortuitously located," says Bezim.

Bezim finds the least-lumpy spot near the center of the clearing and begins to unpack his bedding and pads. Once this is complete he lends a hand to the others to set up the camp.
[sblock=ooc]Good idea Lee. And to players, it really only takes 3-6minutes to hop on and check, write an action, and move on. 10 minutes if you're feeling creative. Now, I KNOW that neither Nate or Stan have 2 full time jobs, or a finals week at college, so come on. I'm stressin over a bunch of Math and Chem finals, but boom. Posted in a matter of minutes. Now back to studying. Just don't make Lee have to commandeer everyone's character sporadically. =D[/sblock]
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[sblock=OOC]Good luck with finals Sean. Would say I feel your pain but my finals week is a hell of a lot lighter than yours is. Just give me a heads up if things are going to be hectic and we can wait a bit. Enjoy your posts, they're creative and well written![/sblock]

The dwarf chuckles at the groups efforts and comparetively extravagent equipment. He pulls a cloak from beneath his tunic and unrolls it, laying it on the ground near Bezim. He then begins to prepare a fire, making use of an existing circle of stones.

"Don't suppose someone could gather me some more wood?" He asks as he uses several of the driest branches he can find to stoke the small fire.

Sparks fly into the air and the firelight begins to cast flickering shadows as the flames grow.

[sblock=Skill Check]Just for fun, roll either Survival or Knowledge(Nature) checks with +2 bonus(Don't forget your +1 Nathan.)[/sblock]


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Bastgare drops his pack to the ground and quickly unfurls his bedroll onto any spot lacking in rocks and roots. "I don't mind getting some firewood." he says as he stretches a little and then heads off into the woods in search of deadwood. [sblock=ooc]the idea sounds good to me and you make a good point Sean me and nate should both be able to update often I'll try to stay on top of it. It actually is kind of silly to me how me and Nate who have the fewest responsibilties are the ones who update the least[/sblock]


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Bezim springs up and, offering a friendly smile, says, "Whoa Bastgare! Capable as ye may be, I'd feel better if you didn't disappear into the woods alone. I'll accompany you in search of the wood. Always good to have a second pair of eyes on your p- er, back! Sorry, old habits, slip of the tongue..." Bezim shakes his head ruefully. "Ah, anyway, let's have a look around and see if we can't turn up some firewood, and perhaps maybe a little fresh game?"

[sblock=dm]Survival Checks[/sblock]
[sblock=ooc]WOOT! 4th page! Also, sorry about the posting rant, finals are gettin to me. haha I have calculus tomorrow 3p-6p, linear algebra 7p-10p, then Chem at 10am wednesday. Kinda crammin like a mofo! Stan, when you get here, I hope to heaven that you don't end up with such a bogus schedule =D[/sblock]
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[sblock=OOC]Wow, glad you guys are getting these rolls out of the way early;)[/sblock]

As Bastgare and Bezim head into the undergrowth you can hear them muttering about the strange woods and how they prefer the city life...
[sblock=Bastgare/Bezim]The two of you wander for a while, Bezim sure that he has spotted some sort of tracks in the faint light of the moon and stars. Bastgare follows along, faring little better in his search for deadwood. A shout sounds out as Bezim spots a rabbit on the ground and he throws a dagger, pinning it to the needle covered earth.

Tearing the dagger from the corpse he pulls on the corpse and is surprised to find himself ripping a small shrub from the ground...

Returning to camp they both carry a meager load of wet and green wood, though Bezim has a few pieces of dead pine branches that should do nicely.[/sblock]

The dwarf chuckles, "Not too bad fellows, how'd your hunting go cousin?"


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"Marvelous! It was simply thrilling! You see, we were tracking the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog for quite a time, my companion here watching with bated breath as I stealthily and artfully followed his deadly trail. We soon found ourselves in such a position that we would've been able to ambush and apprehend the dastardly little coney, but no sooner had we prepared ourselves for the capture than a group of foolhardy knights attacked it! They were swiftly dispatched by the viscous rabbit, and beat a hasty retreat. After witnessing such a horrific spectacle, Bastgare and I had no choice but to beat a swift retreat as well, gather what wood we could, and be happy to make it back with our wits and lives," replies Bezim to the dwarf's inquiry. He does his best to keep a straight face, and his slight blush is hidden by the dusk...
[sblock=Stanimal]eh? eh? bwahahaha! I couldn't resist...[/sblock]


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Bastgare nods along convingcingly adding such helpfull comments as "It could jump like yea long" gesturing that it could jump his entire armspan and "It had a meanstreak a mile wide" and ending with a convincing "Poor bastards didnt stand a chance. If it hadnt been for Bezim here I probably would have been devoured by the foul beast."

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