D&D 5E Baldur's Gate 3 will allow us to explore the whole city of Baldur's Gate Seamlessly


Book-Friend, he/him
I think @pukunui is right that Waterdeep is bigger than Baldurs Gate, but if memory serves me correct I believe the distinction of biggest city (both size and population) in Faerun goes to Calimport, at least as it was described in the 2E Empires of the Shining Sea boxed set and the Calimport source book, but that was three editions ago so that may have changed by now. Waterdeep is definitely the biggest in the North/Sword Coast region.

EDIT: According to FR Wiki

The metropolis was a huge place, measuring almost six miles from east to west and three miles from the coastline to the northern border.[1]

Heres the refernce

Steven E. Schend (October 1998). Calimport. (TSR, Inc), p. 4. ISBN 0-7869-1238-3.
Yeah, that Wiki page is a mess, due to all the chaos and changes to Calomport through the editions. Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate have actually weathered the Whiakey Tango Foxtrot of the 15h century Dale Reckoning and prospered, but Calimport got megascrewed: the population in 1373 was about 200,000, but was down to 60,000 in 1479 (3E to 4E books).

Then, in the 80's, the entire government of Calimshan gets overthrown in a religious slave revolution whem they kicked the Genies off the Material Plane, so it's probavly dropped further in the war and chaos. Baldur's Gate might be the bigger city by this point.

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Yeah, that Wiki page is a mess, due to all the chaos and changes to Calomport through the editions. Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate have actually weathered the Whiakey Tango Foxtrot of the 15h century Dale Reckoning and prospered, but Calimport got megascrewed: the population in 1373 was about 200,000, but was down to 60,000 in 1479 (3E to 4E books).

Then, in the 80's, the entire government of Calimshan gets overthrown in a religious slave revolution whem they kicked the Genies off the Material Plane, so it's probavly dropped further in the war and chaos. Baldur's Gate might be the bigger city by this point.
I stopped paying much attention to the timeline and history after the 3E FRCS. Cloak & Dagger was the last book of 2E FR and I think it ended in 1371, and 3E picked up that same year or was it a few years later? King Azoun died in 1371 and "Death of the Dragon" was published in August of 2000 and was the first novel published during the 3E era. I know I read the 4E FR harcovers, and a good portion of Sword Coast Adventurers Guide. I have no clue why all the turmoil in Calimport/Calimshan is news to me. I liked that area of the Realms so I must've read it. Getting old sucks. But they really screwed up the Realms in 4E and the 100 year unexplained gap in the timeline during the Spellplague and its aftermath was just ridiculous, and turned me off to the official time line.

Latest Drizzt novels

I read the last two novels in the Way of the Drow series (the third coming out in August), and is not an interruptation I would have made lf how those novels see Lloth. Its more like her faithful were good, trusted her and she led them over time to a path of increasing evil, till they didn't remember that they were always evil anymore.

Given the promotion of Goliaths to PHB status in 2024, and their expansion mechanically and lore wise, do you think Goliath's will be in BG3 even though it wasn't among the racial tags of the datamined races, that Chubblot found early on before Larian learned to hid most of that?


Book-Friend, he/him
I stopped paying much attention to the timeline and history after the 3E FRCS. Cloak & Dagger was the last book of 2E FR and I think it ended in 1371, and 3E picked up that same year or was it a few years later? King Azoun died in 1371 and "Death of the Dragon" was published in August of 2000 and was the first novel published during the 3E era. I know I read the 4E FR harcovers, and a good portion of Sword Coast Adventurers Guide. I have no clue why all the turmoil in Calimport/Calimshan is news to me. I liked that area of the Realms so I must've read it. Getting old sucks. But they really screwed up the Realms in 4E and the 100 year unexplained gap in the timeline during the Spellplague and its aftermath was just ridiculous, and turned me off to the official time line.
I mean, WotC doesn't really care about any "official timeline" at this point, either. Hence why they have tried to make the big Campaign books relevant for people using different timelines.

But, yeah, Valimshan in ~1490 DR is a poat-apocalyptic place, crawling from a rather intense series of disasters and wars.


I mean, WotC doesn't really care about any "official timeline" at this point,
Yeah I agree. I have disregarded their time line for at least 20 years or so. Think the last adventure I ran of theirs as written timeline wise was the 3.5 Undermountain adventure, "Expedition into Undermountain" I think it was called. I always found it strange that they changed so much during 4E & 5E considering that they had such a detailed timeline and history up until then.

But, yeah, Valimshan in ~1490 DR is a poat-apocalyptic place, crawling from a rather intense series of disasters and wars.
This actually sounds like a fun place to run a campaign. Don't go through any trouble but if you have any books that reference these series of events off the top of your head I'd be interested in them


I haven't been following the development of this game except for the fact that its been in the works for a while. Is their any indication that this is set entirely in city of Baldurs Gate proper? Regardless maybe after I finish the D&D Nintendo Switch bundle it will be ported over for it, but what I read was that its PS5, XBox whatever and PC at release. Going to fire up BG1, and make Ye' Ol' Paul McCartney thief, "Time for a little bit of the old rough and tumble".


I haven't been following the development of this game except for the fact that its been in the works for a while. Is their any indication that this is set entirely in city of Baldurs Gate proper? Regardless maybe after I finish the D&D Nintendo Switch bundle it will be ported over for it, but what I read was that its PS5, XBox whatever and PC at release. Going to fire up BG1, and make Ye' Ol' Paul McCartney thief, "Time for a little bit of the old rough and tumble".
No, definitely not all set in the city. The early access version that was released awhile ago didn't feature the city at all upon release, no idea if they got that far later on.

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