D&D 5E Baldur's Gate 3 will allow us to explore the whole city of Baldur's Gate Seamlessly


Book-Friend, he/him
Yeah I agree. I have disregarded their time line for at least 20 years or so. Think the last adventure I ran of theirs as written timeline wise was the 3.5 Undermountain adventure, "Expedition into Undermountain" I think it was called. I always found it strange that they changed so much during 4E & 5E considering that they had such a detailed timeline and history up until then.

This actually sounds like a fun place to run a campaign. Don't go through any trouble but if you have any books that reference these series of events off the top of your head I'd be interested in them
In the 5E era, the hard info on Calimshan is about 2 paragraphs in SCAG, which h amount to "the slaves were led in a revolution by a Chosen of Lathander, and overthrew their Genie Overlords (who took over between 3E and 4E) and banished them back to the Elemental Planes, and achieved their freedom." Leaves the details pretty wide open for a DM to do as they wish, same as moat areas outside the Sword Coast and Chult.

WotC figured out that an advancing timeline depressed sales and creates division in the fan base, so they just...stopped. There is still a calander and a year suggestion for the Campaign books, but easy enough to file that off and set it in the 1E/2E, 3E or 4E eras instead...or Greyhawk or Mystara for that matter. No metaplot results, no advancing timeline.

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In the 5E era, the hard info on Calimshan is about 2 paragraphs in SCAG, which h amount to "the slaves were led in a revolution by a Chosen of Lathander, and overthrew their Genie Overlords (who took over between 3E and 4E) and banished them back to the Elemental Planes, and achieved their freedom." Leaves the details pretty wide open for a DM to do as they wish, same as moat areas outside the Sword Coast and Chult.

WotC figured out that an advancing timeline depressed sales and creates division in the fan base, so they just...stopped. There is still a calander and a year suggestion for the Campaign books, but easy enough to file that off and set it in the 1E/2E, 3E or 4E eras instead...or Greyhawk or Mystara for that matter. No metaplot results, no advancing timeline.
Sounds about right. If I read that portion on Climshan 5E I mustve glossed over it enough not have it sink in

Given the promotion of Goliaths to PHB status in 2024, and their expansion mechanically and lore wise, do you think Goliath's will be in BG3 even though it wasn't among the racial tags of the datamined races, that Chubblot found early on before Larian learned to hid most of that?
I think it's unlikley BG3 will be updated to reflect the 2024 rules. It's still using baseline 5.0. Nothing from Tasha's, and the Githyanki are the legacy version in MToF.

Because of development times, computer games tend to lag in terms of rules. BG2 (2nd edition) came out at the same time as the 3rd edition tabletop rules, and the second NWN2 expansion came out around the same time as 4e.

Wasnt this game in development hell for a while?
Development time seems to have been pretty quick for a game of this scale (assuming it is released on schedule).

Before Larian, Beamdog had been trying to acquire the rights to make a BG3 for quite some time, and before that Black Isle/Obsidian worked on a BG3 (some of which ended up in Pillars of Eternity), but nether of those where this BG3.
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