BattleStar Galactica #20:Daybreak (2) Season 4--2009/Finale

People change. She was fighting a war against an enemy, something she was okay with, the same way that most soldiers are okay with it.

But as time passed she realized also that she was killing people who loved and were loved by others, people whose lives mattered, who were something deeper and more important than just 'the enemy.' She wasn't okay with that.

I think morally the show is a mess, which is wonderful, because people do horrific things when they think they have morality figured out in neat black and white lines.

Tom Zarek was still stupidly written for that councilicide, though.

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"All this has happened before, and will happen again."

Too right.

The ending was straight out of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Once the era was established, I was basically expeciting Louis Armstrong to kick in with What a Wonderful World at any point in the last half hour.

Heck, the fleet even ended up being commanded by a guy who spends all his time in a bath on the bridge.

Fast Learner

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People change. She was fighting a war against an enemy, something she was okay with, the same way that most soldiers are okay with it.

But as time passed she realized also that she was killing people who loved and were loved by others, people whose lives mattered, who were something deeper and more important than just 'the enemy.' She wasn't okay with that.

I think morally the show is a mess, which is wonderful, because people do horrific things when they think they have morality figured out in neat black and white lines.

Yes, precisely the beauty of the show.


People change. She was fighting a war against an enemy, something she was okay with, the same way that most soldiers are okay with it.

But as time passed she realized also that she was killing people who loved and were loved by others, people whose lives mattered, who were something deeper and more important than just 'the enemy.' She wasn't okay with that.

I didn't notice her ever feeling guilty about it. And they very obviously retconned in 'nice 6' in the flashbacks, which bore no resemblance to her depiction at the start of the show.

I dunno, I thought most of the characters were pretty horrible - the cylons of course, but Adama too.


Re: 6 and the baby...

In interviews, Tricia H has mentioned that she gets a lot of flack for that and she doesn't get it. In her mind, 6 was being merciful, killing the baby quickly rather than letting it die in the impending nuke attack.

Right or wrong, I love that sort of moral ambiguity.


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Any guesses on what "He" prefers to be called?

Madame Secretary?
Anything but late to dinner?

I'm really gonna miss that show. One of the few shows I'll ever miss. Ever thought about missing.

Not quite as much as if Lost ended, but pretty much the same.

Godspeed Galactica.
You were worth the ride and the cost of admission.

See ya on the other side.

I'm really gonna miss that show. One of the few shows I'll ever miss. Ever thought about missing.

Not quite as much as if Lost ended, but pretty much the same.

Godspeed Galactica.
You were worth the ride and the cost of admission.

See ya on the other side.

Having rewatched the finale... Oh yes, I gonna miss BSG. I knew that before the finale, but it doesn't change a thing.

And I still love the ending. The start is full of brilliant and daring action, and the end is full of goodbyes, closures and ... sadness.

If I find the time and forethought, I think I am gonna write my personal fanboyish good bye. ;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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