Battlestar Galactica #19: Daybreak(1)/S4 Finale/09

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Yeah, I thought I heard that, too.

Not bad, really. Some of the flashbacks were a little much, but it turned out well, IMO.

I'm relatively sure that Gaius dropped an f-bomb in the scene with his father. Not a frak, but an actual f-bomb.

I didn't catch that, but my hearing is jacked up right now. His dad mentioned how Baltar changed his accent. Maybe the actual word is part of the dialect where they're from and it was that slipping out as he got angry.

Hmmm... the final battle is going to take place in the accretion disk of the black hole. The odds that some of them wind up in their own (distant) past and found the civilization on Kobol are increasing...

As for the episode itself. Again, chancy to spend one of the last three hours of the show on slice-of-life scenes that take place sometime before the show began, but I think it worked well. I loved Roslin opening her arms and looking for... what?... the grace of the gods? in the fountain after being told of the fatal accident. Ditto a drunk Lee Adama shooing a bird out of his apartment, presumably after learning of Zack's death.

I'm glad Moore isn't afraid of placing so much of the focus of the episode on the character's lives. That's what the show's about, no matter how much we might like the sexbomb robots, spacebattle porn and endless head-people debate.
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Hmmm... the final battle is going to take place in the accretion disk of the black hole. The odds that some of them wind up in their own (distant) past and found the civilization on Kobol are increasing...
"All of this has happened before, all of this will happen again."

For a show that has tried to stay closer to "hard" Sci-Fi than most shows (especially the Trek series, as in being without zillions of rubber-forehead aliens, particles-of-the-week and countless convenient space anomalies), that's like the only way to set up a time-loop that could make it all happen.

Makes sense how the Pythian Prophecy could be written and such, if people from the future ended up in the past (note that the Prophecy never actually said that Earth was the promised land, everybody just assumed so. . .).

Maybe Apollo really is. . .Apollo.

I didn't catch that, but my hearing is jacked up right now. His dad mentioned how Baltar changed his accent. Maybe the actual word is part of the dialect where they're from and it was that slipping out as he got angry.

That's a possibility, but I actually went and listened to it a couple of times, and it really does not sound like "fraking," even if that was the intent.

I suspect they intentionally plan to lose Galactica. She is basically a wasted hulk now, and possesses very little fighting capability.

She also cannot sustain direct hits for long. She would come apart.

Best to go in fast, get as close as possible, let everyone board that can, try and take possession of the alien basestar, and if that is not possible then attempt to rescue Hera and then get her and any survivors out through smaller jump capable ships. Of course they need to jump Galactica and the fleet away from each other first so that the Cylons cannot trace them back to each other and the survivors have a safe rendezvous point.

If there is anything left of the Galactica at this point, then ram her into the basestar, or push out the main alien mothership/base towards the black hole.

Of course the real question is who will the "toasters" eventually side with, though that question may be left for another series.

But I don't think the "Dying Leader" is, or ever has, been Roslyn.
As a matter of fact I'm willing to bet there is a dying Cylon leader, as well as a Human one.

And of course Starbuck is "proof" (as much as anything is proven in the show) that resurrection is possible without the old Resurrection Hub.

That (resurrection) alone means that what has happened already can happen again. And says something about Caprica (the show) and Hera.

I've been thinking again a bit lately about how modern SF works and shows have been reinterpreting religion (because of my own work concerning God Technology) and coincidentally came across a couple of sites and articles that have some interesting ideas that some of you might like:

SF Gospel

Battlestar Galactica and the Future of American Religion

I'm not saying I necessarily agree with their interpretations, but it is very interesting to me the way religion is reshaping both science fiction, and science itself, at the moment.

That's a possibility, but I actually went and listened to it a couple of times, and it really does not sound like "fraking," even if that was the intent.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he said "fraking" also. I just think that the actors have been doing this for so long that when they say "Frak" it just comes out very naturally. So naturally that yeah, sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. My wife has gotten into the habit of saying "Frak" also. Tends to engender equal parts chuckles and confusion, depending on where she is at the time.:lol:

I have to admit, I've been a bit confused with some of these final episodes. I completely missed the thing with Starbucks father probably being a Daniel. But once I read that here, a lot of what had been happening suddenly made sense. But, I'm also still wondering if there's a third party out there somewhere - watching and pulling the strings when necessary?:erm:

At least though, after all of the build-up and flashbacks of the last few episodes, it looks like the final 2 hours may be quite a bang. And yeah, I don't think the Galactica is going to survive the coming attack either. Here's to hoping they do tie it all up with a minimum of questions left (except for maybe one or two really cool intriguing ones:cool:).

But, I'm also still wondering if there's a third party out there somewhere - watching and pulling the strings when necessary?

You mean like the gods, or agents of God, or maybe even an alien species?
Yeah, sometimes, so do I.

I've felt that way from the beginning.

Especially after the Five.

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