Battlestar Galactica #19: Daybreak(1)/S4 Finale/09


I'm still wondering if Starbucks father is going to be explained ... all Baltar said was that the blood was 100% Kara Thrace ... not that it was cylon, hybrid, or human.

I think the Gods making an appearance would be kind of cool ... even if they just a group of longer lived humans (ala lorne greene adama) who held a lot of genetic memory or such.

I wonder if the original centurion models will recognize the first 5 and help them out?

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I know that many people will disagree w/ me... but that is not what I am looking for in a second to last episode for a series. Can a Sci Fi show for once end in the flow of the episodes and not w/ a made for TV movie after the fact.

I basically watched Stargate Atlantis poof into oblivion after a series of missteps by the shows handlers....and am starting to feel BSG will go the same way.

As a comparison, I watch Big Love on HBO, a show that is a family drama about a polygamist family in Utah. Big Love does not benefit from Space Battles, or FTL drives, or Cylons or other Sci Fi trappings....and in my opinion that show has more passion, drive, focus and excitement that Battlestar has. :eek:


I know that many people will disagree w/ me... but that is not what I am looking for in a second to last episode for a series. Can a Sci Fi show for once end in the flow of the episodes and not w/ a made for TV movie after the fact.

I basically watched Stargate Atlantis poof into oblivion after a series of missteps by the shows handlers....and am starting to feel BSG will go the same way.

As a comparison, I watch Big Love on HBO, a show that is a family drama about a polygamist family in Utah. Big Love does not benefit from Space Battles, or FTL drives, or Cylons or other Sci Fi trappings....and in my opinion that show has more passion, drive, focus and excitement that Battlestar has. :eek:

Well I feel the episodes between the mutiny eps and Daybreak have been utterly boring, descending into melodrama. Frankly BSG should have used the SF trappings to better use, rather than trying to be... I don't know, some soap opera.


BSG has pretty much always been a drama/SF hybrid, I think. One of the core themes ("what does it mean to be human?"), IMO, has been very SF, but SF from the Bradbury/Serling vein, rather than, say, a Larry Niven style.

I'd be happy if it ended in a gigantic FX shootout, but I suspect it will be somewhat different. I'm hoping there'll be at least a bit of the shooting and exploding, but I think there will be at least as much social & emotional conflict as physical.


First Post
For the episode leading up to the 2-hour finale, that was really boring and disappointing. One might even say, discouraging.

I'll have to admit, though - this season, with it's rather unfortunate lack of space-battles - has still kept me interested thanks to (finally!) getting some answers. I'm pleased about that.

I would be extremely disappointed if I didn't get the rest of them in the final 2 hours of BSG (though I'll accept a couple of outstanding questions being answered in whatever this after-movie is supposed to be).


I guess am an odd one because I've found these last few episodes nothing shy of exceptional TV. BSG has never been about space battles or special effects, I think. It has been about...well, all sorts of things.

To start it was about flawed humanity being chased by perfect mechanical beings. The Cylons had none of the human failings and were relentless in their pursuit.

Then the Cylons began to show their wrinkles and flaws...and the show shifted into being about how as the humans were searching for Earth, the cylons were searching for their purpose.

Now in the final stages, the show is more about how the two species are similar, how maybe interbreeding will save them both, and how finding Earth was never the point, it is what they found along the way (peace with Cylon?) that mattered.

The big flashy space battles were very cool and well done, but never really the point of the show.

And I think we are going to get all sorts of action Friday.

Voidrunner's Codex

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