BSG #17: Someone to Watch Over Me/S4 Finale/09

Truth Seeker


Someone to Watch Over Me

Writers: David Weddle, Bradley Thompson

Director:Michael Nankin

Stars:Edward James Olmos (William Adama)
Mary McDonnell (Laura Roslin)
Katee Sackhoff (Kara "Starbuck" Thrace)
Jamie Bamber (Lee "Apollo" Adama)
James Callis (Gaius Baltar)
Tricia Helfer (Caprica Six/Sonja)
Grace Park (Sharon "Boomer" Valerii/Sharon "Athena" Agathon)

Recurring Role:Michael Hogan (Saul Tigh)
Rekha Sharma (Tory Foster)
Brad Dryborough (Lt. Hoshi)
Bodie Olmos (Brendan "Hot Dog" Costanza)
Tahmoh Penikett (Karl "Helo" Agathon)
Kate Vernon (Ellen Tigh)
Donnelly Rhodes (Doc Cottle)
Aaron Douglas (Galen Tyrol)
Michael Trucco (Samuel Anders)

Guest Star:Roark Critchlow (Slick)
Iliana Gomez-Martinez (Hera Agathon)
Sonja Bennett (Specialist Marcie Brasko)
Darcy Laurie (Dealino)
Erika-Shaye Gair (Young Kara)
Samantha Caine (Off-duty Crew Person)
Patrick Gilmore (Rafferty)
Cherilynn Fulbright (Dionne)
Curtis Caravaggio (Nathanson)
Ivan Cermak (Corporal D. Wallace)
Torrance Coombs (Lance Corporal C. Sellers)

Kara befriends a piano player who reminds her of her father. She also receives a mysterious drawing from young Hera Agathon.

"Boomer" faces punishment for her support of Cavil in the Cylon civil war. She reconnects with Chief Tyrol and shares her visions of a peaceful life on Picon. However, her life on Galactica is much less tranquil
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1. Great episode.

[sblock]2. I always thought the piano player was her dad, but I figured he was the 13th Cylon, and he'd resurrected, but it had been too long and he was too young looking for her to recognize him. Even with him being a figment of her imagination, I am nigh positive her dad was a Cylon.

3. I totally fell for it. Not only did I think the piano player was real, I also thought Boomer was honestly contrite, up until I saw her walking free down the hallway, smiling. I love evil Boomer![/sblock]

I'll completely forgive the show for last episode, because I loved this one.


First Post
spent most of the episode scratching my head wondering what was going on. The one thing I do appreciate was bringing Chief Tyrol back into the forefront; it seems like he hasn't had much to say this season. Bad things are always happening to people on this show, but his story has always been the most sympathetic because he does his best in everything and keeps getting screwed by his girl again and again. Here's hoping something good happens to him by the end of the series.


Good episode.

I think the impression left by Starbuck's tale was that dear old Dad was this new "Daniel" Cylon we learned of in episode #15. She's a human Cylon hybrid.

As for Boomer's tale - she's a sly monster - no doubt about it. And the Chief got sucked right in again.

I am becoming increasingly depressed that this series is ending. We watch BSG, Heroes and...that's it. We don't watch anything else. [Edit: I have been downloading the Legends of the Seeker episodes, I suppose. But it's sure as hell not "appointment TV".]

We have three episodes left to wrap all of this up. And oh yes - the Cylon BSG "movie", too.

I cannot help but think the result is that we will NOT be wrapping this up. Much of it will still hang there unresolved.

*le sigh*
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Truth Seeker

'Boomer' is so frakkin' lucky to escape...and she was determine to do it.

The mind frak was just damn beautiful.

The jump effect was damn great, again, someone has been doing their frakkin' homework. But BSG, she is suffering hard...

And yes again, the Chief gets it up the arse!!!


the cliff hangers are killing me ...

between Hera and Starbuck, both sides have a hybrid they can us to find whatever they're looking for ... a new planet with a resurrection hub. Does it get destroyed? do the final 5 sacrifice themselves to stop cabal? do they find a way to free the enslaved centurians and raiders?

are they really going to leave galactica behind? the only warship they have left is a damaged basestar.

does athena kick the crap out of her hubbie for doin' it with her sister?

what will the chief do? did boomer and cabal come up with this plan to fool him? (they both have had intimate knowledge of him ... boomer w/ relationship, cabal put him in the colonies and talked with him as a 'priest')

This Daniel model and the song are key to the whole thing. Didn't sound like Watchtower. :)


I am becoming increasingly depressed that this series is ending. We watch BSG, Heroes and...that's it. We don't watch anything else.

We have three episodes left to wrap all of this up. And oh yes - the Cylon BSG "movie", too.

I cannot help but think the result is that we will NOT be wrapping this up. Much of it will still hang there unresolved.

Looking at what I just wrote and thinking about it some more, it seems that some of these questions will end up being pursued and explored in the new Caprica series...

Which, I expect, is their hook to drag in as much of their BSG audience as they can.

RDM is a tricky bastard, and he has a vague plan.

It's less like tricking the audience into following a new series and more like tricking the network into allowing a full overhaul of the current series, knowing the fans will stick around.

Voidrunner's Codex

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