Battlestar Galactica#11-Sometimes a Great Notion/Season 4 Finale

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What if they're just all Cylons?
Then I look forward to seeing Adama, Roslyn, and others plugging themselves into computers.

No matter what sci-fi cliches this show is trying to ape, cylons (well, at least 7 of the "models") are not the same as humans.


First Post
What if they are all humans?

Baltar and the Cylons are capable of distinguishing Cylons and Humans. So they are apparently not the same.

Remember the Cylons were as much in the dark as the humans when it came to the identities of the 5. Only Baltar has been able to 'out' an unknown Cylon before.

Remember the Cylons were as much in the dark as the humans when it came to the identities of the 5. Only Baltar has been able to 'out' an unknown Cylon before.
But they didn't make any tests on any of the 5 Cylons either. In the last episode, they said they were able to identify the dead as Cylons, and the Final Five presumably come from Earth. So I think yes, there are differences they can check for, they just never did it for the right ones.


Well someone really should find out what
shampoo Starbuck uses. Her 'corpse' was charred but the hair.. wow. Not even singed.

Voidrunner's Codex

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