Battlestar Galactica#11-Sometimes a Great Notion/Season 4 Finale


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Way back when she was introduced, Ellen was tested by Baltar, and the result was left kind of ambiguous. I always figured the writers just forgot that or ignored it.

Definitely, this ep felt a lot more meaningful than most of season 4.0; hard to watch though.

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Way back when she was introduced, Ellen was tested by Baltar, and the result was left kind of ambiguous. I always figured the writers just forgot that or ignored it.
Unfortunately, this was very typical of mid-to-late BSG stuff. Such a thing wasn't an isolated incident, and there were enough (clear, to me at least) moments of the writers pretty much "making :):):):) up as they went along".

Now that it's ending, there should be more focus and consistency.


I don't think the 13th colony Cylons blew themselves up. I think their creation, the humans, came back and destroyed their former masters. A few remaining cylons survived in a beaten down starship that crossed the galaxy to find a new home, all the while being attacked by the ruthless humans. Finally, the Cylons arrive at a new home, Caprica, only to find that it has been horribly destroyed by Cylons just before their arrival.


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Unfortunately, this was very typical of mid-to-late BSG stuff. Such a thing wasn't an isolated incident, and there were enough (clear, to me at least) moments of the writers pretty much "making :):):):) up as they went along".

Now that it's ending, there should be more focus and consistency.

I don't think it's any mystery the writers made a great deal of things up as they were going. Through podcasts and such, the writers have been pretty clear about the sometimes haphazard creative process. This is one of the show's strengths, as well as a weakness. Since I run my D&D games similarly, I tend to see it as a strength.

I wonder how many other long forgotten details from early on in the show will return...


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Ultimately, I feel disappointed by the episode. The show is best when it focuses on plot and does not fool itself into thinking it is a character based drama.

After making so much hoopla over whom is the 5th reveal it like that.....and to have it be a character that really only has value in terms of defining, or almost being an appendage to Colonel Tigh.....was a let down.

Also the suicide was predictable. The show certainly has a problem in common w/ George RR Martin, as soon as a character appears happy you know something terrible is going to happen or they are going to die.

Ultimately, I feel disappointed by the episode. The show is best when it focuses on plot and does not fool itself into thinking it is a character based drama.

After making so much hoopla over whom is the 5th reveal it like that.....and to have it be a character that really only has value in terms of defining, or almost being an appendage to Colonel Tigh.....was a let down.

Also the suicide was predictable. The show certainly has a problem in common w/ George RR Martin, as soon as a character appears happy you know something terrible is going to happen or they are going to die.

Wow. I totally didn't see it coming and it shocked the hell out of me. It worked well, though, especially when taken along with Dualla's earlier behaviour. (During her babysitting scene I was like "Shut up! What are you saying? You don't talk to a kid like that!")

I also liked the revelation of the Fifth Cylon, mainly because it held true to the promise that they won't keep us dangling - just get it out of the way and get on with the story (something Lost could have learned from, back when I cared about that show, lol). Plus again, it took me completely by surprise. Of all the characters to be a Cylon, she was the one I least expected (well, except maybe for Boxey, but we haven't seen him since the miniseries...) So different strokes and all that :)

I did enjoy the episode. There were plenty of nice revelations, new questions posed, cool dilemmas to chew over and some good character scenes (without descending into the soap-opera silliness that was the latter half of season three). I wouldn't put it in my top five or anything, but it was a good strong start to the end-run. Glad to have it back!

(well, except maybe for Boxey, but we haven't seen him since the miniseries...) So different strokes and all that :)
For the record, Boxey did appear in the first season after the miniseries, barely. He appeared briefly in "Bastille Day". He had three scenes shot for "Water", but they were cut and ended up as deleted scenes in the DVD, and one scene from "Kobol's Last Gleaming Part I" that was cut but was also on the DVD.

For the record, Boxey did appear in the first season after the miniseries, barely. He appeared briefly in "Bastille Day". He had three scenes shot for "Water", but they were cut and ended up as deleted scenes in the DVD, and one scene from "Kobol's Last Gleaming Part I" that was cut but was also on the DVD.

Ha! See? It wasn't such a mad idea after all!



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I was shocked cold by the suicide; Adama's meltdown I found less compelling. I was rolling my eyes at yet another turn in the back-and-forth love quadrangle. I was also surprised and pleased that the suicide was as graphic as it was; this was not something to sugarcoat as TV censorship so often mandates.

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