Battlestar Galactica #16: Deadlock/Season 4 Finale/2009

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Bottom five episode.

Only moments to glean from the dren:

Starbuck is hearing the music.
Adama has seen that all humans are cylons (I just know it deep in my tummy). That's what Adama referred to when drinking with Saul.

Ellen just grates on my nerves.

Fast Learner

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I'd hoped that this Ellen -- the one aware of the larger picture -- would be just a bit less bitchy, but no such luck. I understand that she's got this thousand-year argument going with Saul, but good gods, woman, chill the heck out.

I liked last week fine, but this one was highly disappointing.

I'd hoped that this Ellen -- the one aware of the larger picture -- would be just a bit less bitchy, but no such luck. I understand that she's got this thousand-year argument going with Saul, but good gods, woman, chill the heck out.
Well, it wasn't really thousand years for them. But damn, even if it was, how can it be that she#s gone a few months and their fracking his metaphorical daughter and gets her pregnant! I might be a little pissed, too.

I liked last week fine, but this one was highly disappointing.
It was definitely not as interested as the previous 3.

Except the stuff around Baltar. Head-Six is back, and Baltar is taking initiative again. I like that. And there is a new hot "NPC" guest star/recurring character around. ;)


First Post
I thought it was ok, not as bad as everyone is saying, but nto as good as the last three. Still, I"d rather have episodes like this to make the previous 3 episodes stand out. I don't think the show wuld be any good if there was space combat every week.

BTw, don't know why whenever a show focuses on charcter development its labeled soap operish, when, actually soap operas usually have little character development (from a soap fan).


I liked the episode a lot, though I did find the tonal shift a little jarring at first.

This kind of thing --moving across the past four episodes from tense action-thriller, to science fiction in high-expository mode, complete w/soliloquies about solar wind, to full-blown melodrama-- probably works better on paper than on screen. But the episode was held up by terrific acting, especially from Hogan, and littered with humor (Adama, Baltar in full Jesus/Che mode) and grace notes ("When did they start doing that?"), so I can't call it bad by any stretch of the word.

It was tense and unpleasant like so much everyday human drama. Though unlike everyday human drama I couldn't shake the fear that Ellen was going to twist off Caprica's head with her robot strength when she confronted her.

Besides, the ep. had my favorite character, Tigh, plainly stating the what ends up being the point of the entire show. I like it when the characters I like are right.
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Fast Learner

First Post
Well, it wasn't really thousand years for them. But damn, even if it was, how can it be that she#s gone a few months and their fracking his metaphorical daughter and gets her pregnant! I might be a little pissed, too.

Well, I'm of the mindset that if your beloved did something wrong but could not possibly have known that it was wrong, you're being more than a little petty holding it against him.

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