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Bearded Female Dwarves: The Latest Word

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Col_Pladoh said:
Enlightened Readers!

Please note the following passage quoted from Terry Pratchett's novel, The Fifth Elephant, page 35 of the Harper Torch paperback, 2000:

"Cheery had retained her beard and round iron helmet, of course. It was one thing to declare you were female, but quite unthinkable to declare you weren't a dwarf."

I assert that this settles the contraversy once and for all time. All female dwarves have beards, and removing them by any means, shaving or magic, means the perpitrator has renounced dwarven heritage and in turn is an outcast from dwarvenkind.


Im forwarding this post to my group... further evidence in our age old disagreement about whether or not female dwarves have beards :D I said they do they say they didn't... this is just further evidence to prove my piont :lol:


Gary Gygax
Templetroll said:
Ooh, I just started a Greyhawk campaign for my wife and daughter. I'll have to have an encounter with dwarves and make sure they meet a bearded dwarven female! It'll be interesting to see how they react. :)

I played a dwarf wizard who was cast out because of the magic use and then refused to acknowledge that he was a dwarf, but he kept his beard!
Yes indeed...

The true test will be their acknowledgement that never have they seen a old depiction of a dwarf without a beard. As I have pointed out to many, those shown with finer and shorter chin whiskers are the females of that race, such distinction being the only obvious one possible in such pictures.

Urgently yours,


Gary Gygax
Cthulhu's Librarian said:
Well, I guess between Gary and Terry's statements regarding this matter, there can be no more debate. Case closed! ;)
Well said!

I trust all true dwarves and those who play them will raise a glass of strong ale to that.

Intensly yours,


First Post
I remember that in the first campaign I played in my sister insisted that her female dwarven cleric had a beard. When after she ended up inside a gelatinous cube and here beard was mostly destroyed she bought a beard wig to wear. That here beard was a wig was her deep dark secret, and she would get very angry whenever any of the other party members would hint at it to the npcs, or make fun of her for it.

Aaah, the memories. :)


First Post
You know, dwarves aren't the only one whose female have beards (and moustaches). Humans, especially of Portuguese descent, tend to have that trait, too. :p :D

More seriously, facial hair is an issue of hormons, and hormonal imbalance in a woman can cause her to grow a (tiny) beard. That's often seen among the elderly.

Dwarves having much higher testosterone rates than humans, it should not be a surprise dwarven women suffer from beardhood more often than human women. In fact, it may be so frequent it'll be seen as the norm rather than the exception.


Gary Gygax
Wulf Ratbane said:
Tsk, tsk, Gary. Such a bald-faced ploy. Plucking a single quote in support of an argument?
Ploy sir?

Nay, merely a quote of another authority proving the truth of my long-standing argument.



Out of curiousity, where did the notion of female dwarves without beards come from? I started playing D&D with the Basic boxed set and 1st Edition and, by god, female dwarves had beards! The first I had heard of dwarves without beards was in the Darksun setting, but that was males and females and they were bald too, so no biggy.

Why the shift? Is this another one of those Tanari/Baatezu:Demon/Devil things?

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