BLEB1: Beer Run (stonegod - Designated Driver)


The man with the probe
OOC: And so we begin...

The backroom Brews indicates is a medium sized room with 10 chairs and an oval table. Once Mardigan, the last one, enters, he grabs one of the servers to tend the bar, steps into the room, and closes the door.

"Ok, Time's a little short, so I'll make this as brief as possable. Once every year, there's a magical barley that blossoms in a small shire in Karrnath, and the brewmaster wizards of the the area brew a mystically enhanced beer out of it. I've been aiming to get my hands on some for ages, but I can't ever seem to get away. I just got a letter saying should be ready now, and I can get some barrels of the stuff at a fixed price though a contact, but they can only sell me what they have, and that will go pretty fast. Fortunately, it's not to widely known, so it might last a little while."

"Lawrence is the brewmaster this year, and he's a friend of mine, so I've got an in, and he'll hold out what he can, but you need to move fast. You'll be heading to Alechester, about 3 days north by cart from Rekkenmark. Ask for Brewmaster Lawrence once you get there, and give him this letter," He sets the letter he recieved earlier down on the table and quickly scribbles something on it and presses his own seal on it. "You'll be getting as many barrels of Lawrence's Interesting Tasting Effervescent Beer as you can, and I'll pay you 350 gold apiece for their return. I'll be sending you with payment for them in this," He takes a bag off his belt and sets it down with a loud thunk on the table. "The money is for transportation expenses as well as the price. I want the bag back, and I want a list of what you spent, but you can each take 50 gold for yourselves now to get any preparations for the trip. You'd best leave soon though."

"I'm trusting you with this money, and to bring back what I ask, so don't let me down, ok? Any questions?"

[sblock=OOC]If you can't tell, this should be a semi-light hearted romp though Eberron with fun, adventures, and really wild things happening. I'm going to try to keep it to a pace of 1-2 posts a week plus filler (1-2 adventure moving posts, RP filler in between is extra). If you're going to be gone for a bit, warn me in advance if you can. If you're around and just don't have much to say, please occasionaly shift in your seat or something so I know you're still there. Bring a sense of fun and a sense of humor, and this should be a blast.[/sblock]
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Khoros nods enthusiastically. "Wild Barley. Got it. Magical beer. Isn't it always? Got it."

The shifter doesn't bat an eyelid at the thunk of the coins on the table. All he does is shunt it aside. "Don't have much use for that stuff. Beer sounds good, though. Anything we should know about this Larry guy?"


The man with the probe
"That you shouldn't call him Larry if you want to get anything from him. Lawrence."

Oddly enough, the bag just thudded, no clink of coins. Pushing it asside, it's quite heavy for a small belt pouch.


First Post
Khoros nods once more. "Not very good with words. I'll let someone else do the talking. No Larry. got it. Do we have to take the cart? Don't trust those houses and dynasties... can't really walk, can we?"


First Post
Fritz looks about the table. He knows that he is the smallest and more than likely weakest of the group and begins to consider how he should compensate. He thinks for a moment before asking, What makes the beer magical? Does it make you stronger or smarter, or does it just taste better?


First Post
Khoros turns and looks at Fritz. "Pups shouldn't touch alcohol. Or they stay pups forever. Leave the beer-worrying to us. If something goes wrong, Pup, stay near Khoros. I will do my best to protect you; Pups are important for the future."


"Don't worry, we'll bring you beer tied of hands and feet in no time." says Tam, opening the apparently special bag. "Karrnath, eh? That's pretty far from here." says, while trying to remember if the lightning rail ha cargo wagons.


First Post
Mardigan smiles " Indeed pups are the future and a few beers early in life ruins it for good. I've got a nephew who got his hands on a pretty big mug of mead early in life--- the boy's a total ignoramus now , a family out cast you might say."
Mardigan looks somewhat indignantly over at the wily shifter " I happen to be a scion of one of those, 'dynasties' as you called them, I am sure we could get there speedily by lightning rail and I can see about getting us a discount. After all, I am an important member of my house, accustomed to carrying out very important services" His tone goes fro mserious at the beginning to relaxed and sarcastic toward the end.

He appears to be happy, finally having something to do and appreciates the irony of going away and still doing his job tasks and the ridiculousness of a magical beer run. But he doesnt question it. After all magical Interesting Tasting Effervescent Beer sound wel... too interestign to pass up.


The man with the probe
Wik said:
Khoros nods once more. "Not very good with words. I'll let someone else do the talking. No Larry. got it. Do we have to take the cart? Don't trust those houses and dynasties... can't really walk, can we?"
"Get there however you want. You'll need a cart going back, at least I sure hope you do. Lawrence says I can get up to 20 barrels, and I don't think you can carry them all."
IamTheTest said:
Fritz looks about the table. He knows that he is the smallest and more than likely weakest of the group and begins to consider how he should compensate. He thinks for a moment before asking, What makes the beer magical? Does it make you stronger or smarter, or does it just taste better?
"Clean tasting, doesn't spoil, and is probably 10 times stronger."
Someone said:
"Don't worry, we'll bring you beer tied of hands and feet in no time." says Tam, opening the apparently special bag. "Karrnath, eh? That's pretty far from here." says, while trying to remember if the lightning rail ha cargo wagons.
The Lightning Rail can carry cargo, but usually not with the passangers (on the same car).

OOC: Iamthetest, Someone, one of you mind changing your text color to something other than green? Light green or lime would work. That way you're not overlapping, which can be confusing :)
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First Post
ooc: You got it Bront. For this adventure Fritz's voice will be in this color

Thank you Khoros.

Fritz hopes that he will be a boon to the group rather than a liability.

Voidrunner's Codex

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