BLEB1: Beer Run (stonegod - Designated Driver)

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
OOC: And if I could request: DarkBlue + Default Black Background = Bad (hard to read). Could you use a lighter blue, Moggthegob?

Drowned Hero

First Post
Khuther Qbyer Warding Dragonmarked Sorcerer (Banker)

Troth watches his companions and says out with authority in his voice. "Well lads I will take that Bag if you dont mind Tam... I will guard and administrate the content as good i can" "and I am good at that" he stretches over the table to take the bag, once he have it he will open it and count the gold (if any). "any of you want those 50gp straight away? before i conceal the bag with my magic?"

ooc: [sblock]Khuther is a banker. So he feels the responsibility on doing his job as it comes to valuable stuff. He will conceal the bag with the alarm spell so it cannot be opened without the alrm sets off. He keeps the password for himself.
GM Only: [sblock]pass: beer and nuts nuts nuts :)[/sblock][/sblock]


Rionus collects the 50 gold Brews has offered.

"We're to move fast, and go all the way to Karnath. It looks like our expenses aren't enough to aquire truly rapid transportation, though. Horses, then?"


Kenn shrugs and taps his jaw.

"Karnath, eh?"
He seems less than thrilled.
Probably he thought absinthe was involved.

"That's a big country. Whereabout in Karnath, and can we take the lightning rail to it direct, or do we have to secure additional transport?"


Bront said:
"Ok, Time's a little short, so I'll make this as brief as possable. Once every year, there's a magical barley that blossoms in a small shire in Karrnath,


You'll be heading to Alechester, about 3 days north by cart from Rekkenmark. Ask for Brewmaster Lawrence once you get there, and give him this letter,"

ooc: I doubt we can take a lightning rail to Karnath for only 50 gp, let alone both ways, but maybe I'm wrong.


"A cart will slow us considerably, and the voyage there is the most urgent for speed. Do you think we can buy a cart when we get there?"


First Post
Mardigan d'Orien- messenger/courier extraordinaire

Patlin said:
"A cart will slow us considerably, and the voyage there is the most urgent for speed. Do you think we can buy a cart when we get there?"
Mardigan shifts in his seat happy to be of service.
I would expect so wherever we are headed is sure to be bigger than tiny hamlet and therefore have some sort of cartwright, or at least my House will be able to sell us one I am prety sure.

He grins and says " Oh yes, I had forgotten how expensive lightnign rai ltravel can be, as I usually get to go for free on House business. I would attempt to get free passage for us all but I am not one of the House's favored scions. However, if any of you are blessedwiththe gift of gab, I may be able to finangle free passage to and from on lightning rail. If that is not an option we can go on horseback on the road but that will take considerably longer.


Patlin said:
ooc: I doubt we can take a lightning rail to Karnath for only 50 gp, let alone both ways, but maybe I'm wrong.

ooc: A look at the map shows that the Rekkenmark is more or less 4000 miles away from Sharn, and that's measuring in chuncks of 500 miles, so the actual distance the lightning rail has to go round is actually much more) At a cost of 5 silver pieces the mile, that's 4000 gold pieces for each of us to go and come back, plus the cost of transporting the barrels, and all of that is supposing we can transport the cargo from Karrnath to Thrane: remember the bridge between both countries was destroyed and the lightning rail doesn't connect both countries anymore, and the only other way went through Cyre.

Using a cart would take us forever. As a matter of comparison, I've used Google maps to measure the road distance between Madrid and Berlin and it turns to be around 1400 miles. So a road trip would be like riding and driving a cart through the whole of Europe five or six times. It would take much less time in character to stay adventuring in Sharn until one of us can cast Teleport Circle.

The only remaining alternative I can see is the sea route, but that also takes an awfully long way of tens of thousands of miles.


"Well, if your contacts within house Orien might be willing to provide free transport for the group, I'm certainly willing to go with you and ask. We should be ready with a backup plan, though."

Voidrunner's Codex

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