Can Sharpshooter be used with a Net?


As long as i get to be the frog

DM Taran: "HPs are not applicable to nets, that's why there's a '-' instead of a damage value. Don't worry about it. Please make a check to avoid being restrained."

PlayerFrogReaver: HP's are applicable to my character though. I need to know how much hp to write on my character sheet after the net attack that you said caused me to lose N/A hp. I don't know how to modify my hp by a loss of N/A to write the new value on my character sheet.
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PlayerFrogReaver: HP's are applicable to my character though. I need to know how much hp to write on my character sheet after the net attack that you said caused me to lose N/A hp. I don't know how modify my hp by a loss of N/A to write the new value on my character sheet.

If a player didn't know the definition of N/A, I probably would have to dumb down a lot of the game. I'm pretty sure you would understand that if I told you that.

Let's use a more appropriate example that has to do with your character.

By my definition it would be 0.

DM Taran: The goblin hits you with his net attack.
Player FrogReaver: How much Armour Classes do I lose?
DM Taran: N/A

Nets have nothing to do with Armour Class. They, literally, can't affect your Armour Class. Just as they cannot affect your Hit Points. There is no math involved.


As long as i get to be the frog
If a player didn't know the definition of N/A, I probably would have to dumb down a lot of the game. I'm pretty sure you would understand that if I told you that.

Let's use a more appropriate example that has to do with your character.

Nets have nothing to do with Armour Class. They, literally, can't affect your Armour Class. Just as they cannot affect your Hit Points. There is no math involved.

Same question. I need to know how much Armor Class to write on my character sheet after the net attack that you said caused me to lose N/A Armor Class. I don't know how to modify my Armor Class by a loss of N/A to write the new value on my character sheet.

(The correct answer is not N/A. It is 0. I know how to modify my hp and AC by a loss of 0. Modifying my hp or AC by a value of N/A results in a value of N/A for hp or ac and that is what truly makes no sense).

Besides the fact that AC is never altered after any kind of attack, Let’s try again:

DM Taran: you get hit by a net
Player Frogreaver: Oh no! How will that affect my bonds and Flaws! Do I have to change them?
DM Taran: no. Nets can’t affect your bonds and flaws.

I can keep on listing all the things nets don’t affect. If a player is going to keep asking me the same questions, I will keep giving the same answer: N/A


As long as i get to be the frog
Besides the fact that AC is never altered after any kind of attack, Let’s try again:

DM Taran: you get hit by a net
Player Frogreaver: Oh no! How will that affect my bonds and Flaws! Do I have to change them?
DM Taran: no. Nets can’t affect your bonds and flaws.

I can keep on listing all the things nets don’t affect. If a player is going to keep asking me the same questions, I will keep giving the same answer: N/A

The net doesn't affect hp. That's why you lose 0 hp when you are hit with a net.
The net doesn't affect bonds and flaws. That's why you lose 0 bonds and 0 flaws when you are hit with a net.

Everything you say that the net doesn't affect I can quantify as a 0 loss of that thing. I'm just applying the identity property.

I didn’t say lose a bond or flaw, I said CHANGE a bond or flaw. There are no maths involved in changing a flaw.

If you want to use mathematics, I think it’s more accurate to say that a net makes 0 changes to your character sheet.

So, that’s how I will interpret ‘-‘ from now on. It makes 0 changes to your character sheet and, instead, applies the ‘restrained’ condition to your character. It still has nothing to do with hit points but hit points fall under the purview of a character sheet, just as flaws, bonds, spel slots, equipment and alignment. Yes, a net cannot change your alignment.


According to you, everything can affect everything.

Everything, including nets, has to have a damage property and function - since the concept of "n/a" is unacceptable to you.

The identity property should never even factor in because there is no math operation to be performed. Algorithnically, having everything have a damage function would be a mess. Every interaction between two objects would require a calculation of the damage function - even putting on a shoe, or brushing hair.


As long as i get to be the frog
According to you, everything can affect everything.

Everything, including nets, has to have a damage property and function - since the concept of "n/a" is unacceptable to you.

The identity property should never even factor in because there is no math operation to be performed. Algorithnically, having everything have a damage function would be a mess. Every interaction between two objects would require a calculation of the damage function - even putting on a shoe, or brushing hair.

Then you can answer the question that [MENTION=15882]TaranTheWanderer[/MENTION] refuses to answer. How much hp do I lose when hit with a net?

Then you can answer the question that [MENTION=15882]TaranTheWanderer[/MENTION] refuses to answer. How much hp do I lose when hit with a net?

I'm not refusing to answer the question. I answered it. By RAW, Nets don't interact with the Hit Point mechanic, just as they don't interact with the inspiration mechanic or the Background mechanic or the Vancian spellcasting mechanic. Your math isn't applicable to the topic. Your math is only applicable to changes made to a player's character sheet. A net makes 0 changes to a character sheet.

So, back to sharpshooter.
Q:Can you stack Sharpshooter with a Net?

A: Does sharpshooter make a change to a character sheet? Yes. It interacts with the Hit Point mechanic which uses a value called 'damage'. Doing 'damage' affects the next level of meta: changes to the character sheet. It does +1 'changes' to your character sheet.

Therefore, you cannot stack the effects of sharpshooter with the effects of a net because a net can only ever do 0 'changes'.

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