Falcon and Winter Soldier was hampered by two things:
1. COVID. Both in the sense that it messed with production, and that they felt they had to pivot away from a plotline centered on villains trying to spread disease.
2. The traditional pro-status quo cowardice in making villains that make a lot of sense, and then having them do absolutely monstrous things to show that they're wrong.
The second point really crippled the show, and the cowardice went further than just making the antagonists do completely pointless stuff that wasn't even in-line with their ideology, solely for the sake of villainizing them, it also extended to the ham-fisted and clunky-as-hell moralizing that dominated the last couple of episodes, which just mostly seemed stupid and naive in the worst way, and also seemed to have a general "Oh well, water under the bridge, can't complain" attitude to abuses of power by the US government. And the ending oooof. Oh yeah an utterly trite/hackneyed speech from a man dressed as a bird is surely going solve this horrific situation and force these corrupt powers to heel! It won't at all shame them for like half a news cycle and then be immediately forgotten. Written like we lived in the 1970s honestly.
If it hadn't pretended to "social realism" in so many other ways (spending entire chunks of episodes on it, like the whole loan plotline), maybe that would have been a valid approach, but you can't have your cake and eat it.
My major concern with this are that they will once again try to both have their cake and eat it about various things, and the fact that they've forced Sabra (of all people!) into the story and kept her there, apparently repeatedly fiddling around with her backstory to try and make her palatable (good luck with that!) seems to support my concerns. As does the truly massive reshoots to insert Giancarlo Esposito's character, who apparently wasn't present at all before them.
EDIT - Esposito has claimed no-one has guessed his character yet. Now, he's 66 and not chronically online, so he won't have seen every guess, but I think it's fair to say that, if he's seen any guesses at all, he'll have seen the most popular one -
GW Bridge - and this would
seem to rule that out. I think the most likely answer is that he's an entirely new character, or is a certain character "in name only" (i.e. nothing much about backstory, powers, etc. matches) so wouldn't be guessed. Or it is GW Bridge and just he saw like 1 tweet and it was Forge or something ridiculous! However, I did see two intriguing possibilities suggested:
Josiah X - A pretty obscure character but one very closely linked to some of the themes and characters we know are involved in the movie, and potentially about the right age. The fact that they jammed Sabra in could be seen as either making this more likely (i.e. assuming writers are pretty daring) or rule it out entirely (I won't go into details there). I think it's very unlikely myself but would be significantly interesting if true.
General Robert Maverick - i.e. Red Hulk 2 - This would mean that including Ross, i.e. Red Hulk 1 in comics, was something of a fake-out, because presumably he will end up as the Red Hulk, not Ross. I would regard this as a weird choice and a mega-cop-out myself, but that would definitely fit with the big cop-outs in FatWS.
NB - In case anyone has forgotten this has the same main writer as FatWS (Spellman), so is likely to share characteristics.