Carrion Crown AP (Savage Stampede) - IC


"I'll go with you," says Daros to the duergar. "It matters little to me which direction we take. And since I am no warrior, I have little wish to plunge headlong into danger."

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Zeldana of Pharasma

"I don't think it would be a good idea to separate. So since the majority chose the balcony, I think that would be best.


Thy wounds are healed!
The group heads to the west balcony and starts up the stairs one at a time.

A large, rectangular block of stone rests on this weather-beaten stone balcony, while ruined wooden benches line the back wall under a row of tiny windows above. A stout wooden door sits on the wall near the northern end of the balcony.

As Daggal reaches the top and steps towards the door he hears a clattering sound like metal on stone. Looking over to the block he and Aerodus see a large scythe rise above the bloodstained stone. The rusted blade is raised high by to dismembered skeletal arms. And it doesn't act like the welcome wagon as it swooshes through the air a couple times.

OCC: Roll INIT and post actions please.


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  • CC-SS balcony rd1.jpg
    CC-SS balcony rd1.jpg
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Walking Dad

First Post

Hagnim quickly puts up some stones from the all-present rubble and casts a spell on them.


cast magic stones.

[sblock=Mini Stat Block]

HP: 12/12
AC: 19, Touch 13, Flat Footed 16
Initiative: +3
CMB: +1
CMD: 14
Fort: +5
Ref: +3
Will +6
Speed 20'

active spells:
Endure Elements

Spells prepared:
0 - Detect Magic, Guidance, Light
1 - Endure Elements, Magic Stone - Obscuring Mist

Ice Bolt: 5/7
+3 ; 1d4(p) / 1d4(cold

Club (melee): +1 = +0 (BAB) +1 (Stat) (1d6+1)X2
Scimitar (melee): +1 = +0 (BAB) +1 (Stat) (1d6+1)18-20X2

Perception +8

dies at -16

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First Post
Josef will hang back for a bit

[sblock=Mini Stat Block]
HP: 15/15
AC: 17, Touch 11, Flat Footed 16
Initiative: +3
CMB: +3
CMD: 14
Fort: +3 (+8 when rolling to stabilize, +5 against Fear effects)
Ref: +1 (+s against fear effects)
Will +0 (+2 against fear effects)
Speed 20'
ACP -5

Greataxe (melee): +4 = +1 (BAB) +2 (Stat) +1 (feat) (1d12+3)X3

Perception +0

dies at -13

link to full sheet


Thy wounds are healed!
"I don't think this will do much good magic arrows or not," Aerodus says putting away the bow. He draws forth Veneratio Virtus, his fathers old blade and hopes he lives up to using it.

OCC: rangerjohn and Orius to finish/start the round


See if 6th time is the charm. As nobody moved there is not much Zeldana can do.

Zeldana also reaches to the ground and enchants some pebbles.

[sblock=OOC]Cast magic stone on three pebbles.
Spells Left:
0:3 Detect Magic, Guidance, Light
1:Bless, + Obscuring Mist[/sblock]
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Daros stays back and prepares to defend himself with magic.

OOC: Spells prepped:

0- disrupt undead, light, resistance
1- mage armor, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement

Also finally picked a character portrait.
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Split the Hoard

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