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Cats inside house (2 Cats Dead; 1 Cat Adopted; 1 Raccoon, 1 Possum Relocated)


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
Thunderfoot said:
Not really, I had a cat that took down a German Sheppard, and it wasn't even a close thing.
The Sheppard charged; my cat leaped and dug its claws into the dog's face right behind its ears, the back claws now free to shred ad infinitum, which they did. The dog staggered back into the street and died on the spot from blood loss. The owner of the dog tried to press charges, right up until the police officer asked why the dog wasn't on a leash and in my yard. Needless to say the blood trail was evident so the beginning location of the altercation was easy to trace. We as a society often forget that cats were also domesticated to hunt. :cool:

Yeah. Seen this kind of thing happen too. It was little kitten versus German Sheppard. Lucky for the dog it was still a kitten and not full-grown housecat. This dog survived. Albeit with nasty scars running through it nose. Never seen that dog around our yard afterwards.

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Lewis526 said:
Where are all these cats coming from? I betcha there's some crazy old cat lady somewhere in your neighborhood who has about fifty of them, and can't keep track of more than thirty at a time. Go ahead and trap the bastards.
VD, please forgive me....

Vraille's Cat Hate Song
To the tune of "Where Have All the Flowers Gone"

Where did all these cats come from, In my garden.
Why'd they do that in my lawn, where's their home?
I haven't seen this one before, and I've a problem
They destroying my wife good work, upon my deck....

Where did all these cats come from, won't someone tell me
How can I keep them off my lawn, they're a total mess.
I've called the SPCA, and Animal Services
They will take them all away, but will that be enough?
So take the advice of a one so sage, like Bob Barker
Make sure that they're spayed, or at least indoors.....
So that
ALL of the cats will be gone, from my property
and I will will give bless-ed thanks, for eternity.

It was quick and dirty, but I was inspired. :)


The monster cat has been captured.

We called Animal Control, but it was going to be at least Friday until the could come over, as there is a Skunk causing problems on the other side of town (it has sprayed the SAME Golden Retriever 4 times in the past 3 days); but she said we could set our own trap out, just check it often, give her a call/leave a message, & don't try to mess with the cat.

Went out to our Farm Supply store & picked up a Live Animal Trap for 40 bucks & 3 cans of cat food at 35 cents a piece. Set it up & waited.

2 Hours later, we had the Demon Cat....

Actually, we now have a half-starved, scared 3 month old kitten in a wire cage in the back yard. (I've seen 1 other cat as well).

That's what we caught. A small white with grey spots kitten that's really hungry, scared & timid (probablly barely weaned).

My anger has been misplaced. The cat is not to blame.

If you get a phone call saying "Your uncle got trampled to death by a Rhino at the zoo. He jumped over the railing, ducked the Guard, Climbed the fence, ignored the warning signs, then poked the Rhino with a Stick." Can you really blame the Rhino? Or even the Zoo? Your uncle was an idiot. The Rhino was doing what Rhinos do. The zoo had guards to protect any reasonable human being.

This cat (well, kitten) was doing what cats do. He is not to blame. At some point the actions of a human being are to blame. I will no longer blame (or grow angry) at the cat.

Instead by Anger & Frustration will be directed at the careless, nameless human who ALLOWED this cat to make my life miserable (& my neighbor, she spent 2 hours cleaning up her trash this morning). It was an individuals decision to abondon this kitten, throw out its parents, or not fix some animal along its lineage.

This is the diret cause of my misery, frustration, anger, and expense (40 bucks is 40 bucks).

While I think most ENwolders are reasonable people, keep one thing in mind.

A cat is only a pet to you. To everyone else (potentially) it is a pest. Not everyone will go to the trouble to humanely trap & turn over a cat to the Animal Shelter.

Keep that in mind the next time you let kitty out the door.

Vraille, who has to listen to pitiful kitten mews all night now, out.


May as well keep a running total in the Thread Title.

So far, we have 1 Kitten Dead, 1 Cat Impounded & 1 Raccoon Relocated.

Last week, we bought the Live Animal Trap & set it out Wed Night. That morning we had a 4-6 Month white kitten with brown spot cowering in the corner. It was very scarred & tried to smush itself into the smallest area possible in the cage. My wife felt very sorry for it, but I assured her that Kittens are pretty easy to adopt. Sure it was wild, but I felt the Animal Control Lady (her name is Pam) who really loves animals would do everything she could for it.

Then while at work, I got this e-mail....

Wife said:
I called the shelter to see about the cat. See what sex it was. It was male. Our neighbor was there when she transfered it to another cage. Our neighbor was
talking to her and asking her what she's going to do about the other cats. We'll just have to reset our trap so the mom doesn't have anymore litters.

Anyway, she said she left it outside so it didn't have to walk past the dogs to the office, and it could calm down for a bit before she tried to take it out of
the cage. She didn't have anymore room for it, but was hoping it was tame since it was a kitten. It was scrunched up against the cage so much that it's nose
was bloody. It wouldn't let her come near it and was so scared that she had to put it down. She was crying when she was telling me she had to put it down.
She said he was a cute little cat. She hates to do that because it's her that puts them down. She said she just can't try to tame a cat like that when she's
got so many that are already tame and her kennel was full. She said, "I'm not going to do that to him. Let him be scared like that and try to put him through
all that. I'm not going to do that to the little guy." Hopefully, we'll be able to catch the momma cat so there's no more litters.

In other words, she had to Kill the Kitten. I'm not a big fan of now having Kitten-Killer on my resume. And, at some point some individul decided that either that kitten (or one of its direct ancestors) was too much trouble & tossed it out. My feelings about how Karma should treat whomever that person was aren't really printable here.

Anyway, after Dead Kitten (we were worried we might have an entire litter of feral cats running around), we re-set the Trap on Thursday.

Thursday Morning we had a really annoyed Raccoon. Not angry, just annoyed. Gave us that "You better let me out of this thing" Look. Called Pam at AC. She laughed & said they have a remote Animal Sanctuary where where they take things like Skunks, Raccoons, Possums & Such. So the Raccoon has a new home devoid of Transfat, Potato Chips & Old Hot Dogs. I'm sure he's thrilled.

Then we set out the Trap again yesterday. This moring we had a small orange tabby mewling in the cage. We we got close to it, we saw it had a collar & a white belly (as it rolled over, trying to look cute & have us let it out). It was very friendly & clearly somebody's pet (though the collar had no tags).

We called Pam at AC. She picked the little guy up. We've even gone to the difficulty of going door-to-door asking neighbors if they lost a cat. Anyway, at least this little guy won't be killed. AC just had a couple of Kittens adopted, so there is a empty cage. Policy is to keep it 5 days, waiting for an owner to claim it. It the owner shows up, she can take it home... if she has registered it with the city. If not, its a $50 Dollar fine & $25 Dollar Registration Fee, provided you can prove its had all its shots. Do that, they can take it home, with the warning that a 2nd trip to AC carries a $25 Impound Fee (Pam at AC did NOT have nice words to use about people who let their cats run free; then again she's the one in charge of Road-Kill Disposal).

If no one comes forward, the Cat goes up for Adoption. Its a cute little thing, very tame, and around a year old. Pam is sure she'll be able to find it a good home.

We still have at least one more stray around here, so the cage will go back out Mon (AC doesn't work the weekends).

I figure I'll just keep a running total. But to those who let their cats out, a warning (direct from a 15 yr Animal Control professional) not everyone goes to the lengths we do to ensure the animals are not harmed, in fact most people around here treat them like Moles, Rats & other vermin.

Glad you had a 'bonk' moment about the nature of your pest. It is sad to see the kitten put down for certain, but you did the right thing. the tabby is just a bewilderment to me, who goes through the bother of getting a cat, taming, giving it a collar...and then just lets it loose. As I write this my own kitty is cuddled up in 'her box' next to my computer. It makes me wonder who could say they are taking care of a cat and then let them just have its run of a city...

Bet that 'coon is cursing the day he found your yard though. :)

Keep your head up guy. :)
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First Post
Thunderfoot said:
the tabby is just a bewilderment to me, who goes through the bother of getting a cat, taming, giving it a collar...and then just lets it loose.
I agree. My tabby cat chose us as owners a few years ago. We opened up our front door and he just walked in and made himself at home. We put notes in every humane society and shelter in the area with our name and number and a description of him. When no one called, we kept him. We was already neutered, de-clawed, and the vet said he was very well taken care of, and around 4 yrs old. He is the best cat I have ever had. The only conclusion we can come to is that he may have been owned by an elderly person who passed away, and the family just turned him out. Vet said it happens all the time. I think that is terrible.

Hope you get your cat problem under control VD.


Bront said:
Or one small & stupid dog

Edit: Removed stupid. it's a dog, that's given.

From a dog lover, may I remind you that dogs ARE smarter than cats. Jack Hannah of the Columbus Zoo says so. :p


Blood Jester

First Post
Howndawg said:
From a dog lover, may I remind you that dogs ARE smarter than cats. Jack Hannah of the Columbus Zoo says so. :p


From a former resident of Columbus, may I remind you that both dogs and cats are smarter than Jack Hannah. :D

John Morrow

First Post
Vraille Darkfang said:
And irresponsible owners have forced me to become a cat killer (if anyone knows of a no-kill shelter near Columbia MO, let me know; I can upgrade from Kitty Killer, to Kitty Jailer).

From my first Google search:

Miller-Roth Foundations - No-kill shelter. 2000 E. Broadway - #141 Columbia, MO. 65201-6009 573-657-9633.

From the first search result that I got: http://metroanimal.org/directory/dog_and_cat_rescue.shtml

Columbia Second Chance
P.O.Box 10186
Columbia, MO 65205
Phone: (573) 445-5598
Email: columbiasecondchance@hotmail.com

From the second search result that I got:

Have you tried any of those?

Voidrunner's Codex

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