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CF's Savage Tide [RECRUITING]


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One Savage Tide is never enough...

Savage Tide, the third adventure path from Dungeon Magazine, follows the course of a group of would-be heroes from a harbor city tucked away in a jungle island on the border of civilized waters. In twelve stories your characters will rise above their lowly first level anonymity to become some of the greatest heroes Sasserine has ever known.

Think Pirates of the Carribean, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Skull Island in King Kong... with, you know, classic D&D flavor and loads of demons to boot : ) Smugglers, sailors, pirates, swashbucklers, clerics devoted to the gods of nature, aquatic friendly druids... it's your time to shine!

I'd consider setting the storyline in Eberron, but if the majority of players prefer a generic Greyhawk then that would be just fine as well.

I'm looking for SIX players. Recruitment will be open until Sat Oct 21st, 5am.

Post Rate: At least every other day on average would be nice, with a 24 hour max for combat posts. That said... I realize it is useless to dictate that kind of thing ;) Just let us know when you are busy- how about that?

Character Submission

Mostly I'd like to see a basic sketch of the kind of character you'd like to play in a format that let's me know you are a coherent writer. A paragraph or so for each of these should probably be enough. You don't have to go wild here to be considered, just make it sound like a character you'd like to game with.
Ties within Sasserine: Family, friends, occupation, and what you do with your free time.
Starting Class: and how you came to pursue it.
All characters will need to be natives of Sasserine.
Full Character Sheets are not required at this point, although you can include them if you like.
Classes: PHB and the Complete Series are ok. If we do indeed go Eberron, then the Eberron Core as well. No psions please. I don't have those books and I'm not familiar with those rules. I'm sure they are great, but I'd like to stick with what I know. PrC's are subject to approval and I'd like to see them developing in your character's rp rather than appearing at a level bump.
1st Level, 28 point buy
HP: Max at 1st level, to be rolled on subsequent levels.
Starting Cash: Standard Roll. However, unless your character comes from a merchant or minor nobility background you'll need to spend that cash on items aquired throughout your career up to this point. Use it or lose it. Cash in hand limit at starting will be 15 gp.

Rolls, if you decide to make any at this point, can be handled through www.invisiblecastle.com

I'll be adding information about the seven districts of Sasserine to this thread as I go.

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After 100 years of domination and exploitation by foreign powers, the city of Sasserine has seen a period of rebirth over the last decade. Virtually erased from all texts and maps during their isolation, trade routes are slowly reestablished to this hidden jungle city and finally coin flows in rather than perpetually out. While violent and destructive crime remains illegal, there are shades of gray in Sasserine- recovered freedom after a century of oppression has left a leniency and open-minded disposition toward lesser crimes. The more conservative elements in the clergy and populace rally for a sterner approach, but the much appreciated coin flowing into the city from developing vice tourism trumps such talk for the moment. Drugs, prostitution, gambling, vagrancy, and the like remain unrestricted and a blind eye is turned toward much of the thriving black market trade throughout the city. Meanwhile Sasserine slowly rebuilds its navy, plantation houses in the surrounding countryside build an export trade, and the newly restored noble households find a way to rule together as the Dawn Council.

From the Sea, Sasserine isn't much to look at; two ragged cliffs of stone jut from the coastline, their faces home to seahawks and gulls, but little else. Then a vast rent in the cliff slides into view, its summit crowned by the shattered remnants of an immense stone bridge. Sailing between the slowly eroding stone pylons that once supported the bridge above, a visitor passes from open sea into a thriving harbor of commerce, whaling and intrigue. Certainly the smell of the city is breathtaking- a tremendous riot of exotic spices, smoke, humanity, and sewage that assaults the senses. Perfumes and scented candles are popular commodities in Sasserine. Dress style in Sasserine ranges from rags to riches, but the one thing that applies across all classes is that in this excessively hot humid city, less is more. Public nudity is generally frowned upon, but it's not uncommon to see outfits that leave little to the imagination (for better or worse).

Sasserine is split into seven distinct districts, each with its own personality. These districts are separated by inner walls, by networks of canals or rivers, or simply by age. Friendly competetion between districts is common especially during festivals, yet citizens do not hesitate to come to each other's aid. Perched at the edge of civilization, Sasserine is (and always has been) often the target of assault from land and sea. Each of the seven districts is represented not only by an appointed noble, but by an allied church.

Voidrunner's Codex

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