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Citadel of the Iron Crown - Burglars in Mirkwood


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Aerec is on foot in the woods, Aurvandil (knight of Gondor) is on horseback.

"I'll handle him," Baran piles in, grabbing for flailing limbs, for thinness of neck. "You go!" Ulfang relinquishes his iron-like grip from the hapless burglar.

"I was gentle compared to the dwarf, little one." Ulfang laughs as he gets up and attempts to see where he can best help.

Aerec has stumbled on the edge of the treeline. Moments later he vanishes into the depths of the forest (DM assumes). Aurvandil is turning his horse, gazing pointedly at a spot amidst the bracken. Of the other burglars there seems to be no sign. Evidently they have fled into the woods.

"Filthy Dwarf!" The burglar's sobs switch to indignation once again, "let go of my necks and handses!" The rage breaks, a shuddering of shoulders and back as Baran increases the pressure (unnarmed strike damage) "Aaaaaugh, please don't hurts me. Just let me give it back. I doesn't wants it anyway. I doesn't wants it!"

In round 4, Aurvandil will reach the spot where the stunned burglar is lying (his actions?). Aerec can continue hot on the trail of the remaining burglars and attempt another grapple. By this time he, and they, will be 40ft inside the treeline and heading straight for Aranel who is simultaneously heading for them in turn. There'll be only about 100ft between them at the *end* of round 4.Ulfang can reach the treeline by the end of round 4 or help Aurvandil with the fallen burglar, or do something completely different!.

[SBLOCK=Binder_Fred Spots For Spoils]I'll allow this one Spot roll, but no more naughty post-event Spots please :). Baran noticed the last burglar to leave was clutching something to his waist as he made off through the window. Could have been the parchment, or could have been a sheathed weapon he was trying to keep from jiggling around. Moreover, did the burglars stay in the same order as they ran??[/SBLOCK]

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With a curse, the awkward youth rights himself and continues chasing the fleeing burglars. This is no way to chase anyone down, he thinks to himself. What I need is a good, fast horse underneath me. Then they wouldn't stand a chance of getting away.

So caught up in his frustration is he that he barely ducks a low branch in time to save himself a serious headache. He quickly glances back to see if Baran or any of the others are behind him.

[sblock=ooc]If Aerec hears someone following him into the forest he will continue on, but if he thinks he's alone in pursuing the remaining thieves he will turn around.[/sblock]


First Post
Aurvandil turns his horse beneath him and runs back to where the fallen burlger lay. He dismounts quickly and lays his sword across the thief's throat. "You will sit still until my help arrives, or I will kill you". He will wait until Aerec comes back or Ulfang arrives, holding the thief in custody.

His threat is an intimidate use, so roll=10

and ride for fast dismount? Does that require a check? 13



First Post
The burglar's hood has fallen back, revealing a female face, similar to that of the other intruders. Soft and broad cheeked but with pinched nose, and chin, all framed by tight ringlets of brown hair. Her lips are painted with a bright scarlet dye of some sort and a strange curly rune is scribed in black ink upon her pale forehead. Her eyes are closed and a gash on the left side of her head is bleeding. Aurvandil can see blood on a nearby rock. Evidently the burglar is unconscious after striking her head. A curved dagger with a wooden hilt and leather scabbard is visible, hooked through her belt.

(Aurvandil's ride and dismount take place during round 4. No need for checks).

Need actions from Ulfang pls renau1g before I proceed further
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First Post
"What's going on there?" Bellows Granthan, a large and officious member of the camp and one of several who are approaching now. Most who know Granthan know he secretly desires Baran's post as foreman and has a high standing with traders in Lake-Town and Dale. The Man strides purposefully toward the dwarf and his fallen quarry. His great belly and obnoxious air preceding him.

Two others are also running over, Gellion, a pasty faced lad, full of courage but considered by most at the camp to be something of an oddity (his greatest crime being to fraternise with Elves, even though by this trait has a talented healer become known to the camp and saved many of its Men from wounds or poison - Thalion being his name).

Ahead of Gellion comes Belfalor, a tall sinewy Man of sharp eyes, fussy ways and long legs.

Neither these two worthies speak as they come. Granthan speaks enough for all: "what's all this noise of thieves and who in the four climes of Esgaroth left that work horse unattended? I'll flay his backside with my belt!"


First Post
Ulfang sees Aerec leaving into the forest, but decides that Aurvandil looks to have also caught one of the burglars. He'll rush over to assist in the detainment of their enemy, Ulfang will disarm the female while Aurvandil has her under control.


First Post
Aerec barges his way through bush and branch, thorny twigs and nettles slashing at his face and hands, uneven ground and tangled roots threatening to trip him up as he runs. Ahead, through the dense green and growing darkness, he can still see the three burglars, dashing with greater ease than he through the trees and bushes, weaving between trunk and branch and blending in their dark clothes with the shadowy background of the forest.

Aerec listens for sounds of others following him, but all he can hear is the sound of his own noisy passage through the undergrowth and the staccato beat of his own heart pounding in his ears. His pursuit slows and he watches with no small frustration as his quarry escape. The ease with which they disappear so soundlessly into the depths of the forest is almost supernatural. In their stead is left an eery stillness.


First Post
Ulfang and Aurvandil will discover the female burglar really is unconscious. She isn't faking. Ulfang can disarm her without problems.

Would quite like to pause at this point in order to give Binder_Fred a chance to post.

[SBLOCK=Shayuri: ]Once Aerec returns we'll be close enough to round 6 for Aranel to arrive at the forest's edge and join in. She won't encounter, spot or hear the fleeing burglars during her approach.[/SBLOCK]

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Dlsharrock said:
"Filthy Dwarf!" The burglar's sobs switch to indignation once again, "let go of my necks and handses!" The rage breaks, a shuddering of shoulders and back as Baran increases the pressure "Aaaaaugh, please don't hurts me. Just let me give it back. I doesn't wants it anyway. I doesn't wants it!"
<Fred: I think he inherited Ulfang's pin, but if not, deepen the hold into a pin please. No damage.

Actions and words, thinks the dwarf, not slackening a hair's breath. Anger, in fact, calls for a tightening, the cracking of bones, but they do so look like children of men... and he's never been a violent man. Now if he can only see how the others are-

Dlsharrock said:
"What's going on there?" Bellows Granthan, a large and officious member of the camp and one of several who are approaching now. Most who know Granthan know he secretly desires Baran's post as foreman and has a high standing with traders in Lake-Town and Dale. The Man strides purposefully toward the dwarf and his fallen quarry. His great belly and obnoxious air preceding him.

Two others are also running over, Gellion, a pasty faced lad, full of courage but considered by most at the camp to be something of an oddity (his greatest crime being to fraternise with Elves, even though by this trait has a talented healer become known to the camp and saved many of its Men from wounds or poison - Thalion being his name).

Ahead of Gellion comes Belfalor, a tall sinewy Man of sharp eyes, fussy ways and long legs.

Neither these two worthies speak as they come. Granthan speaks enough for all: "what's all this noise of thieves and who in the four climes of Esgaroth left that work horse unattended? I'll flay his backside with my belt!"
"You do that," replies Baran, teeth tight, not looking. "In the meanwhile, make yourself useful and get -umph - I mean - grab some men and check the rest of the camp. We may have rustlers about!"

His blue gaze finds the eyes of the other two in turn, "Gell, you get us some rope, fast. Belfalor, young Aerec just shot through the woods, he'll need your help."

<Fred: add a "go!" or two if that'll help.

(Baran's dog has started circling them all, occassionaly letting out an excited bark.)

Binder Fred, a place for each man.
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First Post
Disappointed, Aerec slowly makes his way back to the camp. He knows that pursuing the burglars further into the woods would prove dangerous and likely fruitless, but he can't shake the feeling of failure. Oh well, at least we chased them off, whoever they were. They won't soon be back, he thinks to himself.

As he approaches the edge of the forest, he hears the exchange between Baran and Granthan. Great, just what I need. I answer the dwarf's call and I'm going to be blamed for it. Besides, I know more about horses than that blowhard knows about his own backside. Stumpy is just fine, and there's no way that plodder is going anywhere. We could leave him out for a week and he'd still be in the same place as long as there was food and water close by.

With a scowl and the stance of a man ready to be challenged, Aerec emerges from the woods. "The others got away, I'm sorry to say. I think there were three more of them, but they were so small and fast that I can't even swear to that," he says to Baran and the others. He then notices the dwarf sitting on one of the burglars. "What do they look like when they're held still?" he asks.

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