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Citadel of the Iron Crown - Burglars in Mirkwood


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Sorry Binder_Fred for screwing with your rolls! And thanks Redclaw for the enlightenment :)

[SBLOCK=Binder_Fred roll results]
Baran recognises the curse as *possibly* a Westron expletive. Not particularly common. Given that he came from Moria originally, I'm assuming he travelled across country and through the Vale of Anduin then through (more likely around and to the north of) Mirkwood to settle in Esgaroth. So, he may have heard it during his travels, but he's never heard anyone in Esgaroth utter this word.[/SBLOCK]

Listen/Spot checks: I was holding out to see who else is present tbh.
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Normally, Aranel thought to herself as she wafted through the underbrush, I could have retired by now. The thought had a wry tinge to it, but she found she didn't really mind. The forest at night had a beauty all its own, and she easily saw by moon and star here at the edges.

The circumstances that led to the necessity were less than auspicious though. The Men of the logging camp had taken from the stand near the old oak. Perhaps, as they claimed, it was merely a mistake. After all, Men lacked good eyes for night work...and Aranel believed it was most likely done at night, when there were long hours she did not range and keep watchful eyes on the lumberers.

So now she had to make sure there were no further mistakes.

From the thinner, younger trees of the forest skirts she could see the firelight twinkling like a fallen star amidst the endless rolling brush and earth that rose up into the mountains behind. The sounds of laughter and bellowing could be heard, though faint even to her ears. Aranel paused for a moment, wondering if they would act differently if they'd known she was lurking nearby.

She was comely to the eyes of Men; fair skinned with dark mysterious eyes and dark hair she kept in a single braided tail when out and about. In Thranduil's house she would let it down and appear in a gilded gown of green and gold, and wear garlands of flowers in her hair. Here she wore a tough leather jerkin reinforced with tiny metal ingots, each one painstakingly crafted with images of trees and flowers in relief. Though leather, by long and patient tanning and working, it had the suppleness of cloth yet would resist tearing from thorn and branch and even knife if it struck a glancing blow. Her breeches were lighter, of a finely worked cloth that was strong as heavier fabric, but slowed her not at all, and dyed a deep olive shade that with the brown of her jerkin made it simple to hide among foliage and brush. In a case across her back was her elfcrafted bow and a quiver. At her left hip hung her sword, at her right her other quiver. She carried little in the way of supplies, for she knew much of how to gather what she needed when she needed it.

The moment of quiet was shattered though by a loud cry of THIEF, as clear to Aranel as if it had been shouted in her ear.

So now they steal from each other, as well as from the wood?

Curious, she crept closer to the camp to see what was afoot.

(let me know if I need any rolls :))


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[SBLOCK=Renau1g, Ulfang's spot checks]
The barbarian reaches much the same conclusion as Baran: too short for Men or Elves, too slender for dwarves, and their movement is too spry for goblinoids. His experience of this latter is limited, but he imagines them to be monstrous and clumsy, and these characters are nimble and quick. His first impression is of human children dressed in clothing slightly too large for them, though of course this is impossible to verify as he doesn't see their faces.[/SBLOCK]

Ulfang is out the window and hard on the heels of the five burglars and they know it! The trailing character makes the mistake of glancing back at the thudding sound of the great barbarian's approaching feet and Ulfang gets a quick look at the face under the cowl. A Man - or so it seems - but one with pinched features, large round (terrified) eyes and a youthful, softness, though this is no child.


Most of the camp's residents who are witness to the chase just watch proceedings in a dumb way, hardly believing what they're seeing it seems.

Ulfang is within rugby tackling distance of the rearmost burglar. He'll be in the same 'square' as his enemy in your next post. The runner isn't turning around to fight, he's still going hell for leather, so Ulfang won't provoke an attack of opportunity if he goes for him and he's still going to be running if Ulfang engages him. Bear in mind also that Ulfang is unnarmed.

This obviously counters anything that occurs afterwards, like the burglars reaching the treeline, so let's see how this turns out before we go on with the Baran-at-the-treeline thread (and accompanying rolls).

EDIT: Welcome to the game Shay :) no rolls right now. Let's see how this new development pans out first.
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Another long day just like the last, Aerec thinks to himself as he finishes rubbing down Stumpy, the plow horse turned logging mule. Next month I'll be doing the same thing, and probably five years from now. Is this really what mom wanted when she made me promise to stay here? With a start, he realizes that even that line of thought, and that very question, are exact repeats of his revery yesterday. With a quiet curse he stows the brush and moves to gather Stumpy's blanket.

His movement is interrupted by a call from across the camp, however, and Stumpy is destined for a chilly night. Aerec drops the blanket without a glance at the horse as he charges toward Baran's hut. He is spurred on by the dwarf's promise of reward, although the added energy comes more from the implied promise of adventure than any desire for money.

"Who are we chasing?" he asks as he catches up to Baran, just in time to watch the odd barbarian try to tackle a small cloaked being. Once again, he lets his thoughts set their own pace. I don't know what this fool is doing, but I sure don't want to be left out.


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Player input is required at the OOC thread, if you haven't already checked it recently

[SBLOCK=Redclaw: ]: Welcome to the game! Aerec and Baran have the same base speed, so he won't catch up with Baran to ask "Who are we chasing?" though he can shout it out as he runs behind the dwarf. I'd estimate him to be a good 40ft behind Baran at this stage and a further 40ft behind Ulfang (so 4 rounds to get into the thick of any melee that takes place- dependent, of course, on Renau1g's next course of action).[/SBLOCK]
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Ulfang grins as the rearmost burglar looks back and he relishes the fear he sees in its eyes. With his great, powerful strides Ulfang closes the distance quickly and launches himself at the smaller man attempting to tackle the enemy and hold him until Baram can catch up. With a primal roar, he leaps into action....

Activating Rage,
Attack Roll; Nonlethal Damage (1d20+7=17, 1d3+5=8)
Grapple (1d20+7=16)
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Redclaw said:
"Who are we chasing?" shouts a voice from behind. Aerec the horse tender, by the sound of it. On foot, Mahal help them, but at least running for all he's worth : Most of the camp's residents who are witness to the chase just watch proceedings in a dumb way, hardly believing what they're seeing it seems.
Baran madly and repeatedly points at the running thieves, shouting all the while, "MOVE THOSE FEET, YOU SLAGGARDS! MOVE, MOVE, MOVE! GRENDIL! MORBIEK!" he snaps, spoting those worthies open-mouthed by the edge of the camp, "CUT THEM OFF! NOW!"

<OOC: If there are PCs in that vicinity (Necro Kinder's knight?), he'll shout their names instead. For the NPCs, I'm guessing a CHA roll modified by the fact he's their foreman and they're humans to boot? http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1582191/
<Fred looks at his roll> GAH!

Binder Fred, doing what he can.
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Aurvandil steps out from his tent, sword drawn, when he hears the cries of "Thief!" issued from the dwarf smith's tent, stopping and gazing as Baran and Ulfang race past chasing a group of cloaked figures. He runs to Eredren and leaps into the saddle, praising himself for not taking it off yet. He then gallops off after the bandits, hoping to cut them off. "Ulfang, take him down!" Aurvandil shouts as the giant of a man closes with one of the trailing thieves.


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Dlsharrock said:
Redclaw: Welcome to the game! Aerec and Baran have the same base speed, so he won't catch up with Baran to ask "Who are we chasing?" though he can shout it out as he runs behind the dwarf. I'd estimate him to be a good 40ft behind Baran at this stage and a further 40ft behind Ulfang (so 4 rounds to get into the thick of any melee that takes place- dependent, of course, on Renau1g's next course of action).
So Aerec is wearing his armor? I figured he would have it stored somewhere in camp, but not likely wear it for logging. If not he should have a speed of 30' at the moment. I would also expect him to be at least double moving, which would move him 60' per round. If it's a straight line, that would go to 120' at an actual run.


First Post
[SBLOCK=Redclaw/About Movement Rates & Related DM Error: ]
I did assume he was wearing armour. Mental correction made.
Running rates, in my head I assume all base speeds are respective due to *everyone* running full pelt (four times base speed), which makes it easier for me (not the best mathematician in the world) to calculate catch ups using my brain, but I guess it helps if I actually say that out loud and don't give distances based on what's going on in my head. Gads, what a total brain burp. Sorry.[/SBLOCK]

Without armour Aerec will reach the melee next round, Baran too. At the point he shouts out, Aerec is still behind Baran, but catching up fast (literally about 40ft behind). If Aerec keeps going past Ulfang and the downed burglar, he'll be about 110ft short of the forest and the burglar group will be about 40ft short. Next round, in the thick of the woods he's restricted to x2 base speed, but so are the burglars, so he'll be able to make an attack just inside the forest treeline on the trailing burglar 2 rounds from now. In the same number of rounds, if Baran also keeps running, he'll be 30ft short of the treeline and unable to make an attack.

Ulfang grapples his opponent (roll exceeds AC) and succeeds to grab in mid-run. I translate this as a rugby tackle which puts the running burglar on the ground and Ulfang on top.

Opposed Grapple check please Renau1g, target to beat is, ahem, 6 (so bar rolling a 1, the burglar is effectively held). The grapple check determines drawing a light weapon, not escaping from Ulfang's grasp.

The barbarian and the trailing burglar go down, the large human's arms wrapped like pincers around his foe's waist, the bulk of his body crushing the burglar into the ground. "Aaiieiee..oof!" the burglar cries out, face pressed down into the grass as Ulfang (with no great effort) attempts to pin him, "mff, mf, mfff". The burglar reaches under himself, presumably going for some hidden weapon, and Ulfang attempts to counter the move by shifting his bulk and tightening his hold. Shouting encouragement, Baran and Aerec are hurrying to the scene (OOC: and arrive after Ulfang's next post/roll).

There is no honour among thieves, or so the addage goes, and in this case such addage applies, for the remaining four burglars are doing nothing to help their fallen companion. Instead they continue to run for the treeline, though now all four are glancing back over their shoulders and both Baran and Aerec are afforded a good look at their faces. Three, it would seem, are male, one is almost certainly female. All have flat, broad cheeked features and large, frightened eyes. The resemblance to some kind of Elvish/human hybrid is uncanny, as is the child-like softness of their skin and expressive eyes. Other than their clothing, and but for the fact they were caught red-handed, these five don't look like natural thieves at all.

The terror in their eyes increases when they see the horse and its rider joining the chasing group, coming from an angle to the west.

[SBLOCK=Necro_Kinder: ]
There are some options for Aurvandil. If he succeeds a free action fast mount Ride check (DC 20), he can reach the burglars before they get to the treeline and attempt to knock the rearmost burglar prone with an overrun. He'll then have to draw up sharpish (another Ride check pls). If he fails the first Ride check, he'll catch up with the burglars as they're entering the treeline and plough into the denseness of the forest, probably injuring himself or the horse, so a failed Ride check at the first indicates the burglars get away into the woods, while a successful Ride check at the first indicates you should (if you so wish) roll d20+4 (Horse's BAB, Str Mod and Size Mod). As you don't have the Trample Feat the burglar can attempt to avoid you. If you fail the second Ride check both Aurvandil and horse will clatter into the treeline.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Shay: ]Aranel is still some 400ft from the camp perimeter at this stage. She has a usual route for reaching the camp from her current position (following the path of least resistance through tangled branches, roots and bracken etc). Also, can I have a Listen check pls.[/SBLOCK]
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