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CLOSED Pathfinder: Rise of the Runelords, Burnt Offerings


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Rd 2

Jokad grins wolfishly as he tosses the limp body to the side. "Nice trick, old one," he says casually over his shoulder to Mondraiv as he grabs up the creature's 'dog slicer' and sprints off to help the hard pressed youth (Jovik) in the center of the square.

OOC: [sblock]Free action to drop the goblin, move action to pick up his weapon, standard action to hopefully move up into his grill.

Remember my movement is 40'. A single move for me = double move for Mandraiv (he wears medium armor right?)

My plan for Rd3 is to attack the Goblin fighting Jovik, assuming it is still alive.[/sblock]

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Danth, favored of Sarenae - Round 2 Actions

Danth slides to a stop as he nears the cart, his arms pinwheeling to maintain his balance from the quick stop. The goblin suddenly clambers out from under cover just as the cleric swings his morningstar, fouling the attack. The young man frowns as he strikes the wood of the cart instead of the beastie he had meant to slay.

Attack: 6
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Kael's Pose and actions - Round Two

"Don't be afraid, Mal's just trying to protect you, okay?" Kael says in a calming voice as he kneels down to look at the child. "Do you know where your parents are?"

While soothing the child and trying to get him to his parents, Kael does a little misdirection magic and fires another magic missile at the goblin from under the cart.

So as to distract the boy from all the violence, Kael does it in a fashion so that the child focuses more on the flash of energy from his finger when the missile fires.


Okay, much, much better. Gotta love trying to protect the kid, while calming him down, and trying to not mental scar him for life. *chuckles*

Kael's 2nd attempt tp calm child(1d20+3=22)

Kael's Magic Missile Damage (1d4+1=5)
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Mandraiv cracks a slight smile and winks at Jokad, You're welcome, son, he says, Now let's get the rest of these little buggers and show them what it means to do battle with real men! He hustles over to the goblin by the cart grunting to himself, Damn, but this armor does chafe. I had forgotten it was so heavy.


Jovik gasps in pain as the blade cuts across his chest, a far worse wound that the accident aboard ship several years ago. It staggered him, though he knew it would be far worse in a few minutes once the excitment of the moment had passed.

Jovik ahlf turned as if to run, but the screams reminded him that this was still his village, his home, and he had to help defend it. Besides that little goblin might chop him agian if he turns his back. No, the best way way to face the goblin head on, so despite the growing pain, Jovik struck back.

Jovik feint Post 27 (1d20+6=15)

Jovik Attack Post 27 (1d20+1=12, 1d6+1=2)

Jovik Sneak Attack Post 27 (1d6=4)



First Post
Jovik: Goblin initiative 21, He swings before you can recover, but you easily turn the attack away from yourself, exposing his midrift (attack roll of 5 for the goblin).

You attack in turn, and perhaps it is the fear and anger in you, but your carve deep into him with your dagger, feeling the blade slip in all the way up to the hilt. The look of incomprehension on the goblin's face is a study, before he pulls himself off your blade, looks down in amazement at the ragged red line in his chest, and then collapses in a heap.

You see father Zantus, now spurred into action, moving across the square towards the child that someone is guarding. Perhaps he can heal you?

Fifth goblin dead. Well done Jovik - you got 2 down!

The goblin that was under the cart sees Danth prepare to swing, getting in his thrust first (initiative 18), swings, misses ( with a stinking 8 to hit), and curses at you. Mandraiv has closed up behind Danth, ready to help.

And then shooting through the air towards them comes an arcing blast of eldritch power (Kael's Magic Missile), slamming into the goblin's head, leaving little but a lower jaw still attached to his neck. It is messy. Very, very messy!

All the goblins in the square are now dead. Congratulations on your first battle!
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First Post
OOC: Save your healing spells for now. I will put up a post soon with some healing from Father Zantus for Jovik. The rest of you, please role-play a suitable after battle congregation for a moment or two (you have a few minutes to catch your breath and get to know one another before things move on).

Jovik healed for 6hp (now at full health).
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First Post
Jokad charges up to help the injured Jovik only to see the last goblin slide off his blade.

Jokad grunts (you're not sure if it is in disappointment or approval) then slaps you on the back, "Nice work flat-lander. You should see Father Zantus about that wound though... these dogs <he kicks a goblin for effect> hardly know how to treat a blade. Who knows what disease it might carry?"

He seems to still be listening for sounds of further combat from other parts of town.

Voidrunner's Codex

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