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[COC] Beyond the Mountains of Madness

Yellow Sign

Moore looks over at the man with Roxie. "Excuse me sir, I didn't catch your name. And do you have any skills that could be of use to us on the expedition? Other that taking care of Ms. Rockefeller that is."

Starkweather growls at Roxie, "You will be given a weight allowance for your personal gear, Mrs. Rockefeller. Now excuse me I have important work to do." He turns to Richard Lawton and extends a hand. "Pleased to meet you Mr. Lawton, I have been looking over your qualifications and I must say I am quit impressed. You just the sort of chap that we need on this trip." He glances over at Roxie for a second with a sneer.

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"Anthony Louwman. Nice to meet you." Antonie says, making a curt nod of his head.

Skills... How am I going to present that to him. I'd better make myself seem useful, maybe that would ease Starkweather as well. I'm not sure how that would turn out.. For now, just play it cool and make the best of your experiences. Keep it cool, Ton.

Antonie speaks slowly as he is thinking and speaking at the same time. On his fingers, he ticks off each of the things he mentions, deliberately trying to maximize the effect of his words.

"My skills, you ask? Over the course of my life, I have acquired much experience in many different fields of expertise... I've had quite some years of experience in medicine, and I can find my way around machinery, both in operating and maintenance. And or course, my work as an assistent to Mr. and Mrs. Rockefeller have left me with quite sharp senses.
...I trust that this would be sufficient to make myself useful to this expedition?"

Well, the sounded pretty good, I think. Let's hope it's enough.

Antonie watches Mr. Moore, eager to see what kind of impression he has made on the man.


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Roxie scoffed slightly at being dismissed by Starkweather. Pulling out a compact, she fixed her still perfectly coifed hair while murmuring under her breath...and certainly loud enough for all to hear...."If there's a weight limit, how ever is he going to get that ego of his onboard?"

Snapping the compact shut, she smiled very charmingly at Lawton just before giving him the once over...all over. "Well, I can't say I disagree with Mr. Starkweather's appraisal. You're quite an impressive chap, indeed."


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>>>...."If there's a weight limit, how ever is he going to get that ego of his onboard?"<<<

Lights up another cigarette, inhales gently, and exhales in a steady stream from his nose

"I'm sure if we can make room for your ego, we can make room for his, miss. "

Turns to Antonie

"Just so you know, she's your responsibilty on this trip."

Looks to the lady Psychiatrist

"However, I will greet you, ma'am, and try to keep an eye out for you in the frozen wastes. As much as I dislike the idea of women going on this trip, I think we'll be needing a good shrink."
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One dark blonde brow arched slightly. "Accomodating both egos won't be a problem if we leave you behind." Tapping her cigarette on the edge of the table, she inhaled another carcinogenic breath. "Certainly save mymoney that way. Unless Mr. Starkweather or Mr. Moore want to dip into their own private coffers to cough up enough dough to take you with us cuz damned if I'm gonna take disrespect from two wankers."


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>>>"Certainly save mymoney that way. Unless Mr. Starkweather or Mr. Moore want to dip into their own private coffers to cough up enough dough to take you with us cuz damned if I'm gonna take disrespect from two wankers."<<<


Looks at Starkweather and Moore

"I wasn't aware that this woman was running the expedition, gentlemen. If that is the case, then I mistakenly applied to the wrong group of explorers. However, if you are in charge then perhaps you should let someone know it."

Pours a large cup of piping coffee, downs it one quick gulp, and then pours another.

"I had thought this was to be a professional excursion. However, I will be willing to stay for an amatuer one, for double my fee."

Yellow Sign

"I had thought this was to be a professional excursion. However, I will be willing to stay for an amatuer one, for double my fee."

Starkweather looks over at Mr. Rayburn. "Fee??? My dear Sir, this is a chance of a lifetime for anyone who goes on this Professional expedition. Many have Paid for the privalege to come on this momentious excersion into the unknown. A man could make his mark on the world by just being part of it. And as far as Who is in charge that would be ME and Mr. Moore make no mistakes about that. While it is true that Mrs. Rockefeller and Miss Paulos are *sigh* coming along they have very good reasons. Mrs. Rockefeller has donated over a hundred thousand dollars for the privalege and Miss Paulos is a skilled scientist. I might not like the idea of two Women tagging along on this trip but by God I am not going to do anything to risk the delay of this Expedition."


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Richard smiles broadly at both Starkweather and Roxie. "Well, thanks to both of you. Always nice to be the center of attention."

"Now, Mr. Starkweather, my magazine has given me some papers for you to look over about our propsed series on the expedition..." He absently checks inside his coat. "Damn, I was sure I brought them. Hang on..."

As Richard rummages through his pockets, he seems to tune out the interactions of the others. Finally he notices the tension and sighs lightly.

"Please now, let's all simmer down, okay? We're going to get horrible write-ups if we slaughter each other before the food runs out, much less if we haven't even made it to the Antarctic yet!"

Yellow Sign

Mr. Moore casts a worried glance over at the tense confrontation between Starkweather, Rayburn, and Mrs. Rockefeller and then he turns to Mr. Louwman. "Well it sounds like you could be a productive member of the group. When you get the chance talk to Dr. Greene and you can both discuss how you can help him with your medical skills. Otherwise you will be responsible for helping Mrs. Rockefeller. Does that sound ok to you?"


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Roxie laughed, putting out the remainder of her cigarrette into the nearest convenient portion of the table. "Mr. Lawson, I don't think my write-ups could possibly get any worse, don't you think?" She winked at him while motioning for Tony to pass her another cigarette. "Butt me, Tony. I need a ciggy."

Damn prohibition. I could use a drink right about now.

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