First Post
Following the events of our Prologue Thread
A week after the fundraiser event, things have almost settled down to normal. You have not been asked by the police to suffer through any further questioning sessions in three days and you've been anxiously awaiting word from James Starkweather and Professor Moore regarding the start of preparations for the expedition. You've even taken some time so do a little sightseeing in New York City.
This morning, as you walk through the sunlit, glistening lobby area, you notice that there continues to be two uniformed policeman noticeably present in the area. One is stationed at the front entranceway, as usual; the second policeman is behind the lobby desk, examining records and talking with the manager.
For all approved expedition members (i.e. Camille - Keep out!)[sblock]
As you walk to the lobby desk to check for messages, the desk clerk greets you by name, bows, and scans the mailbins for your room. He plucks an envelope from your room slot and hands it to you. Inside the envelope, you find a folded, handwritten note:
Please be so good as to join us at the ship as soon as you have freshened up. SS Gabrielle. Pier 74-B, 12th Avenue at 34th, next to the Italian Royal Mail berth.
OOC - On the attached map, the Amherst Hotel is represented by a red star, and Pier 74 is marked with a blue star.[/sblock]
A week after the fundraiser event, things have almost settled down to normal. You have not been asked by the police to suffer through any further questioning sessions in three days and you've been anxiously awaiting word from James Starkweather and Professor Moore regarding the start of preparations for the expedition. You've even taken some time so do a little sightseeing in New York City.
This morning, as you walk through the sunlit, glistening lobby area, you notice that there continues to be two uniformed policeman noticeably present in the area. One is stationed at the front entranceway, as usual; the second policeman is behind the lobby desk, examining records and talking with the manager.
For all approved expedition members (i.e. Camille - Keep out!)[sblock]
As you walk to the lobby desk to check for messages, the desk clerk greets you by name, bows, and scans the mailbins for your room. He plucks an envelope from your room slot and hands it to you. Inside the envelope, you find a folded, handwritten note:
Please be so good as to join us at the ship as soon as you have freshened up. SS Gabrielle. Pier 74-B, 12th Avenue at 34th, next to the Italian Royal Mail berth.
OOC - On the attached map, the Amherst Hotel is represented by a red star, and Pier 74 is marked with a blue star.[/sblock]
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