D&D 5E Companion thread to 5E Survivor: Species


Follower of the Way
Not like dragonborn as very dragonlike aside from the breath, and even then with the horny toad, a ranged projectile is not outside of reptile purview.
They're dragon-y enough for me, and I'm notoriously dragon-happy. I particularly like the scaly "dreadlocks" and "facial hair." They remind me of the barbel/tendril things on gold dragons.

I know I keep harping on this (and I'm not sorry).

If you use the customization rules in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything,
That would require me to have been invested in about 5e for more than six years after its launch. I get that this is something of great value to you, and don't want to disparage that. But "too little, too late" feels like a perfect response to this sort of thing. (Especially given my rather substantial balance concerns regarding....almost the entire rest of the game.)

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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
That would require me to have been invested in about 5e for more than six years after its launch. I get that this is something of great value to you, and don't want to disparage that. But "too little, too late" feels like a perfect response to this sort of thing. (Especially given my rather substantial balance concerns regarding....almost the entire rest of the game.)
But, what's the alternative? Another hundred subspecies in D&D, with only minor differences between them? Stop playing 5E?

I hope they avoid this treadmill in the next iteration of the game...I'm hoping for a more "buffet style" approach to ancestries for once. Which seems to be the direction the winds are blowing, so I'm optimistic. (And I hope they adopt the term "ancestry," which is another dead horse I'm fond of clobbering in this thread.)
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One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
But, what's the alternative? Another hundred subspecies in D&D, with only minor differences between them? Stop playing 5E?

I hope they avoid this treadmill in the next iteration of the game...I'm hoping for a more "buffet style" approach to ancestries for once. Which seems to be the direction the winds are blowing, so I'm optimistic. (And I hope they adopt the term "ancestry," which is another dead horse I'm fond of clobbering in this thread.)
the custom lineage is a nice idea if a bit feeble in execution imo, i've seen a species builder point buy here on enworld that is more flexible and has more depth for building a species that the building system ends up being so much more satisfying to use.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
the custom lineage is a nice idea if a bit feeble in execution imo, i've seen a species builder point buy here on enworld that is more flexible and has more depth for building a species that the building system ends up being so much more satisfying to use.
Yep, I like that builder...it was pretty slick. The DMG also has rules and guidelines for creating a custom species as well.


We Got Him GIF


A suffusion of yellow
The campaign against the hellspawn has been a success! only the Variant remains and I will be merciful and see if it can survive the competition longer than those other elfs

Voidrunner's Codex

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