D&D 5E Companion thread to 5E Survivor - Subclasses (Part XV: The FINAL ROUND)


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
The same? No. Balanced? Yes.

Balance can be obtained in a number of ways, and in prior editions they existed in those ways. In 5E, they have mostly been cast aside. I have read people posting this was because of blowback from 4E, but I can't really say about that.
Balance without sameyness is a crapshoot, and way more subjective than it might appear. White room DPS math is one thing, but actual play is so varied that what is "balanced" will be wildly different from table to table. I've seen abilities referred to as "ribbons" that have changed the course of campaigns.

Outside of 4e's AEDU uniformity (which i don't necessarily think was a bad thing, mind), 5e is by far the most "balanced" edition of the game, for as much as it's even possible

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LOL partly, but also longer casting times so spells can be interrupted in combat, choosing all your prepared spells by slot instead of free-casting prepared spells, getting rid of spell foci and spell component pouches so spell components actually matter, etc.
All things that made casting super tedious except maybe casting times.

Per slot spell prep in particular isn't on fire enough.
It seems like those things are still in 5E, just reduced (less power), right?
That's the issue. Everything got downgraded, so the actual gap is the same.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
That sorcerer is just hanging on by a thread! I wonder how much better it would have been doing in this contest if a different subclass had made it into the finals...most of the commentary seems to be "stay out of the cleric's lane!"


One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
Hmm... maybe. I don't recall much of people simply claiming "Fighters should just role-play more...", but I know many people who don't want the Wizard nerfed have said things like "Then make the Fighter more powerful."
It’s usually a discussion that boils down to the following:
“Wizard spells give them large amounts of direct influence in all three game pillars, fighters only have the combat pillar and they don’t excel at that enough to justify only being competent in it alone”
“Well fighters have their skills and feats and backgrounds right? They can use those for leverage in the other game pillars”
“Except wizards have access to skills, feats and backgrounds too, but with spells on top of those that are often auto-successes bypassing the need to roll at all, and the fighter’s feats are often required to be consumed on combat oriented feats to keep pace on DPR”


The High Aldwin
way more subjective than it might appear.
True, and that is unfortunately the biggest issue with it. 🤷‍♂️
5e is by far the most "balanced" edition of the game, for as much as it's even possible
I always found 1E to be more balanced. But again, it is subjective--as you say. ;)

All things that made casting super tedious except maybe casting times.
Tedious to you (and probably others, I'm sure!), but not for me (or others as well, I know), but they did help balance things.

Per slot spell prep in particular isn't on fire enough.
But is a HUGE balancing point, regardless.

It’s usually a discussion that boils down to the following:
“Wizard spells give them large amounts of direct influence in all three game pillars, fighters only have the combat pillar and they don’t excel at that enough to justify only being competent in it alone”
“Well fighters have their skills and feats and backgrounds right? They can use those for leverage in the other game pillars”
“Except wizards have access to skills, feats and backgrounds too, but with spells on top of those that are often auto-successes bypassing the need to roll at all, and the fighter’s feats are often required to be consumed on combat oriented feats to keep pace on DPR”
Sure, that is a typical back-and-forth. I know (for myself) I argued the bonus feats fighters get could be used of those other pillars, as they other feats can help with keep pace on DPR (something I've never concerned myself with in any serious fashion).

However, I also recognized that wasn't really enough to match what spellcasters (again, not just wizards) could do. So, balancing spellcasters (which can be done in a number of ways--my preference) or increasing martials (not so much my preference, although I think they need a bump anyway... just not as much as some others want) is the way to go, or a point of both in between.


How about we just not make spell design better with no 'I win' buttons and problem solving tools that scale with what other classes get, ignore the guys complaining about the nerf to what requires nerfing and not use balance by annoyance at all?


The High Aldwin
How about we just not make spell design better with no 'I win' buttons and problem solving tools that scale with what other classes get,
Go for it! :)

I'd be interested to see what you come up with.

ignore the guys complaining about the nerf to what requires nerfing and not use balance by annoyance at all?
Well, ignoring them when they are trying to help is sort of rude. If you don't like their solutions (no issue) propose ones and show the work.


The High Aldwin
Good thing they never are!
Yeah, really nice to see we're back to not agreeing on anything. It felt unnatural when we were. :p

I mean, you know you will never get rid of wizards in D&D, right? And they will probably just become more and more powerful so you can complain more and more. Maybe that will make you happy?

Cheers! ;)


A suffusion of yellow
“Except wizards have access to skills, feats and backgrounds too, but with spells on top of those that are often auto-successes bypassing the need to roll at all, and the fighter’s feats are often required to be consumed on combat oriented feats to keep pace on DPR”
yes spellcasting should require a skill check just like weapon use does, auto-success spells suck. There needs to be more focus on other pillars and making everything a skill check would help balance things better.

While I didnt play 4e, I’ve been looking at martial powers and thinking that they might have been on to something …
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