D&D 5E Companion Thread to 5E Survivor - Weapons

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A suffusion of yellow
If they could have found a way to make the differences matter, I would have loved to see a wider variety of polearms. It's not like it would have been hard...

Take my favorite (the Bec de Corbin): take the stats for Pike, and add "or bludgeoning" to the damage column. Done. Now you have a polearm that can deal two different types of damage when you attack with it, depending on if you're using the hammer side or the back-spike. Nothing game-breaking or superpowered, no weird new mechanic to balance, no power creep...just a small and meaningful distinction.

View attachment 282816
Bec de Corbin
melee weapon (martial, polearm)
Damage: 1d10
Damage Type: Piercing or Bludgeoning
Properties: Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed
Weight: 18

French for "Crow's Beak," the Bec de Corbin is essentially a war pick, war hammer, and pike all in one. This weapon's impressive leverage allows it to tear or bash through armor with ease. A bec de corbin can inflict bludgeoning or piercing damage (but not both); the player decides the damage type when the weapon hits its target.

I’ve alwas wanted stats on the Ninetoothed Rake so I can live out my
Zhu Bajie fantasy




Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)

melee weapon (martial, polearm)
Damage: 1d6
Damage Type: Piercing
Thrown [range (50/150)], Versatile(1d8)
Weight: 4

A "fix" for the trident by adding some range. At this lower end of the martial weapons range, there's not a lot more than minor fixes like this without drastically changing the weapon. Cost stays the same.


Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
I’ve alwas wanted stats on the Ninetoothed Rake so I can live out my
Zhu Bajie fantasy

View attachment 282827
View attachment 282828
I prefer the Baoqin gold palladium.

Also, I am not a professional homebrewer.


Jiǔchǐdīngpá ("Nine-toothed rake")
Weapon (polearm), legendary (requires attunement by an orc barbarian)

You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

You can use a bonus action to speak this magic rake's command word, causing one of the following effects:
  • Fire and Light. Flames erupt from the rake head. These flames shed bright light in a 40-foot radius and dim light for an additional 40 feet. While the rake is ablaze, it deals an extra 2d6 fire damage to any target it hits. The flames last until you use a bonus action to speak the command word again or until you drop the rake.
  • Snowy Blizzard. You can cause a howling blizzard to form after 1 minute, centered on yourself. This duplicates the control weatherspell, except for the following exceptions:
    • The radius of the area of effect is only 1-mile.
    • You can only cause a blizzard to form, temperature to change to cold, and the wind to change to gale force.
    • The blizzard only lasts as long as you concentrate on it, as per concentration spells.
    • Due to the driving snows, everything in the area of the blizzard is heavily obscured.
    • You have resistance to cold damage while the blizzard is in effect.
  • Leaping About. The rake begins to hover, flies up to 30 feet, and attacks one creature of your choice within 10 feet of it. The rake uses your attack roll and ability score modifier to damage rolls. While the rake hovers, you can use a bonus action to cause it to fly up to 30 feet to another spot within 30 feet of you. As part of the same bonus action, you can cause the rake to attack one creature within 10 feet of it. After the hovering rake attacks for the fourth time, it flies up to 30 feet and tries to return to your hand. If you have no hand free, it falls to the ground at your feet. If the rake has no unobstructed path to you, it moves as close to you as it can and then falls to the ground. It also ceases to hover if you grasp it or move more than 30 feet away from it.
Once you have used one of these effects, you cannot use another until you take a long rest.

Curse. This rake is cursed, and becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. As long as you remain cursed, you are unwilling to part with the rake, keeping it within reach at all times. You also have disadvantage on attack rolls with weapons other than this one, unless no foe is within 60 feet of you that you can see or hear.

While the rake is in your possession, you have the Flaw, "Driven to commit sin (as defined in Buddhist doctrine)." This includes indulging in gluttony, laziness, and other sensual pleasures whenever the opportunity presents itself.
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Why is the trident just a spear in the martial group?! Why doesn’t it have anything different? It’s literally the same stats but it’s somehow heavier? And that makes it Martial? It’s so dumb!
To make military forks and tridents a bit different in my game, I had each tine do 1d3 damage. So a military fork does 2d3 damage and a trident does 3d3. It isn't like doing a d3 is hard - buy one or use a D6 and 1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2 and 5-6 = 3!


I prefer this thread to the actual voting thread. 5e weapons are so meh. No personality.
Wouldn’t want to make it TOO complicated for the Martial Classes right? The Fighter’s the newbie class after all, ADVANCED players use Spellcasters you know.
To make military forks and tridents a bit different in my game, I had each tine do 1d3 damage. So a military fork does 2d3 damage and a trident does 3d3. It isn't like doing a d3 is hard - buy one or use a D6 and 1-2 = 1, 3-4 = 2 and 5-6 = 3!
Is that one handed or two handed? If this was 4e you could just give the Trident ‘Brutal 2’ (reroll damage die of 2 or below) so the minimal damage it can do is 3 regardless of one handed or two handed grip.


Wouldn’t want to make it TOO complicated for the Martial Classes right? The Fighter’s the newbie class after all, ADVANCED players use Spellcasters you know.

Is that one handed or two handed? If this was 4e you could just give the Trident ‘Brutal 2’ (reroll damage die of 2 or below) so the minimal damage it can do is 3 regardless of one handed or two handed grip.
One handed, two handed would be 1d4 per tine, so 2d4 military fork, 3d4 trident.


One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
i was playing around with the idea of modifying the weapons table a little a while back to try make sure everything had it's own unique set of properties, anything changed from RAW in blue, i didn't think about doing anything for the ranged weapons but i don't doubt some of them could definitely have improvements, pre-empting the question of why quarterstaff does less damage than the spear it's because shillegah exists and works on the staff but not the spear.
weapons (simple)damageproperties
club1d4 bludgeoningfinesse, light
dagger1d4 piercingfinesse, light, thrown (20/60)
greatclub1d81d6 bludgeoningtwo handedversatile (1d8)
handaxe1d6 slashinglight, thrown (20/60)
javelin1d6 piercingthrown (30/120)
light hammer1d4 bludgeoninglight, thrown (20/60)
mace1d62d4 bludgoeningtwo handed
quarterstaff1d61d4 bludgeoningreach(5ft), versatile (1d81d6, no reach)
sickle1d4 slashingfinesse, light
spear1d6 piercingthrown (20/60)reach (5ft), versatile (1d8, no reach)
weapons (martial)damageproperties
battleaxe1d8 slashingversatile (1d10)
flail1d8 bludgeoning-
glaive1d101d8 slashingheavy, reach (5ft), two handed
greataxe1d123d4 slashingheavy, two handed
greatsword2d6 slashingheavy, two handed
halberd1d10 slashingheavy, reach (5ft), two handed
lance1d12 piercingreach (5ft), special
longsword1d8 slashingversatile (1d10)
maul2d6 bludgeoningheavy, two handed
morningstar1d8 piercingversatile (1d10)
pike1d10 piercingheavy, reach (5ft), two handed
rapier1d8 piercingfinesse
scimitar1d6 slashingfinesse, light
shortsword1d6 piercingfinesse, light
trident1d6 piercingthrown (20/60), versatile (1d8)
war pick1d8 piercing-
warhammer1d8 bludgeoningversatile (1d10)
whip1d4 slashingfinesse reach (510ft)
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I've been doing some serious rework of the 5E weapons table

Simple Weapons

Martial Weapons

Weapon Special Trait descriptions
## Weapon Special Traits

### Block
When you are targeted by a melee weapon attack, you can use your reaction to gain a bonus to AC equal to your proficiency modifier against the attack. Block can be added to any weapon that does not already have the quality by doubling its cost.

### Brutal
When you roll damage with this weapon, reroll 1's and 2's. You can add the brutal quality to any slashing martial weapon that does not already have the quality by doubling its cost.

### Deadly
You increase the critical damage caused by the weapon by one extra die. For example, a scimitar would normally cause 2d6 damage on a critical hit. With the Deadly trait, it increases this to 3d6 damage on a critical hit.

### Entangle
When a target is hit by this weapon, it must make a Dexterity saving throw. The DC of the saving throw is 8 + attacker's Dexterity modifier + attacker's proficiency bonus. On a failure, the target is restrained. On subsequent rounds, as an action, the target can attempt an Athletics (Strength) or Acrobatics (Dexterity) skill check against the DC to escape.

### Grapple
If you score a hit on the target, you may choose to grapple the target as a free action. As an action, the target can use its action to make an opposed Athletics (Strength) check against you. On a success, the grapple ends. You can choose to end the grapple as a free action. You may end the grapple as a free action at any time.

### Guard
An opponent suffers disadvantage when attempting to disarm you. The guard ability can be added to any non-thrown weapon that does not already have the quality by doubling its cost.

### Poison
The weapon is normally treated with a poison substance. Typical poisons are noted below; stronger poisons are available at the DM's discresion. Note: characters with proficiency in poisoner's tools can purchase poisons for other weapons.

Poison can be purchased by the vial. Each vial has 10 uses. The cost is given below, by poison strength and type.

  • Lethal. The target takes poison damage as indicated on the poison table below
  • Sleep. The target must make a Constitution save, based on the Poison's DC. On a failure, the target gains one level of Exhaustion and must save again on its next turn. If the target fails an additional two saving throws, it is rendered unconsious for 10 minutes. After unconsiousness or a successful save, the level of exhaustion fades away after the target's next turn.
  • Sickness. The target must make a Constitution save, based on the Poison's DC. On a failure, the target gains the Poisoned condition for 1 minute.

##### Advanced Poisons (Lethal)

|Damage |DC |Lethal Cost|Sleep Cost|Sickness Cost|
|1d4 |11 | 10 gp|30 gp|5 gp|
|1d8 |12 | 25 gp|75 gp|15 gp|
|2d8 |13 | 50 gp|150 gp|25 gp|
|3d8 |14 | 150 gp|450 gp| 75 gp|
|4d8 |15 | 350 gp|1,050 gp| 175 gp|

### Strangle
If the attacker scores a critical hit on a target that is the same size or smaller and that is unaware of the attacker's presence, it is grappled and cannot breath. At the start of each of the attacker's following turns, they may deal automatic critical damage if they are still grappling the opponent with the weapon. Each round, as an action, the target can make an Athletics (Strength) or Acrobatics (Dexterity) skill check to end both conditions. The DC of the saving throw is 8 + attacker's Strength modifier + attacker's proficiency bonus.

### Strength
This ranged weapon can use your Strength to-hit and damage instead of your Dexterity.

### Stun
If the attacker scores a critical hit on a target that is the same size or smaller, the target must make a Constitution saving throw or be incapacitated for a round. The DC of the saving throw is 8 + attacker's Strength modifier + attacker's proficiency bonus. If the target is also unaware of the attack, on a failed saving throw it is knocked unconsious if its hit point total is 5x the attacker's level or less.

### Wraparound
You ignore an opponent's shield when making a to-hit roll.

Voidrunner's Codex

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