D&D General Companion Thread to D&D Survivor: Dragons, Chromatic

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Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
why do people keep up voting for red dragon it is so common at this point it needs to be taken down a bit as far as presence goes.


Quazar Dragon is up on my blog. I'd prefer comments there, but if you don't have an Google account to comment and don't want to make one, feel free to comment here.
Sorry to comment here, but you committed what I consider the first sin of 5e monster design: you used the MM legendary actions. You need to change or add to those lair actions: detect, tail attack, wing attack are not accept design choices for legendary actions. I think you can do better.


Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
Sorry to comment here, but you committed what I consider the first sin of 5e monster design: you used the MM legendary actions. You need to change or add to those lair actions: detect, tail attack, wing attack are not accept design choices for legendary actions. I think you can do better.
Oh, there are definitely things I want to change; Legendary Actions are one of them. I've been rereading the old Dragon magazine articles on expanding dragon combat abilities for ideas. But if I don't make the post, I will never make the post -- I have posts sitting on my hard drive about 4E that will never see the light of day, as their time came and went...
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A suffusion of yellow
Quazar Dragon is up on my blog. I'd prefer comments there, but if you don't have an Google account to comment and don't want to make one, feel free to comment here.

I really like the Regional Effects and Lair Actions of this thaumovore, its essentially a walking nuclear reactor meltdown sucking in magic and releasing blasts of radiant energy into the enviroment! The magical ecosystem collapse provides an interesting hook for adventure, as does is ‘cosmic’ role in restoring an arcane balance.

however its lengendary actions and piled on immunities make it a bit boring really. I’d play up its Regional/Lair effects more and try and reflect its cosmic role in its legendaries
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Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
I really like the Regional Effects and Lair Actions of this thaumovore, its essentially a walking nuclear reactor meltdown sucking in magic and releasing blasts of radiant energy into the enviroment! The magical ecosystem collapse provides an interest hook for adventure, as does is ‘cosmic’ role in restoring an arcane balance.

however its lengendary actions and piled on immunities make it a bit boring really. I’d play up its Regional/Lair effects more and try and reflect its cosmic role in its legendaries
Yeah, it is a bit boring. Part of the problem is, it's a conversion of a joke monster -- there's no real personality in the original article, just a cosmic disaster. The immunities are about the limit of how much 5E monster design normally allows, but still fall short of the immunities of the original. Hmmm...


I think the 4e brown dragon replaced the yellow dragon
4E's Brown is the Sand dragon from 3E, so the more salt-based Yellow didn't get replaced. As distinct from the other Yellow dragon who just, hasn't shown up

Since more people are looking at this thread than have ever looked at my blog post, please feel free to offer suggestions or corrections! I'm 100% certain there's at least one I missed!
I might have some obscures. Dragon magazine 38 had a completely different Yellow, Orange and Brown dragon that don't seem to be listed.

Def on the renegade as the Brown is a forest-living dragon who cares about the forest above all else and with a 100% chance of druid magic ala the Amber dragon, the Oranges are always found as a mated pair, are big on illusions, and will hunt you to the ends of the world if you kill their partner, and Yellow dragons are of the 'disguise as humans' archetype that the Steel and Mercury later grabbed

There's also The Other Brown Dragon (A variant Gold dragon of all things, to be the Gold's counterpart along with the jewel-based counterparts to the classic Chromatics) that I think all originate from Basic

Voidrunner's Codex

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