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Confessions of a 4E Detractor

Semah G Noj

First Post
Well, alright, but you'd better not forget the "copious amounts of rum" part.

Unfortunately, the troublemakers would most likely find another message board in the meantime (perhaps one that is not so well moderated), and get themselves worked up into an even bigger frenzy. Then when you bring ENWorld back up, they will all be back...with ammo and reinforcements...

It's probably best to just let it run its course. I've already noticed a big improvement in the Snark Level, from just a couple of weeks ago.

I decided to stop reading any gaming forum at all at about the 8th "Golden Wyvern Aspect is ruining my childhood" thread. So I read the releases, liked some things, and disliked others, but realized that until I had the full product in my hands, I couldn't make anything resembling a judgement. Now I've bought them and I love them. I am amused by the continuing level of "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!" going on. Most of it isn't as rash and juvenile as some of the vitriol over a preview of a named ability. (Can we at least admit that we were being childish as all hell with that now?) but some of it remains. It happened at the change from 3 to 3.5 from 2 to 3 and from 1 to 2. Taking time away from the whole thing has just made it all hilarious. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a campaign to plan.

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My intention with this post isn't to threadcrap, or to wag my finger at everyone in the thread. This is more a general observation.

Is "This is MY take on X!" threads really... necessary? I mean, universally, the "My first impressions" threads, the "I like 4e" threads, the "4e is Unacceptable to me" thread.

It seems like each individual person wants to start a thread about what they think, instead of starting a universal "Everyone's first impressions". Or "Why we don't like 4e" instead of "What my opinion is".

Because after the sixteenth "My First impression" thread, I have gotten a bit sick of them, and want them all contained in one place.


First Post
From Hater to Fence Sitter to Well...

I confess I was originally one of those 4E haters just because... because I had lots of money in 3E, because I was in the middle of my own homeworld campaign setting for 3E, because it was Tuesday, just because.

After the initial shock and anger withered, I quickly became a fence sitter, and pretty much have remained there ever since. I heard things that I grudgingly had to admit I liked, and others I could still pound my chest and proclaim my hatred for (Dragonborn, looking at you); but the positives seemed to be outdistancing the negatives until just before the actual release. Then the negative onslaught seemed to even the score once again.

However, the day after release I was approached by a former player of mine who asked if I would play in a 4E game if he started one, and to my own surprise I said "yes". It has not happened yet, and I am still not spending any money on 4E for now... and I will NEVER *rent* content on any website (DDI or otherwise), but I could very well end up playing in a 4E game any time now.

Will I love it, I doubt it. Will I hate it, I doubt that even more. Will I make the best of it and give it a fair try, I hope so.

I have no empirical evidence to back this up, other than "gut feeling", but I suspect much of the animosity is name related. When I think of 3E as one game and 4E as a totally separate game I find my own internal stress factor tends to drop to almost nothing; but if I allow myself to get drug into the "Which version is REALLY D&D" debate, then I need my blood pressure medicine doubled. The funny thing is I have no issues with other games... C&C, M&M, Traveler, GURPS, or anything else. So I mentally separate the 2 *versions* and let them mutually cohabitate nicely. I hardly even ever refer to "D&D" anymore, now they are 3E and 4E to me, and Pathfinder will be just that Pathfinder. In fact personally I find myself actually excited about the prospect of EarthDawn 4E!:D

My intention with this post isn't to threadcrap, or to wag my finger at everyone in the thread. This is more a general observation.

Is "This is MY take on X!" threads really... necessary? I mean, universally, the "My first impressions" threads, the "I like 4e" threads, the "4e is Unacceptable to me" thread.

It seems like each individual person wants to start a thread about what they think, instead of starting a universal "Everyone's first impressions". Or "Why we don't like 4e" instead of "What my opinion is".

Because after the sixteenth "My First impression" thread, I have gotten a bit sick of them, and want them all contained in one place.

Thats exactly what they did over at the WotC boards.


Perspective is sometimes hard to get when one keeps one's nose to the monitor.
I was a fairly strident 4e promoter, but I felt the place was getting a bit heated and I took a break a while ago.

Did me a world of good. I may not post as much as I used to---but I enjoy the site a whole lot more.

Still playing, running, and loving 4e, of course. But you didn't hear it from me.


Will you guys stop being so reasonable in this thread?

You're completely ruining my poor impressions of ENWorld.

What, have all the haters gone to Gen Con or something?



Confessions of a 4e defender

Clever, I hear ya...

I have to admit, I was hesitant about 4e when I first heard of it. However, the absolute Nerd Rage that came forth from people post 4e (my own game group included) solidly pushed me into the defender/f4nboi group. There were plenty of things I didn't necessarily like (skill challenges being broken, certain flavor changes) but be damned if I was going to admit them on the messageboard! Fourth edition could have been made of puppy-hide and I would say it was a vast improvement over 3.5's binding!

Why? Its simple. Human nature pushes us to be "for" or "against" something. Modern politics is BUILT on the idea of being "pro this" or "anti that". Rather than admit something I liked (and looked forward to) was flawed, I denied, decried, and fought tooth in nail to prove that "3.X/pathfinder was worse!" just to settle my own issues with it.

I do like 4e. I hopefully will continue to run it (there are some issues in my group first that need to be settled). However, I need (like many defenders and detractors) to step back, realize the world isn't ending, and enjoy doing what makes you happy. D&D is that for me.

Well, except for first edition. That game is for morons. [I keed, I keed;););)]

Mister Doug

First Post
I have no empirical evidence to back this up, other than "gut feeling", but I suspect much of the animosity is name related. When I think of 3E as one game and 4E as a totally separate game I find my own internal stress factor tends to drop to almost nothing; but if I allow myself to get drug into the "Which version is REALLY D&D" debate, then I need my blood pressure medicine doubled.

Of course, back in 1981 when I first started playing, there was Dungeons and Dragons and Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, and we didn't seem this kind of fighting over what was D&D. But 1) we had to insult each other face to face, not over the anonymity of the internet and 2) the hobby was very different at the time in terms of scope and content, and 3) nobody played D&D by the book anyway, so we didn't really EXPECT there to be one true D&D.


Not for us

I know in my own personal experience, I was pretty excited about 4th edition, but I got myself worked up as to what the game would be instead of what the game actually is. Unfortunately, my expectations weren't met and I too felt the same nerd-rage though I didn't rant against anyone about it. Me and my group decided that 4e just wasn't for us for various reasons.

Anyways, it's all a matter of perspective. What works for some, doesn't work for others thus the reason there's a bajillion other rpgs out there.

I certainly don't fault WotC for going the route they did, or the GSL, or anything else in particular. It's just a game. The hobby will survive and so on.


Although not thrilled with 4E, my gripe is more the GSL than 4E itself. Looks like they're trying to fix that, so I'm taking a wait and see approach, again.

You know what would get me to play 4E? Spelljammer. Give me Spelljammer and I'll make use of those three books I bought.

Since we're confessing stuff in this thread, I gotta admit, every time I see you post, I turn into a very, very, bitter man. You're a constant reminder that I never got my Mysteries of the Moonsea web enhancement on Phlan. I know you turned it in, and even wrote more than you had to. But for some reason, they never posted it.:hmm:

It just makes me want to grab and shake you while yelling "What did you write?!!! Tell me everything!!!!!" :.-(

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