Constantine [SPOILERS]


Found it interesting, but, the fallout to bystanders is pretty terrible. He cares about the one girl, but no-one else?

I do wonder how well this will work as a series. The whole damned-soul storyline will be trying if carried on too long without overall development.

Not that I disliked the eye candy, but would a woman really change into a nightgown after seeing a creepy guy in the hallway?



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Found it interesting, but, the fallout to bystanders is pretty terrible. He cares about the one girl, but no-one else?

I do wonder how well this will work as a series. The whole damned-soul storyline will be trying if carried on too long without overall development.

Not that I disliked the eye candy, but would a woman really change into a nightgown after seeing a creepy guy in the hallway?



The reason why he was looking after her, but not trying to protect against collateral damage, was pretty well explained with the expression "repaying a debt." Constantine is a very morally ambiguous character.


Mod Squad
Staff member
I haven't read a Doctor Fate comic in more than 40 years, but I thought the possessor of the helmet was Doctor Fate? Then again there's the whole thing about her not really knowing her father, so the real name could be anything.

Constantine is the one who named the father. You want to suggest he didn't know the real name of the guy he owes such a debt to?

Doctor Fate's helmet has occasionally spent time sitting around between wearers, so it being there is not telling.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Found it interesting, but, the fallout to bystanders is pretty terrible. He cares about the one girl, but no-one else?

Yeah. That's John Constantine. Mundane issues like a city dealing with a few minutes without power are not his concern. The mundane world is supposed to have ways of dealing with that stuff - Constantine mucks in on the matters the mundanes *can't* manage.


Constantine is the one who named the father. You want to suggest he didn't know the real name of the guy he owes such a debt to?

Doctor Fate's helmet has occasionally spent time sitting around between wearers, so it being there is not telling.

Nope, but I might suggest that concealing his real identity might be part of the debt owed. Or that he's not one of the many who have previously held the title; just the most recent. Or, as you suggested, not Fate at all. I'm leaning toward the first, but leaving other possibilities open.


Doing the best imitation of myself
So I watched the first episode with my wife, and she's given me the green light to record it, and will watch at least three more.

I thought the portrayal of John was pretty good. I read the comic back in the day, but I (sadly) remember the movie much better. I thought the portrayal was pretty decent, and we'll see where they go.

So I have a pretty good friend who lives near London, and they're originally from the southern US. They absolutely love using "love" since it's so natural to him. John's using "love" and "mate" all the time amused me, since that's what my friend does, although in a horrible mash-up of the London academic speak with a southern drawl in his case.

But yeah, pilot held my interest, hoping for more, will keep watching.

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