Constructing and Working out the Epic Game

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First Post
I have never played by message board or at the Epic Level. I would love to give it a shot. I would like to play a Paragon Doppleganger Cleric of boccob. The concept is a sneaky cleric who polices magic for boccob. he would have a Guardian Paramount (sp) cohort and his followers would be a network of people throughout the world keeping him connected and letting him know when magic was being abused. I think he would do well in any adventuring party that was not evil.

I could see this person adventuring to find lost items (with agent retreivers) or fighting against wizards trying to taint magic itself or helping to overthrow empires who misuse their powers.

any input on how message board games work (mechanics,etc ) or anything else? this looks like fun!




Now, with your attention, how do we handle Int increases from magic items?
Level rise points are easy, but at what level do magic items kick in? Do we just count as if the character's Int had been that high from the start for ease of math?

Ashrem Bayle


Could you update the character creation guidlines on the first page?

Did I read correctly that we are running 50th level characters?!


Ashrem Bayle said:

Could you update the character creation guidlines on the first page?

Did I read correctly that we are running 50th level characters?!

I'll just start a new thread. Basically all the work put into this one was trashed when people decided that they "had" to play things that were beyond the original scale of the game.

And as for intelligence and skills...

I'm thinking this: The Items DO NOT COUNT. Tomes do, because it's a permanent enhancement, so would wishes. The enhancements for levels kick in as they come, and the enhancement bonuses kick in after level 20 (so the first time they count is level 21).

So you do skills based on your 1st-20th level progression. Then you do skills with your +5 to all enhancements you probably took in intelligence, for levels 21 up.

Templates kick in at level 1, unless it's a lich type template that requires you to have a certain amount of experience. Godly stat bonuses kick in at level 1 as well, if your a born demigod. If your not a born demigod, then you earned your divine ranks last (probably) so you won't be getting bonuses till your next level.

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