Converting Epic Level Creatures


By the way, I read some of my early Dungeon magazines a few months ago and noticed there's an epic level creature in Dungeon #2 - Andromidus the Lesser Titan of Inspired Vision.

That got me to thinking, we only did the Greater Titans and a generic "Lesser Titan" in these Epic conversion thread.

Apart from Andromidus (who has a full statblock), there are a few other Titans mentioned in the Monstrous Manual - Algorn, Girzon, Jeuron, Malephus, Mane, Porphyl and Syllia.

Are those on or conversion list?

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Extradimensional Explorer
We still need tactics: A draeden does whatever it wants.

Hmmm, more seriously: Draeden will attempt to swallow any opponents foolish enough to get close enough, attacking others with devastating magic.


Monster Junkie
By the way, I read some of my early Dungeon magazines a few months ago and noticed there's an epic level creature in Dungeon #2 - Andromidus the Lesser Titan of Inspired Vision.

That got me to thinking, we only did the Greater Titans and a generic "Lesser Titan" in these Epic conversion thread.

Apart from Andromidus (who has a full statblock), there are a few other Titans mentioned in the Monstrous Manual - Algorn, Girzon, Jeuron, Malephus, Mane, Porphyl and Syllia.

Are those on or conversion list?

I'll add 'em. We can tackle Andromidus after Ythog-Nthlei who has patiently(???) been waiting for the draeden to move on to devastate elsewhere. ;)



I expanded a bit on those tactics from the original text.

The original description says Draeden won't swallow anything they think is likely to be a threat, but instead bite such opponents repeatedly.

You should probably mention the Forbidding Appearance in the tactics too.


I'll add 'em. We can tackle Andromidus after Ythog-Nthlei who has patiently(???) been waiting for the draeden to move on to devastate elsewhere. ;)

Ythog-Nthlei has been waiting thirteen billion years to bring ruination to the Cosmos, a few more days won't hurt it. :p


The draeden looks ready!

We don't need "devour anything smaller than a planet they encounter" in both the background text AND the tactics.

A draeden's forbidding appearance is so terrifying that most creatures do not dare to attack it. They attempt to bite any opponents foolish enough to get close enough, attacking others with devastating magic and psionics. The draeden will not swallow an opponent that appears powerful enough to cause it internal injury, but will attack such foes repeatedly until they are destroyed. Its three Automatic Quicken Spell feats allow the draeden to cast a quickened spell every round, with a spell level up to 9th. It chooses whichever spell its phenomenal intelligence judges is the most appropriate to the circumstances.

If somehow seriously threatened, a draeden uses magic to escape to a distant plane.

Voidrunner's Codex

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