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(CSRHoD) CS's Red Hand of Doom [OOC]


Vigwyn the Unruly said:
Here is my character concept.

I am a young soldier from Brindol. As a child, I was always fascinated by the tales of old Rhestilor my uncle would tell us around the hearth, and I wanted to one day join the Army of Brindol to help restore the glory of the fallen kingdom.

However, basic training was a rude awakening, and I came to realize that our leaders were more interested in securing their own petty fortunes than in taming the land. When I was assigned to guard Brindol's foodstores--largely to keep hungry citizens from trying to pilfer a bite to eat here and there--my disillusionment threatened to squash my nationalistic spirit.

To avoid a growing cynicism, I decided to set out with a group of adventurers I recently met while drowning my sorrows at one of Brindol's drinking establishments. Certainly this is a better way than guarding foodstores to experience the glories of old Rhestilor. But it means going AWOL, and now I can't return to Brindol as anything less than a hero.

All doubts vanished once I hit the open road with my new friends. The air is cool and fresh, the sun is shining, and birds swoop in the air overhead. Though, to tell the truth, that forest up ahead does look unnaturally dark...

I have not played or read the Red Hand of Doom, so I would be happy to change any details of the above to fit with the setting. BTW, this character would be a male human fighter.

Edit: To account for the fact that we would be starting at 5th level, my mysterious old "uncle" was himself a grizzled old veteran who, seeing my fascination with his tales of old Rhestilor, took it upon himself to train me rigorously in my early teen years. Because of this, I entered the Army already more skilled than my peers and became a quick study during basic training. Although my superiors recognized my advanced skills, I didn't come from one of the "right" families in town, so I was relegated to guarding the foodstores.

Of course, what my "uncle's" real history and motivations are is up to the DM. ;)

Thats all pretty in-line with the majority of things.

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Arkhandus said:

I'd like to propose a human or halfling swordsage, focused mainly on Shadow Hand with some dabbling in other disciplines, who might multiclass into Rogue, Fighter, or Wizard, I'm not sure yet..... Alternately a dwarven swordsage focused on Stone Dragon and Setting Sun.

I know at least most of the handful of maneuvers/etc. that should generally be avoided; I'd just love the chance to try a swordsage.

Either is fine. I've not had enough experience with the swordsage class yet, but I'm curious about it.


Zoycitenega - Aasimar Cleric of Kord
pathfinderq1 - Tiefling Warlock
DrZombie - Dwarven Barbarian
Arkhandus - Halfling/Dwarf Swordsage
Pinotage - Druid/maybe
Redclaw - Swordsage/Wizard
Vigwyn the Unruly - Human Fighter
James Heard - Holding a spot

I might go over the 6 player cap since in PbP it doesn't drag things out so much (might even speed things up). However, for now I'm pretty reluctant. I think 6 is about the ideal pbp number.

For now I'll focus on these 8 players, and if more potential ones pop up I'll try to figure out how to cut the numbers down slightly.


I was thinking of submitting a swashbuckley human rogue, and think I'll start building a stat block right away just to be on the safe side.

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
Is it too early for me to start putting a character sheet together?

When you say 32 points, does that mean a) we started with 32 points at first level, and increased a score at fourth level, or b) we have 32 points worth of abilities at fifth level?

Are items from the Magic Item Compendium available upon approval?

Will we be starting out right in the action (may need to spend all wealth on items before game starts), or will we be doing some RP "in town" first (may be able to purchase specifically needed items during game based on info gathered during early RP)?


Vigwyn the Unruly said:
Is it too early for me to start putting a character sheet together?

Go ahead.

When you say 32 points, does that mean a) we started with 32 points at first level, and increased a score at fourth level, or b) we have 32 points worth of abilities at fifth level?

32 point buy, and increase one of your ability scores by 1 at 4th level.

Are items from the Magic Item Compendium available upon approval?

Yes, although that's a book I don't have on hand so you'll need to put up the full info for me.

Will we be starting out right in the action (may need to spend all wealth on items before game starts), or will we be doing some RP "in town" first (may be able to purchase specifically needed items during game based on info gathered during early RP)?

Right into the action with a short stop afterwards. You could probably get by with working out most of your equipment, but holding a bit back for supplies along the adventure. However, I would get any magical adventuring gear first.


Denna Smithson
Female Human Rogue 5
Init +4; Senses Listen +8, Spot +8
Languages Common, Elven, Goblin
AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 13; Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense +1
(+4 Dex, +3 Armor)
HP 30 (5HD)
Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +1; Evasion, Trap Sense +1
Speed 30ft
Melee Rapier +8 (1d6+1, 18-20), or
Ranged Shortbow +7 (1d6, x3, 75ft)
Base Atk +3; Grapple +4
Atk Options Combat Expertise, Sneak Attack +3d6
Special Actions Improved Feint
Abilities Str 12 Dex 19 Con 14 Int 14 Wis 10 Cha 12
SQ Trapfinding
Feats Combat Expertise, Improved Feint, Weapon Finesse
Skills Balance +14, Bluff +9, Climb +9, Diplomacy +3, Disable Device +10, Gather Information +9, Hide +12, Intimidate +3, Jump +14, Listen +8, Move Silently +12, Open Lock +12, Search +10, Spot +8, Tumble +14
Possessions Masterwork studded leather armor, masterwork rapier, composite shortbow with 20 arrows, thieves' tools, belt of ultimate athleticism, boots of agile leaping, gloves of dexterity +2; generic adventuring goods (packback, bedrolls, rope, etc)

Belt of Ultimate Athleticism
Price 3,600gp
Slot Waist
Caster Level 9th
Aura Moderat; (DC 19) Transmutation
Activation Swift (command)
Weight --

When activated, can Take 10 on Balance, Climb, Jump, Swim and Tumble for 1 round even under stressful situations.
Once per day can be activated to treat the next Balance, Climb, Jump, Swim or Tumble check as if rolled a 20.

Boots of Agile Leaping
Price 600gp
Slot Feet
Caster Level 3rd
Aura Faint; (DC 16) Transmutation
Activation --
Weight 2lb

Use Dexterity instead of Strength on Jump checks.
Stand from prone as a Swift action without provoking attacks of opportunity if have 5 ranks of Balance.

Denna is the daughter of a locksmith, and a tomboy at heart. In fact, her best childhood friend didn't realize that Denna was different from him untill puberty hit them. The boy was fascinated by stories of dashing swordsmen and as they grew up he kindled the same interest in Denna. At some point their friendship turned to more.
Some time ago her childhood sweetheart set out to find adventure. Denna is very worried as she has not heard a word of him since, and now is setting out to adventure in the hopes of hearing news of his lost love.

Denna is a lithe human woman with shoulder-length blonde hair and greyish blue eyes.

I'm not sure if the usual thief skills really fit the swashbuckler type, but I had the skill points and they gave a bit of a good indication as to what to write for a history, so they're good.

Skill Ranks:
Balance 8 Ranks, +2 Synergy from Tumble, +4 Dex
Bluff 8 Ranks, +1 Cha
Climb 8 Ranks, +1 Str
Diplomacy +2 Synergy from Bluff, +1 Cha
Disable Device 8 Ranks, +2 Int
Gather Information 8 Ranks, +1 Cha
Hide 8 Ranks, +4 Dex
Intimidate +2 Synergy from Bluff, +1 Cha
Jump 8 Ranks, +2 Synergy from Tumble, +4 Dex (Boots of Agile Leaping)
Listen 8 Ranks
Move Silently 8 Ranks, +4 Dex
Open Lock 8 Ranks, +4 Dex
Search 8 Ranks, +2 Int
Spot 8 Ranks
Tumble 8 Ranks, +2 Synergy from Jump, +4 Dex

Gloves of Dexterity +2, 4,000gp
Belt of Ultimate Athleticism, 3,600gp
Boots of Agile Leaping, 600gp
Masterwork rapier, 320gp
Masterwork studded leather armor, 175gp
Thieves' tools, 75gp
Backpack, bedroll, hemp rope, sunrods, etc, roughly 100gp
Total: 8,870gp
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First Post
Concept 1- Tyrla Rizzell

Here is my first concept pitch. I'll probably put up a halfling wilderness recon specialist as a secondary concept later, depending on how much computer access I get this evening.

Name: Tyrla nic Rizzell
Race/gender: Tiefling (modified)/female
Class/level: Warlock 5
Role: ranged attack/arcane damage

Description: Tyrla appears to be a young woman- she has a subtly exotic look about her, and most folk assume that she is human (but from some far off land). She is just under average height, with a slender build. Her hair is black and curly, usually worn tied back in a simple braid. Her eyes are her most exotic feature, with a slight almond shape and catlike green-gold pupils which seem almost to glow red when she calls upon her powers. Her skin has a golden-bronze undertone- in the right lighting it seems almost metallic. For the most part, she prefers to keep herself covered- she wears long sleeves, ankle length skirts, gloves, and a deep hooded cloak nearly all the time (all of which fits nicely with her carefully maintained mysterious look).

Background: Many of the isolated villages that dot Elsir Vale have a local wisewoman- some of these folk are simple herbalists or healers, while others have some smattering of magical ability, most often as a druid or adept. Some of these women are far more powerful than their fellow villagers could ever understand, and they dwell in rural isolation for a variety of reasons ranging from personal desire for solitude to madness borne of magical study or misadventure. Tyrla's mother was one such unfortunate soul. As far as the villagers of Drin were concerned, "Mama Rizzell" had lived in the clearing atop Quartz Hill basically forever, and no one really minded her occasional fits of raving as long as she continued to dispense her wisdom and petty magical trinkets. They were rather surprised when visitors to her hut began to notice a tiny girl-child lurking in the shadows, but the simply assumed that "Mama" had acquired a foundling, perhaps in some strange bargain.

As the girl grew, she mostly stayed near Rizzell's clearing, though from time to time, she was seen wandering alone through the woods. She rarely spoke, except to deal with her "mother's" visitors, and it was years before any of the townsfolk even knew her name. Tyrla studied whatever Rizzell could teach her, mostly the lore of the arcane world, and on her own she explored the forests and hills around her home. Perhaps in time she might have learned her mother's trade and assumed the mantle of village wisewoman herself- but that future was wiped away one spring morning when raiders thundered down from the hills. Tyrla escaped into the woods, and Rizzell used all of the powers at her command to fend off the raiders- but it was not quite enough. Tyrla returned that night to find her "mother's" body surrounded by slain foes in the ashes of her cabin.

For a time, Tyrla stayed with the villagers of Drin, but she did not have her mother's knowledge, and she was too odd to fit in with the simple farming folk. When the next spring came, she set out upon the roads to seek her fortune. She learned a great deal in a short time, and within another year she had joined a company of adventurers- she has traveled with that band ever since. Over the years, she has expanded her arcane knowledge to an impressive degree, but her ability to manipulate the forces of magics remains oddly chaotic. Despite the impressive energies she wields, she has never been able to master the simplest formal rituals of magecraft. Stranger still, she has become more and more certain that her ancestry is not purely human- part of her fears the truth, but another, larger portion of her psyche revels in the knowledge of what she might be (or what she might become...)

Personality: Tyrla quite deliberately cultivates an aura of mystery- she often seems rather distant, especially around those she does not know well, and she seems prone to fits of rage which approach madness. She is deeply interested in her arcane studies, and that subject is the quickest way to break through her reserved facade. Her friends have long since grown used to her rather ferocious temper- even at her worst she has never betrayed her loyalty to her allies. Her more learned friends may be aware that she is not truly human, but the taint within her blood does not seem to have warped her beyond saving.


Tiefling (modified) female
Warlock 5; XP 10000
Alignment: CN (tending towards CG)
Languages: Common, Infernal, elf, draconic, orc
HP: 30 (6/3.5/3.5/3.5/3.5, +10 CON)
AC: 19 (t14/ff15; DEX +4, Armor +5)
Initiative: +4 (DEX)
BAB: +3 (Melee +2/Missile +7/Grapple +2)
+4/FORT: base +1, vest +1, CON +2
+6/REF: base +1, vest +1, DEX +4
+6/WILL: base +4, vest +1, WIS +1

STR 9 (-1; 1 point)
DEX 18 (+4; 8 points +2 racial +1 at level 4)
CON 14 (+2; 6 points)
INT 16 (+3; 6 points +2 racial)
WIS 13 (+1; 5 points)
CHA 12 (+1; 6 points -2 racial)

Point blank shot (1st level)
Precise shot (3rd level)
NEXT: Extra invocation (Baleful utterance, at level 6)

Eldritch Spear (level 1)
See the Unseen (level 2)
Summon Swarm (level 4)
NEXT: Eldritch chain (at level 6)

+10/Concentration; 8 ranks +2 CON
+11/Knowledge- arcana; 8 ranks +3 INT
+4/Knowledge- history (cc); 2 points cc= 1 rank +3 INT
+5/Knowledge- nature (cc); 4 points cc= 2 ranks +3 INT
+4/Knowledge- religion; 1 rank +3 INT
+4/Knowledge- the planes; 1 rank +3 INT
+6/Listen; 5 ranks +1 WIS
+4/Sense motive; 3 ranks +1 WIS
+13/Spellcraft; 8 ranks +3 INT +2 synergy
+5/Survival (cc); 8 points cc= 4 ranks +1 WIS
+9/Use magical device; 8 ranks +1 CHA
+6/Hide (untrained); 0 ranks +4 DEX +2 racial

+1 mithril shirt (2100 gp, AC +5, check -0)
Ring of Sustenance (2500 gp)
Heward's handy haversack (2000 gp)
Vest of resistance +1 (1000 gp)- from Complete Arcane (if not okay, replace with Cloak of Resistance)
Wand of CLW (750 gp; 50 charges, CL 1)
Potion of CLW (x4; 200 gp; CL 1)

MW cold iron shortspear (302 gp; +3/1d6-1)
Cold iron daggers (x2; 8 gp)
Sling with 10 bullets (1 sp)

Sunrods (x5; 10 gp)
Alchemist's fire (x2; 40 gp)
Explorer's outfit (x2; 0+10 gp)
Traveler's outfit(x1; 1 gp)
Bedroll (1 sp)
Belt pouch (1 gp)
Flint and steel (1 gp)
Small steel mirror (10 gp)
Sack (x4; 4 sp)
Signal whistle (8 sp)
Waterskin (1 gp)

64 gp, 6 sp left
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First Post
Larian Lightweaver
Male High Elven Wizard (Transmuter) 5
Init +3; Senses Listen +2, Spot +6; Low-Light Vision
Languages Common, Elven, Draconic, Sylvan, Auran
AC 13, Touch 13, Flat-footed 10;
(+3 Dex)
HP 25 (5HD)
Fort +2 Ref +4 Will +4; Sleep Immunity, +2 vs. Enchantments,
Speed 30ft
Melee Longsword +2 (1d8 19-20), or
Ranged MW Longbow +6 (1d8, x3, 100ft)
Base Atk +2; Grapple +2
Atk Options Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Special Actions
Str 10 (+0) (2 pp)
Dex 16 (+3) (6 pp +2 racial mod.)
Con 12 (+1) (6 pp -2 racial mod.)
Int 17 (+3) (10 pp +1 at 4th level)
Wis 10 (+0) (2 pp)
Cha 14 (+2) (6pp)

Feats Point Blank Shot, Spell Mastery, Precise Shot, Spell Focus: Illusion
Skills Climb +2 (2 ranks, cc), Concentration +9 (8 ranks), Diplomacy +6 (4 ranks, cc), Knowledge (Arcana) +11 (8 ranks), Knowledge (History) +7 (4 ranks), Knowledge (The Planes) +7 (4 ranks), Spellcraft +13 (8 ranks), Spot +6 (4 ranks, cc), Swim +2 (2 ranks, cc)
Masterwork Longbow 400 gp
20 Arrows 2 gp
Longsword 15 gp
Dagger 2gp
Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend 3,000 gp
Scroll of Fireball (5th) 375 gp
Scroll of Dispell Magic 375 gp
Scroll of Major Image 375 gp
Scroll of Resist Energy (2) 150 gp each
Scroll of Protection From Arrows 150 gp
Scroll of Keen Edge 375 gp
Wand of Magic Missile (3rd) 2,250 gp
Pearl of Power (1st) 1,000 gp
Backpack 2gp
Scroll Case 1 gp
Ink (2 vials0 8 gp each
Inkpen 1 sp
Bullseye Lantern 12 gp
4 pints oil 1 sp each
10 sheets paper 4 sp each
Belt Pouch 1 gp
Trail Rations (3 days) 5 sp each
10 tindertwigs 1 gp each
Spellbook 15 gp
Spell Component Pouch 5 gp

Spells Known Banned Schools=Enchantment and Necromancy
1st- Feather Fall, Magic Weapon (Spell Mastery) , Color Spray, Silent Image, Shocking Grasp, True Strike, Identify, Mage Armor (Spell Mastery), Protection from Evil, Magic Missile (Spell Mastery), Enlarge Person
2nd- Fox's Cunning, Bull's Strength, Knock, Invisibility, See Invisibility, Hypnotic Pattern, Scorching Ray
3rd- Fireball, Haste, Fly, Major Image, Dispell Magic, Keen Edge

Spells Prepared (Standard Travelling List)
0- Mage Hand, Read Magic, Detect Magic, Detect Magic
1st- Feather Fall, Color Spray, Mage Armor, True Strike, Magic Weapon (Trans.)
2nd- See Invisibility, Hypnotic Pattern, Scorching Ray, Bull's Strength(Trans.)
3rd- Dispell Magic, Fireball, Haste (Trans)
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